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saMkhya as a design pattern.. - Organ systems mapping..

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The earlier blog on saMkhya as a design pattern is here

I wanted to correct an 'error' that crept into vAyu -Organ system mapping in the previous blog. While I do that I also wanted to quote references for the same.

The primary purpose of this series is not ayurveda. It is to show that saMkhya is a design pattern of thermodhynamics with enthalpy, entropy, negentropy, organs of entropy and enthalpy, four energy potentials of thermodynamics, zero-point energy, measures of these energy whose combinations manifest the five states of matter.

But I also wanted to illustrate that this design pattern applies to a biological being also and that's the basis of ayurveda. Hence a bit extending into ayurveda.

Susruta samhita - Nidana SthAnam - Chapter 1

From the book

Now wc shall discourse on the Vatavyadhi- (diseases of the nervous system)

Having clasped the feet of the holy Dhanvantari, who had arisen out of the primordial ocean with the pitcher of ambrosia on his head, and who was the foremost of all knowers of truth, Sus'hruta interrogated him as follows :—"Tell me.O thou, the foremost of discoursers, all about the different locations and functions of the bodily Vayu (nerve force), both in its normal and agitated conditions, (as well as when it changes its natural seat through a concourse of disturbing or aggravating causes). Instruct me on the nature of distempers, which result from its deranged condition".

The holy Dhanvantari, the greatest of all healers, having listened to the foregoing words of Sus'hruta, replied as follows:—This vital Vayu (nerve force), which courses through the body, is self-begotten in its origin, and is regarded as identical with the divine energy of eternal life (God), in as much as it is unconditional and absolute in its actions and effects, eternal and self-origined, and is subtle and all-pervading (like the sky and the atoms). It is the primary factor, which determines the principle of cause and effect in all forms of created things, whether mobile or immobile. It is so called (VAyu) from the fact of its coursing (skr. Va—to move) throughout the universe. It determines the growth, origin and disintegration of all animated organisms, and
as such, it receives the homage of all created brings. Although invisible in itself, yet its works are patent or manifest.

My observations:

1. vAyu is vital energy of the body. It is self-begotten in its origin. It manifests in the body and identical with energy itself. It is characterized by 'movement'. It determines cause and effect in all beings. Like energy vAyu determines the growth, origin and disintegration of all animated organisms. It is invisible, but manifest.

Thus vAyu is similar to the thermodynamic energy potentials which propels growth, origin and disintegration of all matter, determines the cause and effect in them.

From the book

It abounds in the fundamental quality of Rajas (principle of cohesion and action), is of inconceivable prowess, propels all the deranged or obstructing principles (Doshas) in the organism, (or in other words, is primarily concerned with the deranged principles of the body which are pathogenic in their actions). It is instantaneous in its action, and radiates or courses through the organism in constant currents.

My observations

Like work done part of enthalpy (energy) fundamental quality of vAyu is Rajas (holding and moving, potential and kinetic). Like energy locked, held and released in matter is what is matter evolution, vAyu locked, held and released from body is what is bodily evolution.

From the book

Now, hear me describe the symptoms, which mark the Vayu, as it courses through the organism. The Vayu, in its normal or undisturbed condition, maintains a state of equilibrium between the different Doshas and the root principles of the body (Dhatu); it further tends to maintain uniform state in the metabolism of the body, (protoplasmic, Agni*) and helps the organs of sense-perception in discharging their specific functions.

The bodily Vayu, like the Pittam in the organism, is grouped under five different subheads according to the difference in its functions and locations, and is classified as the Prana, Udana. Samana, V}-ana and Apana. These five classes of Va\-u, located in their specific regions, contribute towards the integration and maintenance of the body.

My observations

vAyu (the energy of biological body) is located in different specific regions of the body with different functions, which we can call as 'organ systems'. These organ systems contribute towards integration and maintenance of the body. The organ systems are five. prAna, udAna, samAna, vyAna and apAna.

