Welcome to our community. I was very happy to see people like you to come forward to help our community. I am really proud of you.
Welcome to our community. I was very happy to see people like you to come forward to help our community. I am really proud of you.
Hello there!
I am writing to you all from Mississauga, canada...I am from Tanjavore and have alwasy felt the pride of being a brahmin. It is something that am born as and I see no reason to hide behind a false cover.
I am noticing more and more from several tamizh branhimns who hesitate to openly admit to being brahmins - perhaps due to the prejusice that is prevailant. I would like, on the other hand, to let the world know I am a brahmin and that I can do wonderful things that only I can do as a member of the brahmin community.
for now, let me sign off...