i am also still learning but from my understanding if the mantra is designed specifically to tie the two parties together maybe transmit awareness states perhaps it serves itself. From what i know, bhakti facilitates being absorbed in to the deity, losing ego or destroying your active (ego) consciousness for the subtlety, the sublime and to see with the eyes of your idol- this mantra has too much idols it’s like it’s designed for a power hunt!!
i also believe "energy" as in a term from people who associate with it, it makes for a great explanation of the happenings but if you use a mantra consider chanting it (in a really extreme way- not loud but) till your whole body vibrates, like you want it badly to aid the alignment with the deva. Using it the way i mentioned will connect different circuits aligning your space and surroundings as well as affecting your blood to restructure itself, but i don’t recommend using this mantra
then maybe you can see the deva if you are in a half asleep state a bit detached from the consistent mind - to catch the transmission, so the idea of treating the mantras as energies is not a good approach, at a molecular level reality doesn’t really exist it’s simply observation (maya) illusion!
not to go far off in to deeper esoteric thinking
but i feel like the term energy has caused a great confusion and damage in many communities. It originates from theoretical people who fail to understand the direct observations of the onlookers who exist before the term energy spread as theoretical constructs to help their academic ideas or discussions. The saints were very serious in their bhakti and didn’t experiment around with things like curiously "power hunting"
there’s an entire energy cult in existence
if you want to experiment with different samahdi or turya states just try sensory deprivation but when we call upon the deities it is something serious and wonderful and they are real manifestations of the many aspects of maha deva.
There are more esoteric things you can learn directly from a deva so bhakti for siddhi but i am inclined to say leave combinations of these kinds of power mantras,
but i could be wrong so do research because i don’t know the culture in india so i don’t want to be offend what you practice