Well-known member
Dear Sri Zebra 16
Thanks for your response. You quote me as saying:-
"We close our eyes to Veda-haters who publicly tar sandhya vandanam as MUMBO JUMBO."
You go on to say:-
"I also refuse to accept Dr Renuka or Sri Prasad1 or Smt RR as 'veda haters'."
Dear Sri Zebra 16, in response to an open challenge by Sri Prasad1, I have already identified as an anti-Brahminist the individual -- a male -- who publicly labelled as MUMBO JUMBO our thri-kaala sandhya-vandanam which involves chanting sacred Veda-manthrams solemnly imparted during Upanayanam. This Veda-hater was not Sri Prasad1. My post was deleted. In another post I identified another anti-Brahminist. That, too was deleted. QED. No more naming anti-Brahminists.
It might very well be that others revel in tarring as MUMBO JUMBO our Vedams, our smruthis, our puranaams, our shaasthrams, indeed the entire corpus of religious learning including jyothisham (Vedic astrology), plus our samskaarams, our devatha-rishi-pithru-manushya-bhootha aaraadhanas, our annual pithru-shraaddhams, our pilgrimmages to Gaya, Kaashi, Prayaaga to perform ancestral rites, our upakarmas.
And others might exist who detest even the very idea of Brahmins actively practising their faith, customs, traditions, rites, rituals, celebrating festivals, preserving learning and values handed down through the generations. We have seen Vinayaka Chathurthi mocked; the Puranic story of the mother of Lord Parasurama, the sixth avathaaram of Bhagavaan Lord Maha Vishnu, dismissed as an anti-women invention by male chauvinists, and even the Bhagavath Geetha tarnished by attacking Sri Krishna's devotee Arjuna as a stuntsman.
So long as these folk do not issue provocative statements but keep their simmering sentiments within themselves, I shall not feel impelled to respond. If they have a right to lead lives as they wish, so have I. "Nemo me impune lacessit."
My last post addressed to you was prompted by your indicating an apparent interest in studying the Koran to be followed by studying the Hadiths. So I merely wanted to give you a foretaste of what is in store. Two more authentic Koranic pearls:-
The Confederate Tribes 33.50 - Prophet, We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave-girls whom God has given you as booty; the daughters of your paternal and maternal uncles and of your paternal and maternal aunts, and any believing woman who gives herself to you and whom you wish to marry.
Women 4.34 - Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts..... As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action.
"Who but one's own self can get rid of the bondage caused by the fetters of ignorance (of our own nature as the blissful Self), desire, action and the like, aye, even in a hundred crore of cycles (duration of the evolved universe)?" - Viveka Choodaamani slokam 55.
S Narayanaswamy Iyer
Btw Sir...I come there is a disconnect.
Here you are lamenting that someone painted Arjuna in not so good light but I remember very well you did not have very good words describing Lord Krishna..ParasaraMuni..Veda Vyasa elsewhere in Bhagavata Puran.thread until the starter of that.thread was very upset with your usage of strong adjectives.
So why lament here my dear?
Kutas Tvam Kasmalam Idam ?
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