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Introduction to Vedic Astrology

The astrologers who has good command and expertise in predicting "Varshaphalam" do this kind of predictions. I am not good at that. It requires a lot of compilation of statistics and data and lot of patience to give do such kind of predictions..
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Here is the technique adopted by astrologers in calculating the Varshaphal. Source:

The Varshphala or the Annual Horoscope as it may be called, is one of the scores of techniques of Vedic Astrology employed to understand the occurrence of future events. The Varshphala is more popular in northern India, though it is used everywhere. The annual horoscopy differs from rest in the fact that that it picks up one particular year of a native's life and examine it in more minute details. Going in to more minutest details, each month of a particular year, and further, each day or half a day during a month, may be subjected to astrological scrutiny for the clearest view of the events, and their closest timing possible. Annual horoscope is widely implemented in Career planning, travel planning, work planning and job planning and various other important aspects of life.
[TD="width: 100%, colspan: 2"] The usual horoscope is cast for the time of birth of a native. The Varshphala, however is solar based. In other words, it is the position of the sun that is of significance here.
The solar year for a native begins every time the Sun returns to the same longitude as it had at the time of the native's birth. Between this time and the next solar return is covered by one annual chart or the Varsha-Kundlani. The time of solar return is technically called Varshapravesha, which literally means of 'entry of the year'.
The varshphal or the annual horoscope is a branch of astrology which has been mainly in vogue in the northern India.
The longitude of the Sun at the birth forms the basis of annual chart. The annual chart for any given year of the native's life is the horoscope cast for the moment when the sun attains, during that year, the same longitudes are done on the sidereal or Niryana basis. The use of Chitrapaksha ayanmsha(as employed in the Lahiris' Indian Ephemeris) has also given good results.
The solar cycle has a duration of three hundred and sixty five days, six hours, nine minutes and about ten seconds. In other words, the Sun takes this length of time to complete one round of the twelve signs of the zodiac. After this duration of time , the sun will return to its original position.[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%, colspan: 2"]Steps involved in preparing an annual chart[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%, colspan: 2"]The first requirement is the construction of birth chart along with dashas and antar dashas. Next come the determination of Varshaparvesha (year entry). Finally, a chart is prepared for the Varshapravesha so obtained.[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%, colspan: 2"]The Muntha The muntha is an important point in the annual chart. It is located in the lagna at the time of the birth. Each year , the Muntha progress by one rashi. thus, when the second year of life begins(i.e. at the first birthday), the muntha has progressed into the rashi falling in the second house from the birth lagna. At the commencement of the third year of birth, the muntha is in the sign falling in the third house from the birth lagna and so on.
In the annual chart, the Muntha is located in the house where its rashi falls, after calculating this rashi considering the birth ascendant and the year of life in question. There are various computer softwares available in market for calculation of Muntha[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%, colspan: 2"]The Muntha Lord[/TD]
The lord of the sign in which the Muntha is located is called the Muntha Lord. In the annual chart, the muntha lord yields desirable or adverse results according to its location, strength , and other planetary influences on it. The results accruing from the Muntha Lord depending on its location are briefly described below.
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The Dasha System:

In Varshaphal several dahas have been described as of relevance to the anyual chart. Of these three are more pollar.
1.The Mudda Dasha
2. The Yogini Dsha
3. The Patyayini Dasha.
The Mudha Dasha and Yogini Dasha are nakshtra based dashas and depended on the Birth Nakshtra. They are equivalent of similar dashas ( like Vimshotari and YOgini Dasha) in the birth chart with the difference of that period reduced by one year. The Mudda Dasha is the most popular of the three dashas mentioned above.[/TD]

