Excerpts from my book 'Inspiring Palita Perspectives'
The common theme running through several ancient Indian scriptures can be summed up as follows: They ask us to be detached “observers” or “witnesses” to the actions of ourselves and others. Such an observer is our ‘Guru’. The observer is also embedded in the blueprint/design pattern of the Universe’s evolution as explained in texts like samkhya kArika.
Is there a design pattern in the Universe's evolution? If so, can we begin to understand/comprehend it? If we can comprehend it, is there anything to be learnt from it? What does its existence mean for the nature of the Universe- is it purely deterministic or is there room for randomness? Empirical observations show us that randomness is manifest in our universe and even in our consciousness. How can we reconcile these seemingly opposite conclusions?
The fundamental design pattern of the universe contains three essential components - evolution or change, an observer/witness that facilitates evolution but is unaffected by evolution, and an object(s) that is subject to evolution. This design mantra is repeatedly observed across ideas in different domains, ranging from quantum physics to the theory of mind and everything in between. This design mantra is what is described in saMkhya kArika.
How does the observer facilitate evolution without even interacting with the object..? It does so by influencing the tri-gunas of the object of evolution. For example, all such evolutionary modifications in the Universal matter forms arise from either change in entropy, energy or mass.
Thus, in Universe’s terms, triguna are Entropy (sattva), Energy (rajas) and Mass (tama). In Universal matter evolution terms it is Adityam/Stellar nucleosynthesis/Increase in entropy, Candram (Rocks without atmosphere)/spreading of energy and Krishnam (planets that give rise to biological beings). In biological evolution terms it is Virus/that have only genetic material but no metabolism, bacteria/that metabolize energy on their own and more massive beings. Amongst the massive beings it is Udbhijam (beings that arise on own through division), andajam (animals and plants that arise from seeds or eggs) and jIvajam (mammals including human). In Human civilisation development, it is Fire (Sattva), Water (Rajas) and Food (Tamas). In thoughts terms, the triguna are Knowledge/Information (sattva), Passion/Energy (rajas) and ignorance (tamas). The impact of the tri-gunas and their modification is seen across all domains of matter and beings, like wheels within wheels, which is explained with several examples in Chandogya Upanishad Chapter 6 later.
This essay collection contains texts and relevant translations from several sources like Samkhya kArika, Guru Gita, Ashtavakra gita, Chandogya Upanishad, Vishnu SahasranAma and Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. While I only quote them selectively, these individual sources have generated a vast trove of literature/commentaries by themselves. In my translations and understanding, the complete texts also reinforce the very thoughts presented here in this discussion.
The common theme running through several ancient Indian scriptures can be summed up as follows: They ask us to be detached “observers” or “witnesses” to the actions of ourselves and others. Such an observer is our ‘Guru’. The observer is also embedded in the blueprint/design pattern of the Universe’s evolution as explained in texts like samkhya kArika.
Is there a design pattern in the Universe's evolution? If so, can we begin to understand/comprehend it? If we can comprehend it, is there anything to be learnt from it? What does its existence mean for the nature of the Universe- is it purely deterministic or is there room for randomness? Empirical observations show us that randomness is manifest in our universe and even in our consciousness. How can we reconcile these seemingly opposite conclusions?
The fundamental design pattern of the universe contains three essential components - evolution or change, an observer/witness that facilitates evolution but is unaffected by evolution, and an object(s) that is subject to evolution. This design mantra is repeatedly observed across ideas in different domains, ranging from quantum physics to the theory of mind and everything in between. This design mantra is what is described in saMkhya kArika.
How does the observer facilitate evolution without even interacting with the object..? It does so by influencing the tri-gunas of the object of evolution. For example, all such evolutionary modifications in the Universal matter forms arise from either change in entropy, energy or mass.
Thus, in Universe’s terms, triguna are Entropy (sattva), Energy (rajas) and Mass (tama). In Universal matter evolution terms it is Adityam/Stellar nucleosynthesis/Increase in entropy, Candram (Rocks without atmosphere)/spreading of energy and Krishnam (planets that give rise to biological beings). In biological evolution terms it is Virus/that have only genetic material but no metabolism, bacteria/that metabolize energy on their own and more massive beings. Amongst the massive beings it is Udbhijam (beings that arise on own through division), andajam (animals and plants that arise from seeds or eggs) and jIvajam (mammals including human). In Human civilisation development, it is Fire (Sattva), Water (Rajas) and Food (Tamas). In thoughts terms, the triguna are Knowledge/Information (sattva), Passion/Energy (rajas) and ignorance (tamas). The impact of the tri-gunas and their modification is seen across all domains of matter and beings, like wheels within wheels, which is explained with several examples in Chandogya Upanishad Chapter 6 later.
This essay collection contains texts and relevant translations from several sources like Samkhya kArika, Guru Gita, Ashtavakra gita, Chandogya Upanishad, Vishnu SahasranAma and Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. While I only quote them selectively, these individual sources have generated a vast trove of literature/commentaries by themselves. In my translations and understanding, the complete texts also reinforce the very thoughts presented here in this discussion.
Amazon.com: Inspiring Palita Perspectives: A design pattern for evolution eBook : Balajee, Rajaram: Kindle Store
Amazon.com: Inspiring Palita Perspectives: A design pattern for evolution eBook : Balajee, Rajaram: Kindle Store
Inspiring Palita Perspectives: A design pattern for evolution: Balajee, Mr Rajaram: 9781671311855: Amazon.com: Books
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Inspiring Palita Perspectives: A design pattern for evolution eBook : Balajee, Rajaram: Amazon.in: Kindle Store
Inspiring Palita Perspectives: A design pattern for evolution eBook : Balajee, Rajaram: Amazon.in: Kindle Store