From the book:

The Prana Vayu :—The VAyuu that courses in (governs)the cavity of the mouth is called the Prana. its function being to force down the food into the cavity of the stomach, and to assist the different vitalising principles of the body- (such as the internal heat or fire etc ) in discharging their functions in life, and to contribute to the general sustenance of the body. A deranged condition of this particular kind of Vayu (Prana) is usually followed by hic-cough,dyspnea and other kindred distempers.

My observations

prAna is respiratory system, whose condition causes cough or asthma/copd (dyspnea). It is through throat, the cavity of mouth. It helps in separating breathing and swallowing and ensures food is forced on towards stomach.

From the book:

The Udana Vayu : —The most important of the vital Vayus, which courses (sends its vibrations) upward, is called the Udana. It produces speech, song, etc. In its deranged state it brings on diseases which are specifically confined to regions lying above the clavicles

My observations

udAna is the central nervous system. clavicle are the collar bones.

From the book:

The Samana Vayu :—The Samana Vayu courses in (governs) the stomach (Amashaya) and in the region of intestines (Pakvashaya). Its functions consist in digesting the chyme brought down into the intestines in unison with the digestive ferment (Agni), and especially in disintegrating its essence from its refuse or excreted matter. A deranged or aggravated condition of the
Samana Vayu causes dysentry, Gulma, and impaired digestion.

My observations

samAna is digestive system.

From the book:

The Vyana Vayu : —The VAyu known as the Vyana courses (.acts) through the whole organism, and its functions consist in sending the lymph chyle etc. all through the body and in helping the out-flow of blood (Asrik) and perspiration. Five kinds of movements* are ascribed to the action of the Vyana VAyu, a deranged condition of which is generally attended
with diseases which arc not confined to any particular region, member, or organ of the body-, but are found to affect the whole organism (such as, fever, etc).

My observations

vyAna is circulatory system that governs the blood flow and hence affects all parts of the body.

From the book:

The Apana Vayu :—The Vayu known as the Apana ads in the lower region of the intestines (Pakvadhana). Its functions consist in bearing down the faeces and evacuting the urine, semen and catamenial blood. An enraged condition of this Vayu tends to bring on .serious diseases, which are peculiar to the urinary bladder and the distal portion of the large intestine (Guda). An aggravated condition of both the Vyana and Apana Vaj-us may produce Prameha and disorders of the seminal fluid, while a simultaneous excitement of the five vital Vayus leads to a sure and speedy termination of life. 11-12.

My observation:

apAna vAyu is the renal system or more precisely the excretory system.

Errors in the last blog-Organ mapping

As I was writing several versions and improvising for the Aditya Hrdayam series, I had taken an earlier version for creating this article (under General Discussion) and ended up with some errors in organ mapping, tanmAtras in matter and in biological beings etc.

I had switched some of the organ system. I mentioned apAna as digestive system, while it is excretory/renal system, samAna as circulatory system while it is digestive system, vyAna as excretory/renal system while it is circulatory system. The explanation and rationale for these are provided above.

Also the energy system-vAyu mapping is this.

prAna - Internal Energy - Respiratory system - Processes gas
apAna - unavailable energy - Excretory/Renal system - Processes liquids
vyAna - available energy - Circulatory system - Processes plasma
udAna - zero-point energy - Central nervous system - Processes electric signals/virtual photons
samAna - work done energy - Digestive system - Processes solid

udAna, the central nervous system is the father of vyAna, the circulatory system. The son of vyAna is apAna the excretory/renal system.

Errors in tanmAtras

Vrtti are energy vortices (four thermodynamic energy potentials and zero-point energy). They are Internal Energy, Available Energy, Unavailable Energy, Work done Energy and zero-point Energy.

These energy vortices are made by five measures, called the five tanmAtras. The five tanmAtras or five measures that create the above energies. They are Internal Energy with which any system is made (U), its Pressure(P), its Volume (V), its Temperature (T) and its Entropy (S). These five measures are related to each other in thermodynamics in the following way.

Internal Energy with which any system is made = U
Unavailable Energy = Temperature * Entropy (T*S)
Work done energy = Pressure * Volume
Available energy = U+PV-TS
Energy available even at zero kelvin - Zero point energy.