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[TD="width: 100%, colspan: 2"]Planetary Strengths Planets give favourable or adverse results depending upon the strength or weakness in the annual chart. Three different methods are employed for determining the planetary strength in the annual chart. The most popular of which is Pancha Vargiya Bala or the five-fold strength of a planet.[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%, colspan: 2"]The Lord of the year The lord of the year also called Varshesha or the Varsheshwara, is an important planet in the annual chart. It is supposed to significantly influence the events that takes place during the year. A strong Varsha Lord ensures success, prosperity and good health throughout the year in question, while a weak one indicates the reverse. The Varsha lord is selected out of five planets which holds special significance during the year.[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%, colspan: 2"]There are certain rules for selecting the Year Lord[/TD]
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(1) It should be strongest of office-bearers.
(2) It should, at the time, aspect the Varsha Lagna.
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[TD="colspan: 2"] The Tri-Pataki Chakara The Tri-pataki chakra (or the Tri-pataki map) consists of a special charting of various planets as located in the birth chart in relation to the ascendant in the annual chart. The planets are progressed by one sign every year starting from position at birth. The application and analysis of the Tri-pataki gives a very broad overview of the nature of events likely to dominate one particular year. While the Vedha to any planet or the lagna can be determined by charting the planets on the Tri-pataki, it is customary only to consider the various planetary influences on the Moon, or sometimes on the ascendant. [/TD]

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Three parallel lines are drawn vertically. Across these are drawn three parallel lines horizontally. The ends of these lines are joined as shown in Figure below in next post

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[TD="width: 100%, colspan: 2, align: justify"] tripati.gif

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On the top of three vertical lines, customarily, small flags are drawn. The word pataka means 'a flag'; the prefix Tri means 'three'. This forms the Tri-pataki map.
[TD="colspan: 2"]Marking the Rashis The central flag (marked 'a') represents the ascendant in the annual chart. The sign rising at the time of Varshapravesha is marked here. The remaining signs are marked in order, in an anti-clockwise fashion, along the points 'b', 'c', 'd', etc. This forms the skeleton on which the progressed planets will be located.[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%, colspan: 2"]The Yogas The clue to successful predictions on the basis of the Varshphala lies in proper understanding of the Tajika Yogas. sixteen such yogas or planetary configurations are described in the Tajika texts. These yogas from as a result of specific disposition or placement of planets in relation to each other. Most of these Yogas depend on the mutual Tajika aspects between planets, and on their special orbs of influence. These yogas are as appropriately applicable to Horary chart as they are to the annual chart. The hundreds of yogas as employed in the Parashari system are generally not considered in the Tajika chart. Equally so, the Tajika yogas do not find their use generally in the analysis of the annual chart.[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%, colspan: 2"]There are Sixteen Yogas which are commonly used :[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%, colspan: 2"](1) The Ikabala Yoga (2) The Induvara Yoga (3) The Ithasala Yoga (4) The Ishrafa Yoga (5) The Nakta Yoga (6) The Yamaya Yoga (7) The Manau Yoga (8) The Kamboola Yoga (9) The Gairi-Kamboola Yoga (10) The Khallasara Yoga (11) The Rudda Yoga (12) The Duphali-Kuttha Yoga (13) The dutthottha - Davira Yoga (14) The Tambira Yoga (15) The Kuttha Yoga (16) The Durpaha Yoga[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%, colspan: 2"]The Sahams[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%, colspan: 2"] The Sahams are the sensitive points arrived at by certain manipulation of the longitudes of the various planets and the cusp of the ascendant (or, sometimes, of other houses). Different , though specific, manipulations yield different Sahams. Each Saham then holds sway over one particular event of life during the year indicated by the annual chart. Thus, such varied events as marriage, child birth, fame, travel, illness, death, and the like, are each ruled by a specific Saham.
The number of Sahams recommended for application to an annual chart varies from one author on annual horoscope to another. thus, whereas Venkatesh describes forty-eight Sahams, Keshava makes a mention of only twenty-five, while Neelakantha describes fifty Sahams.[/TD]
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[TD="width: 85%"]It is generally not necessary to calculate all the sahams described in the texts, in a given annual chart. The practitioners of the Tajika pick up only the relevant sahams pertaining to a particular year of life of native, and analyse them.

