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"Life is like that!"

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Some of the world's best quotations are by anonymous persons- not less great ,

but less well known, as their names do not ring a bell!

A friend told me one day, :shocked:

"All the nice quotations are by Mr. Anon!

Wonder who was that great guy!"
Truth does not hurt-
unless it is ought to. :ballchain:

There is so much of difference
between the Popular beliefs of life
and the unpopular facts of life. :confused:
Anger is never without a reason-

but seldom with a good one! :mad:

Half the miseries and mistakes

we commit in our lives arise from - :fear:

feeling where we ought to think, :drama:

and thinking where we ought to feel. :nerd:
He who considers too much
will perform too little. :playball:

When little men cast long shadows
know that the Sun is setting. :flame:

The great goal in life is not
mere knowledge but action. :couch2:
Nothing wears an uglier look

than reason -

when it is not on our side. :mmph:

It is nice to have both ends meet. :nod:

It is nicer if they overlap a little.
மௌனமே சிறந்த மொழி!

இனிக்கும் நல்லதொரு கனியும்
புளிக்கும் ஒரு காயாக மாறிவிடும் ;

அரிய அமுதனைய சொற்களும்
கரிய பொருளைத் தந்துவிடலாம்;

தேனும் கூடமிகவும் கசந்துபோகும்,
காணும் கண்களில் குறை இருந்தால்!

நுனிப்புல் மேய்ந்துவிட்டு விமரிசிப்பதை
இனியாவது தவிர்த்து விடுங்கள் நீங்கள்.

இனியும் இதுவே தொடரும் என்றால்
இனிமேல் என் பதில் மௌனமொழியே.

மௌனம் கலஹநாஸ்தி என்று என்றோ
மௌனத்தின் சிறப்பறிந்தவர் சொன்னார்!
Most people never mature. :baby:

They simply grow

taller/ heavier / rounder...

as the case may be!

Lament of an egotist:

"How very self centered people can be! :mad:

They always think of themselves instead of me!" :mmph:
Life is like this:

புதிய குறள்!

ஓபோட்டால் நண்பராய்க் கொள்ளுவார் மற்றவரைப்

போவென்று பின்தள்ளு வார்!
When we are afraid that we may fail,
we are usually very near to success. :thumb:

The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones. :rip:

Be temperate in everything. :nono: :preggers:
Strange but true!

Life and death are the two sides of the same coin.

They are separated by a hair-thin-line.

Love and hatred are also the two sides of the same coin. :love:

They too are separated by a hair-thin-line!

Cross the line or burn it or cut it... :bolt:

all the flowing love now gets changed to the lava of hatred!

May be that is the reason the Sanskrit word 'Kamam' means

both the Milky Way of Love and the river of Lava called Dwesha! :mad:

Our ancestors were great psychologists indeed! :cheer2:
வேண்டுதல் வேண்டாமை இலான்
யாண்டும் நம் இறைவன் ஒருவனே!

விருப்பும் வெறுப்பும் இல்லாதவனை நாம்
விரும்பிப் பற்றினால் இல்லை தொல்லை! :pray:

அவனை நாம் மறந்தோ துறந்தோ
அவனியைப் பற்றினால் துயரம். :sad:

உலகத் துறந்து உலகநாயகனை
உவப்புடன் தொழுது உய்வோம் !
Be aloof in a crowd!

A holy man was lecturing vehemently on the power wives exert on their husbands - directly and indirectly.

The women seemed to employ various methods to control their husbands through invisible strings, emotional blackmails, temper tantrums, threatening and ultimatums.:yell:

At the end of the lecture he demanded to know how many of the men present there dared to put their wives in their place.

Everyone remained still like a statue. A little man walked away from the group and stood alone. :bolt:

The speaker was overwhelmed that at least one person in the whole crowd had the guts to play his role properly.

He asked the man,"What makes you stand alone from the rest of the crowd?"

You could have felled the entire crowd with a blow of your breath when the man replied with a sheepish smile,
" My wife has told me to stay away from any crowd - always!" :faint:

Real life paradox!

My son's close friend and his father had helped my son to shift his luggage to his new house.

In a place like USA, where everything is super - sized and super - comfy and the packers and movers make a deep dent in the budget, this timely help was very much appreciated by our entire family.

The least we could do in return was to treat them with a traditional South Indian dinner and some gifts. :hungry:

When my son's friend and his parents arrived, I felt completely lost! The long passage was dimly lit - as it usually is in USA. A tall man with a wavy gray hair, a shorter man with jet black hair entered the house with a lady walking in between them. :confused:

I naturally guessed that the graying man was the father and the other his son. But I was amazed that the converse was true!

A word to the ever-young-looking parents!

Please stop dying your hair- at least when your children start looking older than you! :nono:

I waited long enough to qualify to give this message to you!

I am proud to say that I have 'stopped dyeing and started living' now! :)
Mukunta! Mukunta!

When my sons were very young I would accompany them to their school and bring them home after their classes.

One day pandemonium prevailed in my elder son's class. I was a natural teacher i.e even as a child I would be the teacher and the others my students. So I really can't stand any unruly behavior.

I took charge of the situation, as most of the pupils were children of my friends and friends of my children.

The boy in the middle of the class room - slightly taller than the rest of the class- was making the most noise.

When I questioned him he turned out to be the new Physics master
Mr. Mukunthan!

He was unable to control the class since he did not look his age or qualification!

We became good friends ever since then.
Our first lady!

When a group of ladies were returning after our ladies club meeting, we saw a young boy throwing stones on all the passing vehicles - cars as well as scooters!

No one stopped there nor scolded him -even though his aim was quite good!

