The sentence given by you for translation reinforces my point that Sanskrit study material is woefully out of touch with modernity. Further it misleads people into beleiving that yogis exist. None of us has seen one.As a doctor do you believe that a person can become invisible,too heavy to be lifted,light enough t walk on water or fly??These exercises are meant for children say upto 15 years of age.You have to create your own sentences for translation.More difficult the better. Finally, in tune with your sentence,I quote "जीर्यते जीर्यतः केशा दंता जीर्यति जीर्यतः । जीर्यतश्चक्षुषी श्रोत्रे तृष्णैका तरुणायते ।।"
Dear Nat,
The sentence was for translation..I have books that ask us to translate stuff like " Do the two buffaloes read those two books?" Translation is all about grammar...a sentence can be illogical but be grammatically correct.
BTW my profession as a doctor does not blind my intellect to totally deny that somethings might actually be possible like flying,becoming light,becoming heavy etc. I have an open mind.
Personally I have not seen anything like this but that does not mean that it might not be possible..till the invention of microscopes none of us knew how bacteria looked when it comes to knowledge it is better to keep an open mind and do not doubt everything and anything.
Always keep options open..God knows what is possible and not possible to the human mind.
I might not be able to fly but who knows some where some person might be able to fly accross anywhere in an invisible form.
Just to add even though I read Panini's Grammar right now I still do translation lessons for kids and beginners cos that trains our mind to think in Sanskrit and even kids work book helps us learn better..when the mind is learning advanced grammar one also need to keep in touch with basic primary kids grammar so that we can get the casual and formal feel of a language.
I do not believe in making my own sentences to translate cos we would subconsciously tend to choose words that we already know and that would not challenge our mind.
So it is better to take sentences from books and work on them.
If you ask me to start making my own sentence I might start framing sentences like this:
"What the hell yaar? It is utter nonsense! Mannangatti!"
So I guess today's lesson is translating the sentence I just wrote!LOL
My answer to the above sentence is:
कः अयं नरकः मित्रम्? निरर्थकम् इदम् ! लोष्ट!!