Entire article on Varshaphala is sourced from:
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The methodology referred to in posts no. 353 to 358 for calculating Varshaphal is used for calculating annual results for a particular individual charts. The prediction for whole year for a nation or individuals in general are also predicted in Panchangam which is normally released at the beginning of every tamil year Chithirai (Panchangams like Pambu panchangam etc..) Similar Panchangams are released during the Malayalam month of Chingam in Kerala and during their respective Saka Varsha beginning in North India. The techniques are more or less similar but some mundane astrology is also applied to calculate events in such Panchangams.
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Let us now discuss the results of placement of each lords in different houses. Like what will be the results of Ist lord in 1st house,2nd,3rd like that. That way we are going to see placement of each lords in each house which will give use 144 different chart formations. It is going to be very interesting.
Lagna lord in different houses

(1) In Lagna It self:

Lagna represents the native himself/herself. The placement of Lagna Lord is therefore althemore important consideration in any chart.The placement of Lagna lord is thus influence the native’s ideals and intelligence focused on that area of life, represented by the concerned house.

These results will also apply to the Lord of the constellation and sign occupied by the Lord of the ascendant. Matters concerning the mind (e.g. intelli­gence, enemies, fortunes etc) shall be more evident from the Lord of the Constellation whereas those concerning the physical body shall be seen from the Lord of the sign.

1. Lagna lord in Lagna: If the Lagna Lord is in Lagna itself, the native will be endowed with physical happiness (deha sukha) and prowess (bhuja vikrami). He will be intelligent (manasvi), fickle-minded (chanchala), will have two wives (dvibharya) and will unite with other females (parago).

The Lagna is the place of ideals, intelligence, vitality etc. Whenever the Lagna lord is placed in the Lagna, the native is endowed with high energy, vitality, good health and strong ideals. They are also intelligent as they the lord of intelligence is placed in the house of intelligence. They are always in pursuit of realizing their ideals and lead a principled life. Usually they are not seemed to compromise with their principles and hence they are very difficult to convince on ideas alien to their own.

Lagna lord behaves like both Sun and the Moon and while the Lagna lord placed in the Lagna, it carries the effect of the Sun and the Moon on the Lagna. Thus it gives, intelligence and vitality as represented by Sun, however also Moodiness and fickle mindedness as represented by the Moon’s influence on the Lagna.

In addition, Moon influence on the Lagna also gives the urge to have sex with multiple partners. Thus, for the significance of the multiple sexual partners to be valid, Moon should also be strong and influence the Lagna. This indication is strengthened if Mars is influenced by Venus or Mercury is under the influence by Moon. Here, influence means aspect, conjunction or placement in Trine.

Since Lagna also represents the body of the native, the intelligence of the person is focused in maintaining the body and they are constantly in effort to keep their body fit and beautiful. They spend a lord money in procuring the materials which would make their body fit and presentable.

Pardon this intrusion.
Will Prime Minister Modi succeed?
Can the black money economy come under control? Will India become very powerful ?
Just curious if a country's future can be predicted
Dear Shri a-TB,

Generally speaking and keeping politics apart, I strongly believe, he should. I don't think the black money could be earadicatd with this single stroke. It is an unending process and this should be seen as a beginning. Even if these measures brings in 10 to 20% reduction in holding of black money it should be treated as success, is my opinion. That way I believe it has already started showing the results as huge volume of cash which remained stashed so far has come to banking system and now could be tracked. Agreed it is not the end of money stashing, as reports are pouring in where number of people have been caught hoarding new currencies as well. Still I think, they are unable to leave a trace less track and that's why are being caught. So that amounts or indicates some success to the new measures being taken. Critisism will be there, atleast that's why the critics are there for.But I
still think things are proceeding towards some sort of positivity only. India was powerful, is powerful and will remain powerful is what I have to say in this regard. Two countries got freedom almost on the same time, if you draw comparision between the two you will understand the facts. Many countries become indipendent before and after India became one and one can easily see where India stands now, compared to other.