The five measures of Internal Energy, Pressure, Volume, Temperature, Entropy are the five measures or five tanmAtras that make up all the five Vrttis. In turn, these five vrttis being in equilibrium, dis-equlibrium, non-equilibrium leads to five states of matter.

The Error I made in the last blog was to mention one of the tanmAtras as 'zero-point energy'. One of the tanmAtras is Internal Energy. Zero-point Energy is one of the Vrtti (energy vortex) which I had correctly mentioned.

TanmAtras of Human body

I had mentioned tanmAtras of human body as main tissue, connective tissue, nerves, ducts and blood-vessels. This was an intermediary understanding.

tanmAtras are 'measures' and not organs. The tanmAtras (five measures that make up) of human organs are

1. Body Temperature (equivalent to temperature T)
2. Blood Pressure in arteries (equivalent to Pressure)
3. Respiration rate of lungs (equivalent to volume)
4. Pulse rate/or some brain activity measure (equivalent to entropy)
5. Body weight (equivalent to Internal energy)

The above five are key measures of a human body like five measures of vrtti/energy vortex.



Vol. II.


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From the book:

The Udana Vayu : —The most important of the vital Vayus, which courses (sends its vibrations) upward, is called the Udana. It produces speech, song, etc. In its deranged state it brings on diseases which are specifically confined to regions lying above the clavicles

My observations

udAna is the central nervous system. clavicle are the collar bones.

When regions above the collar bone(clavicle) is quoted.. its denotes the Thyroid/Parathyroid gland.
Udana governs these glands which is important for Basal Metabolic Rate.

BTW the Udana is NOT the central nervous system.

Central Nervous System is much more complex than that.

The Sushumna Nadi co-relates to the Central Nervous System.

When we are mapping out organs with Prana we have to take into consideration that there are 2 bodies here...the Physical Body and the Subtle body.

The Physical and Subtle body have complementary counterparts so technically it would be more accurate to state that a system in the Subtle Body co-relates with a system in the Physical Body.

For eg we can state the

Ida co-relates with Parasympathetic Nervous System.

Pingala co-relates with Sympathetic Nervous System.

Sushumna co-relates with the Central Nervous System.

Therefore the usage of the word "Co-relates" is more acceptable since it does not denote a definitive accent since to be definite we need hard core evidence which is not easy to produce if we are dealing with the subtle elements in the human body.

Elsewhere in your other thread you stated the Pradhana is Higgs field...Purusha is Higgs field/dark matter.

Here too may be the word Co-relates can be used ..cos if we state Pradhana IS Higgs field and Purusha IS Higgs field/dark matter as being definitive..then the next step is no more a hypothesis...we would need to provide evidence.

Can evidence be provided if you feel Pradhana is Higgs field?
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When regions above the collar bone(clavicle) is quoted.. its denotes the Thyroid/Parathyroid gland.
Udana governs these glands which is important for Basal Metabolic Rate.

BTW the Udana is NOT the central nervous system.

Central Nervous System is much more complex than that.

The Sushumna Nadi co-relates to the Central Nervous System.

When we are mapping out organs with Prana we have to take into consideration that there are 2 bodies here...the Physical Body and the Subtle body.

The Physical and Subtle body have complementary counterparts so technically it would be more accurate to state that a system in the Subtle Body co-relates with a system in the Physical Body.

For eg we can state the

Ida co-relates with Parasympathetic Nervous System.

Pingala co-relates with Sympathetic Nervous System.

Sushumna co-relates with the Central Nervous System.

Therefore the usage of the word "Co-relates" is more acceptable since it does not denote a definitive accent since to be definite we need hard core evidence which is not easy to produce if we are dealing with the subtle elements in the human body.

Elsewhere in your other thread you stated the Pradhana is Higgs field...Purusha is Higgs field/dark matter.

Here too may be the word Co-relates can be used ..cos if we state Pradhana IS Higgs field and Purusha IS Higgs field/dark matter as being definitive..then the next step is no more a hypothesis...we would need to provide evidence.

