Dear Iyya Sir,
What you say is very true. I shall tell my experience. I am never scared of crossing busy main roads near our house. Once my friend
told me that people having my birth star will meet with accidents because of some planetary positions; fear cropped up in my mind.
I had to overcome that fear with great difficulty!
We can overcome fear of any kind with right knowledge.
In general if a person is more open minded to others without proper discrimination then they are likely to be affected by claims/spells of any kind including all kinds of made up superstitions. Belief in superstitions is about weakness and such unfounded beliefs (that is faith) makes a person a true atheist per Swami Vivekananda
Let me provide a couple of quotes from Swami Vivekananda's speeches. I had to memorize some of these passage in 8th grade for a competition (I am only providing part of it) . I did not win the competition but it stayed with me though !
Strength, strength is what the Upanishads speak to me from every page.
This is the one great thing to remember, it has been the one great lesson. I have
been taught in my life, strength, it says, strength. O man, be not weak. Stand up
and be strong. Ay, it is the only literature in the world where you find the word
‘Abhih’, fearless, used again and again; in other scriptures in the world is the
adjective either to God or to man. Abhih, fearless ! strength, strength for us.
What we need is strength, who will give us strength ? Therefore, my friends as
one of your blood, as one that lives and dies with you, let me tell you that we
want strength, strength, and every time strength. And the Upanishads are the
great mine of strength.
Arise, awake and stop not till the desired end is reached. Be bold and fear
not. Arise, awake, for your country needs this tremendous sacrifice. It is the
young men that will do it “the young, the energetic, the strong, the well-built,
the intellectual.” Arise, awake the world is calling upon you. Think not that you
are poor, that you have no friends. The moment you fear you are nobody. It is
fear that is the great cause of misery in the world. It is fear that is the greatest
of all superstitions. It is fear that is the cause of our woes, and it is fearlessness
that brings heaven even in a moment.
In another talk he said this
The Vedanta teaches men to have faith in themselves first. As certain religions of the world say that a man who does not believe in a Personal God outside of himself is an atheist, so the Vedanta says, a man who does not believe in himself is an atheist. Not believing in the glory of our own soul is what the Vedanta calls atheism.
He is an atheist who does not believe in himself. The old religions said that he was an atheist who did not believe in God. The new religion says that he is an atheist who does not believe in himself. But it is not selfish faith, beause the Vedanta, again, is the doctrine of Oneness. It means faith in all, because you are all.