Since you have posted your views in this particular thread, I know your intent is to get them analyzed through the astrological prospects which I am doing now and let you know the results soon. Astrologers do predict countries prospects through certain tools like Varshaphal etc. I have already admitted that I am not that good at using that tool. Even though since the queries are posted here let me attempt it and let me share whatever I find along with my reasoning for the same.
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Dear Shri a-TB,

I am sorry, the analysis requested by you took a little time. Un like positng general chapters, this one needed some special attention as I wanted to ensure myself not to post anything controversial here. So here is my analysis as per my understanding. I know many of us keep very vast knowledge on the subject. Please let me know incase you come across anything contrary to the set rules of Varshaphal/astrology.

For the sake of Analyzing the chart of India, astrologers have taken the time of birth of our nation as 00 .00 hrs, 15[SUP]th[/SUP] August 1947 with place of birth as Delhi and derived a D-1 chart. Accordingly various aspects are analyzed and results are predicted. As per that chart Ascendant becomes Taurus the ruler of which is Venus and becomes our Lagna Lord. The characteristics of Venus aptly fits into the vivid Natural and mineral resources and cultural versatilities of our Country. Economy also comes under the jurisdiction of Venus. It also relates to health and general welfare. Venus is also an important factor in the field of advancement in science and technology. If we analyze the chart the Lagna Lord Venus posited in 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] house and is in good company of 4[SUP]th[/SUP] lord Sun, 9[SUP]th[/SUP] & 10[SUP]th[/SUP] Lord Saturn,2[SUP]nd[/SUP] and 5[SUP]th[/SUP] lord Mercury and 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] lord Moon itself apart from being Lagna lord and 6[SUP]th[/SUP] lord himself. Thus he becomes capable of influencing and also getting influenced by almost 8 out of 12 houses thus making it a power full combination. It is interesting to see that India is an agricultural based country and the sign Taurus is indicator of that. Despite all that Venus has some draw backs as well like placed in enemy sign and multiple influence of various other house lords makes it some of its power which is reflected in overall ups and downs in business as well as other fronts of the country. 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] house represents initiatives and L L placed in 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] house makes it stronger to take initiative. India has taken initiatives in many fields. NAM and BRICK etc are certain examples of India leading from front. Third house also represents courage and bravery which India never fall short.
Looking at the transit chart, Rahu transits in our 4th house and aspects 8[SUP]th[/SUP] 10[SUP]th[/SUP] and 11[SUP]th[/SUP] houses which indicate an impact on self esteem and pride. Various instances like terror strikes on Uri, Pathankot and many other internal disturbances could be attributed to this formation. ( Rahu was just about to transit into 4[SUP]th[/SUP] house when Pathankot incidence took place in January)
Similarly Rahu’s influence could create unexpected pressures on work or labour front which could adversely affect productivity which is quite evident during the current year. It also indicates unrest and civil rebellion (like in J&K, Jhat and Gujjar agitations etc) However Jupiter’s aspect on Lagna takes care of many adversities and gives it strength to fight back. Transit Jupiter during its placement in 4[SUP]th[/SUP] house also helps improvement and betterment in many fields in economic and social fronts. Recent industrial boost and level greater of cooperation with foreign countries could be attributed to that. It also has an aspect on 10[SUP]th[/SUP] representing career. Job front (mainly government employees were all in cheers due to increase in 7[SUP]th[/SUP] CPC) also indicates good prospects during the initial period of the year although some difficulties indicated at the end of the year due to expected transit of Saturn.
Since Varshaphala is mostly based upon transit of Sun, all the “Sankramams” i.e Makara,Mesha,Tula Sankramams (means transit of Sun on these Rasis) are to be watched carefully for adverse incidents. Transit of Saturn and Jupiter also contributes the results on this account.
In General, it would be a great for India with important achievements in scientific and social fronts. Although over all economic stability is not worrisome, exchange rates of money could adversely impact our interests somewhere near June. More stringent measures to control parallel economy could prove counterproductive and may lead in to uneasiness and restlessness in financial matters.
Relation with neighboring countries is going to be another disturbing factor during the year. Based upon the position of Mars and other factors, a serious conflict with a neighboring country as well as some severe disturbance of peace within the country is more prominent. Civil disturbances and calamities could cause unwanted heavy expenditure of money and manpower on the exchequer. Religion/cast based differences and frequent clashes between people due this may increase.
Losses both due to less rain and excess of rain in many parts of the country can be expected. Scarcity of food articles may arise during last quarter of the year.
Nation is also set to mourn loss of some famous personalities during the year.
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Dear Mr Ganesh:

