Dr. Renuka,
After seeing your other postings I see that you are in real life a Medical Doctor, well versed in Sanskrit and our Vedic Scriptures.
My salutations and congratulations to you for your intelligence and knowledge.
I believe some research is going in the field of human thought and whether it can be transmitted between two humans.
With regard to this though, I first of all have a more fundamental thought.
A person born completely blind, with eye as a sensory organ completely shut off, what does the blind person perceive as the colors, like red, blue, green etc. Because all that wee sense is interpreted by our thoughts to correspond to some stored info in the brain.
So that may be a cue to understand how thought can be transmitted and what is its medium.
Now that I am retired I am free to focus on this interesting subject of Science and Spirituality in this thread line of discussions.
Dear Ray,
Thank you for your encouraging words.
There has already been studies in that direction about transmission of thought waves from human to human.
I believe its entire possible after all that is how signals are transmitted and we get audio visual images.
I have even seen a video long back about thought waves been transformed into visual images.
The saying goes..what the brain does not perceive the brain does not know.
Therefore someone who is entirely blind from birth would have no idea what colors look like..becos his visual centre in the brain has never been exposed to it BUT when one sense organ is down..the others became more receptive and some who are visually impaired are said to be able to "feel" colors...some people are also known to be able to "smell' colors..so its all depends on how we perceive and process input in our brain or mind.
But at the same time I always wondered...we Hindus believe that mind stores all data from each birth and some are habits called Vasanas...so what if a person was NOT blind in a previous birth and his mind stored all visual data...how come when in this birth when he is blind he is NOT able to tap into the stored visual data of his previous life?
That shows that to a great extent existence does follow physical laws.
For most actions even the thought to do something for example picking up a pen..the thought of doing it sets off a relay of neuronal transmission via a process called depolarization and signals are transmitted and also received.
Now even if we drag in philosophy the Pranamaya Kosha(Sheath of Prana) is in between the Annamaya Kosha(Gross Sheath) and the Manomaya Kosha(Mental Sheath).
In philosophy the Prana is supposed to be the "subtle transmitter" to transmit thoughts from the mind to the brain.
According to Paramhamsa Yogananda, Prana is supposedly negatively charged...interestingly depolarization in transmission of impulses in human cells also involves a negative shift in charge.
Yes...I too like Science and Spirituality..there is some missing link still but I still am very much evidence based in my perception.