Can evidence be provided if you feel Pradhana is Higgs field?

The fundamental premise in which I differed with current understanding or mapping is that prAna, vyAna, udAna etc denote 'organ systems' and not specific parts of the body.

In the same way energy is divided into five, vAyu is divided into five based on regions and locations. These regions and locations are not parts of body but organ systems.

udAna may still not be exactly central nervous system. It could be some 'sigaling' system combining electric signaling system (nervous system) and chemical signaling system (endocrine system of which thyroid is a part). But chemical signaling is also fundamentally an electric signaling system in the end.

It is corresponding to the zero-point energy in quantum domain. Zero-point energy is the bed-rock of manifestation. This basic electric and chemical signaling is the bed-rock of a biological system.

PS: On PradhAna, we will see more of it, as I go through the slokas.
The fundamental premise in which I differed with current understanding or mapping is that prAna, vyAna, udAna etc denote 'organ systems' and not specific parts of the body.

In the same way energy is divided into five, vAyu is divided into five based on regions and locations. These regions and locations are not parts of body but organ systems.

udAna may still not be exactly central nervous system. It could be some 'sigaling' system combining electric signaling system (nervous system) and chemical signaling system (endocrine system of which thyroid is a part). But chemical signaling is also fundamentally an electric signaling system in the end.

It is corresponding to the zero-point energy in quantum domain. Zero-point energy is the bed-rock of manifestation. This basic electric and chemical signaling is the bed-rock of a biological system.

PS: On PradhAna, we will see more of it, as I go through the slokas.

Dear Sir...

So now you are saying Udana may NOT be central nervous system(CNS) but earlier your words seem definite but with new info provided the bhasyam keeps changing.

When it comes to mapping out organs we can not be just assuming but try to sound definitive.

We can not be just playing a guessing game.

Understanding of the CNS of the Physical body/Neurology is a very vast subject that too not every function is yet fully understood by medical science..

Above that if we want to map Prana and Subtle body we have to study ayurvedic text in detail..again we cant assume and play a guessing game.

I feel its better for us to stick to text and not give our own Bhasyam.which does seem to start to sound inaccurate.

I am not finding fault.
I am just not deviating from facts.

Its always better not to misintepret original.text.

No where in the original text it was stated that Udana =CNS...
It was purely your own understanding.


I think you know the answer.

My field is medical science..I am not claiming I know it all ..I can only comment about your organ mapping
Bhasyam but when evident discrepancy is surfacing..I am starting to wonder how accurate the Physics Bhasyam is?

Pradhana= Higgs field..how would I have the faith its an accurate finding when earlier Samana was cardiovascular system..then changed to Digestive system when the error was pointed out.

Then Udana = CNS ..again now you say that Udana may still not be CNS.

What do we see here?
Entropy! A gradual decline in order of understanding with high usage of jargon which unfortunately produces only 50 shades of grey areas.
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Dear Sir...

So now you are saying Udana may NOT be central nervous system(CNS) but earlier your words seem definite but with new info provided the bhasyam keeps changing.

When it comes to mapping out organs we can not be just assuming but try to sound definitive.

We can not be just playing a guessing game.

Understanding of the CNS of the Physical body/Neurology is a very vast subject that too not every function is yet fully understood by medical science..

Above that if we want to map Prana and Subtle body we have to study ayurvedic text in detail..again we cant assume and play a guessing game.

I feel its better for us to stick to text and not give our own Bhasyam.which does seem to start to sound inaccurate.

I am not finding fault.
I am just not deviating from facts.

Its always better not to misintepret original.text.

No where in the original text it was stated that Udana =CNS...
It was purely your own understanding.


I think you know the answer.

My field is medical science..I am not claiming I know it all ..I can only comment about your organ mapping
Bhasyam but when evident discrepancy is surfacing..I am starting to wonder how accurate is the Physics Bhasyam is?

Pradhana= Higgs field..how would I have the faith its an accurate finding when earlier Samana was cardiovascular system..then changed to Digestive system when the error was pointed out.