Thanks so much.
There is so much information to analyze and cross check.

Do you do this as a hobby or you are a professional astrologer?

If you have a website for people to consult you for your analysis, kindly share
Hi there, a-TBji.

More than a hobby astrology is my passion. I am not a full time astrologer, but I do have a limited selective clintele for whom I provide my services mainly because of my personal contacts. I work as Dy. controller of Finance for a local self Government organisation in Delhi so get very limited time to promote my passion. I also take classes on astrology to around 20 students during weekends and we do some researches on this field collectively. Some members of this forum has also volunteered to share their horoscope detais for this. We are now doing researches on (1) special charasteristics of people born on Abhijeet Nakshtra, (2) Factors on a horoscope which helps neutralising the effects of Mangal Dosha other than already known ones,(3) Influence of Mars on 5th house (other than ones so far established)and exceptions. etc. I also conduct some Veda/cultural classes where some TB children are being taught Rudram, Chamakam Upanishads, Bhagawat Geeta, Narayaneeyam etc. Besides that I also need to spare some time for little social activity by an NGO in which some of my close friends are very eagerly associated. That makes a bit difficult for me to maintain a seperate web site which requires constant monitoring and quick responses. Over all I am a "Jack of all, but Master of none" sort of a person, who keeps peeping into everything and achieving nothing big, if you ask me. Most of the time I devot to this forum, is those breaks I get during my office hours. So I am practically in no position to take up analysis of personal horoscopes. However many members of this forum keeps mailing me with certain queries which I used to attend as time permits. Well, I may start my own blog some time in future . Till then I am accessible at "[email protected]". Replies of which, one will get only at my convenience, which I hope you will understand...
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To Ganesh65,

This is wrt your posts 363 and 364; which am not able to agree with. Could you please explain which ayanamsa have you used (chitrapaksha / krishnamurthy paddhati (old/new) / raman / any other one)? Would be nice to know reason for your choice -- any particular reason why you are using whichever ayanamsa you are using?
Dear Sri Ganesh,
Very interesting thread. I am a student of astrology myself. I am visiting this forum after a long time, and have not yet gone through the entire thread. Will post in detail after I go through it at my leisure.

But to start with, I believe that the knowledge of Astrology gives us three major benefits

1) Convincing us of the origin of the world from that allpowerful, omniscient Vishnu
2) Revealing to us our known and unknown strengths and weaknesses, thus helping us to use / improve on them and thus live a fulfilling life
3) Throwing light on difficult dashas - antardashas and thus helping us get ready to face the trials with equanimity and trust in God.
Welcome, Shri KRN,

So far I am the only major contributor to this thread. Please do participate and try to post as much material as you can so that the thread becomes active. As I have mentioned elsewhere the principal aim of this thread is to spread awareness about this science so that people don't get cheated in the name of astrology.
Dear Shri Ganesh

Thank you for the message. Since you said you are doing research on the influence of Kuja on the 5th house, I have a query for you. What would be your general predictions, for
2nd and 3rd lord Sani; and
5th lord Kuja aspecting the 5th house, where Ketu is situated.

