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saMkhya as a design pattern - Part 6 - Slokas 9 to 11

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How can something that is subtle, not non-existent but un-ascertained be ascertained..? It can be ascertained from its effects. From its effects, it can be understood.

Beginning from Mahat (particles with mass), since they are subtle, their effects are the way by which they can be ascertained. What is this cause and effect..?

Mahat is so-called because mahat means greatness. It is also mahA-tattva. The Higgs mechanism is the mahA-tattva in this Universe. Its interaction creates the vehicles for evolution called 'matter'.

saMkhya kArika - Slokas 9 to 11

Asadakaraṇād upādānagrahaṇāt sarvasambhavābhāvāt |

śaktasya śakyakaraṇāt, kāraṇabhāvāc ca satkāryam |9|

From the instruments of asat (asat karanat), from the seizing of upadAna/material cause (grahanat upadAna), everything born takes birth. From the capability of practical instruments (zakya karanAt zaktasya), the cause (kArana) and the real effect (kArya) takes birth (bhAvac).

From the instruments of asat, from the seizing of upadAna/material cause, everything born takes birth. From the capability of practical instruments, the cause and the real effect takes birth.

How does anything manifest.?

From the asat (the un real), from the seizing of a upadAna (which means a material cause, ingredient or a physical vehicle), everything that is born takes birth. Everything needs a upadAna to take birth. In the latter part, I explain upadAna as the matter particles that are the physical material vehicle for manifestation.

From practical and capably manifesting ‘karana’ (instruments), which I explain as externally manifesting energies such as heat, light, sound etc, the cause and effect happens.

Thus from asat, the unreal, the sat, the real is born through matter and energies. Matter is the vehicle, energy is the cause and effect.

What is matter..? Matter is that interact with Higgs field (Quark, leptons, Weak Bosons) and acquires mass. They become the vehicle. Those that do not interact with Higgs field like Photons and gluons are ‘energy’. Energy become the cause and effect that is transferred.

Both matter and energy are manifest (vyaktam). Artha are manifestations of matter. Karana are manifestations of energy.

From prakrti, the QGP manifestation, the manifestations of matter evolve.

Higgs mechanism is the ‘First principle’ or ‘Chief Principle’ of matter manifestations (artha). Only when Higgs field acquires a vacuum expectation value and interacts with other fields, matter manifestation is born. Hence Higgs interaction is the first principle, the pradhAna of all the artha, the matter manifestations.

Thus pradhAnam refers to manifestations of matter through Higgs interactions. vyaktam refers to all manifestations. karana refers to manifestations of energy.

Hetumad anityam avyāpi sakriyam anekam āshritaṃ liṅgam |
sāvayavaṃ paratantraṃ, vyaktaṃ viparītam avyaktam |10|

Cause-effect filled (hetumat), temporary (anityam), not pervading (avyapi), ever-moving (oscillating), multiple, takes the shelter (azritam) of lingam. That member/part (sa avayavam) dependent on another/obedient (paratantram), manifestation, contrary (viparita) to unmanifest.

What is manifest..? (which is contrary to the unmanifest)

Cause-effect filled (energy filled), temporary, oscillatory, not pervading, multiple forms, takes the shelter of Lingam.

Lingam is Energy-Momentum Relationship. Member or part that is dependent/obedient to Lingam, the energy-momentum relationship is manifestation.

Why is Lingam, Energy-Momentum Relationship..? It is because Energy-Momentum relationship is a ‘hyperboloid’ which is of the form of ‘Lingam’.

Science says those that obey the Energy-Momentum relationship are ‘real’ particles. They are the manifest, observable. They are said ‘reside’ ‘on-shell, on the hyperboloid’. These real particles make up all the Universe we observe.

Those that do not obey the Energy-Momentum relationship are ‘virtual’ particles. They do not reside on-shell, not on the hyperboloid. They are said to be off-the-shell. They are unmanifest.

Manifestation occurs when matter particles take shelter on Lingam and becomes real particles.
Unmanifest is contrary to this.

This is exactly what science and saMkhya say here.

Vyaktam: The Manifested; hetumat: is possessing or depending ..upon a cause; anityam: non-eternal; avyāpi: not pervasive, ie finite; sakriyam: mobile or active; anekam: manifold; āśritam: supported or dependant; liṅgam: mergent, mark; sāvayavam: made up of parts; parataṅtram: subordinate; avyaktam: the unmanifested; viparītam: is the reverse (of the above).

`Triguṇam aviveki viṣayaḥ, sāmānyam acetanaṃ prasavadharmi |

vyaktaṃ tathā pradhānaṃ, tadviparītas tathā ca pumān |11|

Object (visaya) ignorant (aviveki) of tri-gunas, commonly (sAmanyam) inconspicuous/invisible/unconscious (acetanam), subject to laws of birth (prasavadharmi), manifestion (vyaktam) so as (tatha) the unified Higgs (pradhAnam) which is contrary (viparitas) and (ca) similar (tatha) to the purusha/puman.

The vyaktam (manifestations with or without Higgs interaction) as well as pradhAnam (having Higgs Interaction) are things (visaya) that is non-discriminatory to tri-gunas (entropy and enthalpy). They are generally (samAnyam) invisible (acetanam) and prolific/procreative (prasavadharmi).

Contrary to and similar to them is pumAn, which is the male part of Purusha.

Purusha is Unified Higgs field and Dark matter. The male part of it is the Dark Matter which does not undergo any change. It is the pumAn.

Manifestations both with or without Higgs interactions are composed of tri-guna. But the Purusha, the dark matter that is unmanifest is not composed of trigunas. It neither has change in entropy nor change in enthalpy.

Vyaktam: The Manifest; triguṇam: is constituted of three attributes; aviveki: indistinguishable; viṣaya: objective; sāmānyaṁ: common; acetanaṁ: non-intelligent;prasavadharmi: prolific; Tathā: so; Pradhānam: is the Primordial Nature; Pumān: the Spirit; tadviparītaḥ: is the reverse of that; ca tathā: and also similar (in some respects).

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