Then Udana = CNS ..again now you say that Udana may still not be CNS.

What do we see here?
Entropy! A gradual decline in order of understanding with high usage of jargon which unfortunately produces only 50 shades of grey areas.

I think you did not get it.

1. I said udAna is not just an organ but an organ system in my understanding. I did not deviate from it.

2. I said udAna is central nervous system (which is a signaling system).

I also compared udAna with bosonic matter processing (virtual photon mediated electric signaling), the akAsh or ether part of pancha bhuta. I wrote like the pancha bhuta of Akash, the bosonic matter, is udAna, the organ that processes the bosons. I wrote such bosons are virtual photons and they mediate the electric signaling of the central nervous sytem.

This indicated udAna being a signaling system. I said endocrine is also a chemical signaling system and all chemical signaling systems are indeed electric signaling systems and hence even endocrine system also could be considered a part of udAna, if we see it as signaling system.

3. I have not contradicted anything. Indeed I explained it to you better.

4. I believe I should be able to revise these model and that revisions when based on more data is science. However in this case, I did not 'revise' it, but rather explained it in a different way.

I think you did not get it.

1. I said udAna is not just an organ but an organ system in my understanding. I did not deviate from it.

2. I said udAna is central nervous system (which is a signaling system).

I also compared udAna with bosonic matter processing (virtual photon mediated electric signaling), the akAsh or ether part of pancha bhuta. I wrote like the pancha bhuta of Akash, the bosonic matter, is udAna, the organ that processes the bosons. I wrote such bosons are virtual photons and they mediate the electric signaling of the central nervous sytem.

This indicated udAna being a signaling system. I said endocrine is also a chemical signaling system and all chemical signaling systems are indeed electric signaling systems and hence even endocrine system also could be considered a part of udAna, if we see it as signaling system.

3. I have not contradicted anything. Indeed I explained it to you better.

4. I believe I should be able to revise these model and that revisions when based on more data is science. However in this case, I did not 'revise' it, but rather explained it in a different way.


I think you know the answers.
Your Bhasyam is not in accordance with general understanding.

As I said earlier..its just high usage of jargon that does not paint a picture of facts.

In any field be it medical science or physics..the logical mind knows that unwarrented overlap of terminologies does not make an understanding better.

NASA scientist are not going to drag in Biology and CNS in their findings.

I dont think I need to say more.
Evidence speaks for itself.
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I think you know the answers.
Your Bhasyam is not in accordance with general understanding.

As I said earlier..its just high usage of jargon that does not paint a picture of facts.

In any field be it medical science or physics..the logical mind knows that unwarrented overlap of terminologies does not make an understanding better.

NASA scientist are not going to drag in Biology and CNS in their findings.

I dont think I need to say more.
Evidence speaks for itself.

Sure. I will leave it to your understanding.

My bhashyam ofcourse is not in accordance with general understanding of the current times in certain domains. Ofcourse when I project a design pattern for Universe which goes across the Universal matter and biology, it is something that does not exist.

It needs to be critically reviewed, countered, model verified with factual data or measurable data etc, before it can come to a level of acceptance.

Manifest wanting to know (more) about unmanifest triggers evolution. Always.

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Sure. I will leave it to your understanding.

My bhashyam ofcourse is not in accordance with general understanding of the current times in certain domains. Ofcourse when I project a design pattern for Universe which goes across the Universal matter and biology, it is something that does not exist.

It needs to be critically reviewed, countered, model verified with factual data or measurable data etc, before it can come to a level of acceptance.

Manifest wanting to know (more) about unmanifest triggers evolution. Always.


Fair enough if you are willing to admit that your bhasyam is not in line with general understanding.

So I guess I can only wish you all the best to prove what you claim in the course of time but till tend you have to at least put a disclaimer that this is purely your own understanding and yet to be proven and instead of being definitive you can use words such as this co relates to that.

Then its fair to everyone becos we need to be open to the possibility of error and subject to change from time to time and not make our words a solid fatwa till we get concrete evidence.

Till then..best of luck.
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