Does it portend some spinal injury in Sani dasha ?
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To Ganesh65,

This is wrt your posts 363 and 364; which am not able to agree with. Could you please explain which ayanamsa have you used (chitrapaksha / krishnamurthy paddhati (old/new) / raman / any other one)? Would be nice to know reason for your choice -- any particular reason why you are using whichever ayanamsa you are using?

I use Chitrapaksha/N C Lahiri ayanamsa for my calculation. Will you please clarify your extent of disagreement ?
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Dear Shri Ganesh

Thank you for the message. Since you said you are doing research on the influence of Kuja on the 5th house, I have a query for you. What would be your general predictions, for
2nd and 3rd lord Sani; and
5th lord Kuja aspecting the 5th house, where Ketu is situated.

Does it portend some spinal injury in Sani dasha ?

Dear Shri KRN,

In general all the factors ,the 5th house, Mars & Saturn referred above relates and leads to events related to Spine. Like we examine spine related matters from 5th house,Saturn is a Vata (airy) planet and is looked for bones and joints, Rheumatism, arthritis, gout, paralysis, deformation, among other things, Mars is the planet related to injuries, blood etc. However it will not be wise to reach any conclusion on the basis of these factors only. We need to analyse the position of Sun ( A weak sun could also influence and cause bone fracture and it is mportant to see the placement of sun), again the Lagna Lord and its status along with other things also to be seen. Aspect of Jupiter nullifies effects of many evil combinations. Here with the combinations given by you suggests Jupiter will also be the Lagna Lord.

Many important events are occured during the Maha Dasha of the concerned house lord (although its happening during antar/pratyantar dasha could not be ruled out) Matters relating to spine are looked into with 5th house characteristics. Here it is Maha Dasha of Saturn which is 2nd and 3rd lord. So the probability of giving results of 2nd and 3rd house is more compared to that of 5th house.

Aspect of lord of the house strengthens and protects the characteristics of the house. Here we have the Mars aspecting the 5th house should ensure the characteristics of the house are not damaged.

Presence of Ketu in 5th definitely suggests some difficulties as it is in Ketu's charecteristics to cause spinal deceases/injuries nervous disorders and surgeries. Any house in Rahu/Ketu axis is tend to loose/reduce its beneficial results.

Again injury like the one to spine demands hospitalisation. So the 6/8/12 combination also need to come in to picture. Hence position of Venus and Moon is required for precise analysis(12 L is Mars and its position is known).
I use Chitrapaksha/N C Lahiri ayanamsa for my calculation. Will you please clarify your extent of disagreement ?
Dear Sir, there is a very good paper on the Ayanamsa controversy. It is a classic piece by Chandra Hari and is available here https://issuu.com/aumsiva/docs/ayanamsa

For concise reading, there are very good posts why Lahiri (aka Chitrapaksha) is not used by some:
(1) http://www.indiadivine.org/content/topic/1208818-lahiriayanamsa-puzzle-bv-raman-is-right/ -- He is a proponent of Raman Ayanamsa.
(2) http://www.indiadivine.org/content/topic/1234637-ayanamsha-which-one-is-correct-ramankplahiri/ -- He appears to be a proponent of Chandra Hari ayanamsa.

There is also a very good book called "Rise of The Native: Algorithmic Astrology". Written by Dev Bhattacharya. It is available for free on google books; and helps compute if you have your own changes to make to your chosen ayanamsa.

As you can note, sometimes the lagna itself can change if you take Raman Ayanamsa instead of Lahiri (Chitrapaksha).

In this case, for 15th Aug 1947, 12:01 AM, New Delhi, you will get different chart for Navamsam under Lahiri (chitrapaksha) and different under Raman. Once you see the chart, you will be able to interpret yourself.

