Well-known member
Jai Shankar;392820 [h=1 said:I am an old wine in new bottle…[/h][h=1]Bottle may change for every season/trend/passion, but not the spirit..[/h]
True..C2H5OH formula does not change.
Jai Shankar;392820 [h=1 said:I am an old wine in new bottle…[/h][h=1]Bottle may change for every season/trend/passion, but not the spirit..[/h]
In that case even calling Sani Varam as Sthiravaram mayalso be a superstition.
Though each day is a good day, each day is believed to have a unique orspecial quality something like influence.
Sani’s name in fact means ‘slow moving one’. May be it is this steady and continuous movementfound favourable and acceptable for most. Hence, they may call Saturday asSthiravaram.
Dear highly respected Sri Zebra 16, Veteran
Just to satisfy my curiosity, could you kindly say when you started your reading, when you ended your reading? And who were your trusted guru or gurus to lead and guide you through the mammoth task? Or was d-i-y?
Many thanks and namaskaarams.
S Narayanaswamy Iyer
I undertook veda adhyayanam when I was aged about 9 years and concluded it when I was 17 years old. I learnt krsna yajurvedam taittiriya shAkam in full - meaning and including samhitA (only padha pATha and not gaNa pATam), brAhmaNam, Aranyakam and upaniSad under the guidance of my maternal grand father who was a samskrita shiromani and was addressed as brahmarsi by others vAdhyArs in his purOhitam practice.
I think this should quench at least a little bit of your curiosity.
Dear highly respected Sri Zebra 16, Veteran
"We do not have any mention of Weekdays or "vArams" in vedas," you write confidently. Please accept my namaskaarams to your superior Vedic knowledge. "Anantha vai vedaaha," say our Vedams.
So, you have studied and mastered, under proper qualified and experienced aacharyaas, all 1,130 shaakaas of the first three Vedams, i.e. 21 rig-veda shaakaas, 18 shukla-yajur-veda shaakaas, 94 krishna-yajur-veda shaakaas, and 1,000 saama-veda shaakaas. (I am told this achievement takes a few lifetimes. But no matter.)
And you have sieved through them all. You have concluded, through thorough checking and re-checking, that no "vaarams" or weekdays, are mentioned or alluded to. Heartiest congratulations.
Dear highly respected Sri Zebra 16, Veteran
"We do not have any mention of Weekdays or "vArams" in vedas," you write confidently. Please accept my namaskaarams to your superior Vedic knowledge. "Anantha vai vedaaha," say our Vedams.
So, you have studied and mastered, under proper qualified and experienced aacharyaas, all 1,130 shaakaas of the first three Vedams, i.e. 21 rig-veda shaakaas, 18 shukla-yajur-veda shaakaas, 94 krishna-yajur-veda shaakaas, and 1,000 saama-veda shaakaas. (I am told this achievement takes a few lifetimes. But no matter.)
And you have sieved through them all. You have concluded, through thorough checking and re-checking, that no "vaarams" or weekdays, are mentioned or alluded to. Heartiest congratulations.
Just to satisfy my curiosity, could you kindly say when you started your reading, when you ended your reading? And who were your trusted guru or gurus to lead and guide you through the mammoth task? Or was d-i-y?
Many thanks and namaskaarams.
S Narayanaswamy Iyer
It is true that false stories and facts circulate on the web! But, most of the modern girls want to visit temples with periods,
don't like to prostrate before elders and hate cooking and serving people - especially the in-laws!![]()
Its her wish atleast she was Frank , What if they treat get badly like olden times during Mensuration?
Dear still respected Sri Zebra 16 Veteran, Thanks for your clarification:-
"I undertook veda adhyayanam when I was aged about 9 years and concluded it when I was 17 years old. I learnt krsna yajurvedam taittiriya shAkam in full - meaning and including samhitA (only padha pATha and not gaNa pATam), brAhmaNam, Aranyakam and upaniSad under the guidance of my maternal grand father who was a samskrita shiromani and was addressed as brahmarsi by others vAdhyArs in his purOhitam practice."
Delighted with your successful study of the Krishna Yajur Veda Taittireeya shaakaa from ages of 9 to 17.. That means you have not studied the 21 rig-veda shaakaas, the 18 shukla-yajur-veda shaakaas, 93 of the 94 krishna-yajur-veda shaakaas, and none of the 1,000 saama-veda shaakaas.
Why do you then say that nowhere in the Vedams is vaaram or weekday mentioned?
Surely you have a credible answer? Thanks.
For information, I, too have studied the Krishna Yajur Veda taittireeya shaaka, but have not yet finished the Braahmanam, which I am just about to complete. This was because I was particular about my gurus (some were only money-minded and not too proficient), so it was an on-off-on again basis.
S Narayanaswamy Iyer
Why do you then say that nowhere in the Vedams is vaaram or weekday mentioned?
Surely you have a credible answer? Thanks.
Time is running out..better finish Quran too before Imam Mahadi comes.
Hadith after Quran..?
. Read episode of Bhaaradvaaja Maharishi in Kaatakam. (I belong to his gothram.)
Mr Zebra
अनंता वै वेदाः
You are copy pasting from other source that too with errors, Sri Iyer.
It is "anantAH vai vedAH" pronounced as "anantO vai vedAH" when words coalese while reciting. You can refer to taittiriya prAatishAkhyA or sanskrit grammar to know as to why it cant be 'ananthA'.
This is what kAnchi periyaVA has ACTUALLY said :
" "Anantah vai Vedah", the Vedas themselves proclaim so (the Vedas are endless). We cannot claim that all the Vedas have been revealed to the seers. Only about a thousand sakhas or recensions belonging to the four Vedas have been revealed to them.
Mr Zebra
"Remember vruttAsura episode in vedAs for mispronunciation?"
I remember well the episode of "Tvashta" who performed a homa to obtain "a son who would grow up and destroy Indra". Through intervention of Goddess Sarasvathi whom the devas in desperation approached for help, "Tvashta" mispronounced the manthram 'indrassatrur vardhavasa' so the sought boon became "a son who would grow up and be destroyed by Indra".
Yes..everything before Qiyamah to gain entry to Firdaus.
And you might be surprised to note a combination of Firdaus and amrut!!. There is a school in Ahmedabad named "Firdaus Amrut School". Why one needs "amrut" in heaven still beats me !!
Heaven is where rivers of honey flow..non intoxicating wine too flows..and virgins/apsaras galore.
I hope we females in heaven get some Prabhas or Rana!..that combination is Firdaus and Amrut!