I gave him a piece of my mind and reprimanded him for his thoughtless actions - as he might hit and hurt someone or cause damage to the vehicles.

He looked more surprised than sorry and ran away. I learnt from my friends that he was the son of our C.M.D. and the uncrowned prince of the township where we lived.

That explained his ventures as well as the tolerance of the travelers. My friends were afraid that I may have to face the anger of our first lady!

The boy never threw a stone on anyone after that incident. Strangely enough the First lady who was the wife of our C.M.D, thanked me profusely for driving in some discipline on her unruly son!

Life is like that!
Who was the sinner?

There was a heavy thunderstorm. Assorted people took refuge in the mandapam attached to an old temple. The slashing rain and recurring thunderbolts posed a grave problem to the eleven people in the mandapam - nine men, a woman and her child.

Thunderbolts were landing all around the mandapam. The wisest and the oldest of the eleven members said ,"God wants to punish one of us. If we all stay together, all of us may lose our lives unnecessarily. So each of us will go out and stand in the rain for a few seconds. If we are pure nothing bad will happen to us. "

Everyone agreed to this plan. The oldest and the wisest man stepped out in the rain first. He stood vulnerable to the rain and thunderbolts for a few seconds. Nothing happened to him. He heaved a sigh of relief and returned to the mandapam.

Now the second man stepped out. He too returned unhurt. This went on till all the men had stepped out and now it was the turn of the woman. She too came back unharmed. The child was too young to brave the rain and thunder . So the mother carried it in he arms and went into the rain again.

Lo and behold what happened! The biggest thunderbolt hit the mandapam, demolishing it completely and killing everyone inside it.

So who was the sinner and who the savior?
Faith vs Fate.

A beautiful woman was shocked to learn that according to her Jaatakam, she was destined to earn her livelihood through the oldest profession known to man! She did not have the good fortune of marrying a man - who would take care of her needs.

Anyone would have crumbled to dust by such a dire prediction but not this woman! She was wise, brave and had faith. She thought of an infallible plan to defeat Fate.

She set her price so high that no ordinary man can dream of coming near her home. Destiny had to provide her with livelihood-since she had completed her part of the condition!

Only a king could afford to visit her. So the Fate made sure that King visited her and paid her well.

But the woman was more shrewd than any of us can imagine. She gave away her entire earnings to the poor and needy living nearby- retaining exactly what she will for a day's expenditure.

The king HAD to visit her the next day also, since she was bankrupt by the evening. This went on for several days. The poor and needy blessed her and worshiped her as Goddess Lakshmi.

The King was duly impressed by her beauty, brain, and boldness that he built a royal palace for her and made her his best companion for the rest of his life.

Had she been less smart, or had less faith she would have ruined her life and health as any common woman would have done!

Moral of the story?

Never lose Faith and never give up Hope!
Fate rewritten!

A man was destined to earn his livelihood as a milk vendor. It was not to his liking but he had no choice! He evolved his own method of getting even with the Goddess of Fortune.

He did not raise a finger or move a muscle to procure a cow or buffalo. So the Goddess of Fortune made a rich man present our hero with a cow. He milked the cow; sold the milk and the cow and donated all the money! He was penniless by the end of the day.

So the next day he received a cow from anther rich man who was prompted by the Goddess of fortune to present the man with a cow.

The same story was repeated. As days rolled by there were no more donors of cows left in the village. The Goddess of Fortune was at her wit's ends!

Finally she decided to rewrites the man's destiny as desired by him.

Moral: Stubbornness and strength can make your dreams come true!
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The right Attitude.

When I was a young girl, in any feast our family would attend, rice or sweets would get exhausted with the person next to me. The bearer/ server would have to walk the long path to the kitchen and bring more food. It would take some minutes and all the other dishes would also get delayed.

It happened invariably every time... in every 'pandhi!'.

One day I told my father, "I guess I don't have good luck with food. Always I am made to wait for it unnecessarily!"

My father-a man of few words-smiled at me and said,"I think you are very lucky with food. Instead of scraping all the left over food into your leaf, the man always brings you fresh hot food from the kitchen. Do you still think you are unlucky?"

I will remember my father's reply as long as I live!

Yes! I was grumbling about the wasted time in the 'pandhi' and forgot to thank God for the steaming hot, fresh food brought from inside the kitchen and served to me first!

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[FONT=comic sans ms,sans-serif]The five in one man!

Leonardo da Vinci was fondly called as the "Ten in one man". He had multiple talents and looked like the combination of ten talented man rolled into one!

I have seen a five in one man-the husband of my close friend. I and she could not have been more alike- in age, family background, number of siblings, educational qualification, career before wedding etc. We also entered similar homes and faced similar problems!

The main difference is that she has three sons while I have two. The other main difference is that she gave in and is happy to be the perfect house wife, dusting home and furniture, watering plants, catering to the super refined taste buds of her husband, sacrificing her own talents and hobbies and NOT feeling sorry for any of these!

Her husband is THE five-in-one-man. He makes sure that my friend does not miss her dominating father in law, manipulating mother in law, teasing sister in law and the complaining brother in law.

Of course he is her husband already! It is as if each of these above mentioned persons have imbibed in him a piece of themselves!

Some women do not allow this sort of reshuffling and
re-dealing of personal tastes and hobbies.They will go on resisting tyranny like a Joan of Arc!

But most others happily end up becoming the door mat, furniture, cook cum maid of the household and that too without any salary or perks!


It was this man who was the hero of my write-up
about how "Nature abhors Vacuum" and how someone will fill in the places of all these missing persons!

You have to trust me!

It is better to sleep on what you intend to do :sleep:

than stay awake on what you have done! :fear:

The one thing that is

most often opened my mistake

is the mouth! :yell:
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