There may be other methods of fixing ayanamsa also. Therefore, all said, am in full agreement with KRN's post in this thread.

Thanks mssg for your clarification. I am aware about these factors of differences in variyous methods of calculations under these ayanamsas. Somehow I am more comfortable with Chitrapaksha Ayanamsa only as it helps me to reach reasuts with better accuracy. More over it is derived from Soorya Sidhantha and followed since vedic times. N C Lahiri adopted this system only as he also found the star Spica is the same which is known as Chitra in our system. This dosn't mean that we totally discard other system. The dispute is there and people comfortable with other pattern doing it their way. In case you are familiar with all these systems please try and co relate some of major incidents happend in free India and analyze the timing of the events under both the systems and find it your self. You may choose incidences like death of Mahatma Gandhi, Lal Bhadur Shastri, J.L Nehru, Indo-Pak wars, declaration of emergency, Tsunami incidence etc. Just see the timing of incidences and let me know your results which one is more convenient and nearer to accuracy. Again we take the India time as 00.00 hours and not 00.01 hours under N.C Lahiri. By the way which post of KRN you are referring to?
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Thanks mssg for your clarification. I am aware about these factors of differences in variyous methods of calculations under these ayanamsas. Somehow I am more comfortable with Chitrapaksha Ayanamsa only as it helps me to reach reasuts with better accuracy. More over it is derived from Soorya Sidhantha and followed since vedic times. N C Lahiri adopted this system only as he also found the star Spica is the same which is known as Chitra in our system. This dosn't mean that we totally discard other system. The dispute is there and people comfortable with other pattern doing it their way. In case you are familiar with all these systems please try and co relate some of major incidents happend in free India and analyze the timing of the events under both the systems and find it your self. You may choose incidences like death of Mahatma Gandhi, Lal Bhadur Shastri, J.L Nehru, Indo-Pak wars, declaration of emergency, Tsunami incidence etc. Just see the timing of incidences and let me know your results which one is more convenient and nearer to accuracy. Again we take the India time as 00.00 hours and not 00.01 hours under N.C Lahiri. By the way which post of KRN you are referring to?
Namaskaram Shri Ganesh, I have no issue with your using Lahiri (chitrapaksha; where spica is in the middle of chitra always) or Lahiri (traditional). Lahiri (chitrapaksha) is the most preferred ayanamsa by many astrologers. Am not sure if this was followed in vedic times; since the surya siddhanta was compiled / composed by varahamihira sometime in the 6th century AD with unmistakable Greek influence. The very name Varahamihira is unusual. Very little is known of him or his father Adityadasa; though the names may suggest iranian influence. It is very possible in the centuries preceding varahamihira there was confluence of knowledge systems between the greeks-persians-indoaryans as can be expected from the territories of kushan empire, gupta empire, etc. However, to claim Lahiri (chitrapaksha) ayanamsa was already in use in vedic times seems somewhat far fetched as of now. It is not necessary that all of the many vedic tribes should have composed a brahmana, or used astronomy for predictive astrological purposes, or even for mentioning date / muhurtam (from panchangam when performing a ritual). As for comparing with past incidents, Lahiri (chitrapaksha) may not fulfill all the criteria you mention. Perhaps it is better to just disagree and move on instead of digressing. Time of Birth for India at 00.00 need not be correct either. Date taken at 15th Aug 1947 need not be correct either. Time of birth is not when baby's head crowns, comes out, or when umbilical cord is cut. It is when the baby cries, taking in prana vayu into his lungs and becoming alive in his own being for the first time. Therefore the common approach of taking 15th Aug 1947 need not be correct. It could be 26th Jan 1950 at the time when Purna Swaraj was proclaimed as well as came into being with India's own constitution. All said, we are only players. Hence, am in agreement with Shri KRN's post (post 368). Am sorry should have mentioned which post earlier. Thanks and best wishes.

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