If you DO NOT mind, can you please tell us how you arrived at the solution?
Fair enough! If zebra16 or any one else does not post the steps, I will post myself, madam. Let us give time till, say, 7 a.m. IST of 23 June, 2011.
There is an interesting tidbit about this "SEND + MORE = MONEY" puzzle. When I said SEND and MORE are 4-digit numbers and MONEY is a 5-digit number, it is automatically (and rightly too!) taken by any one that the left-most digits in these three numbers cannot be zero. But if this vital condition is not applied, the uniqueness of the solution is lost and there are several solutions to the puzzle! Any takers?
Dear Mr. Sravana,
Well as you made it clear the speciality of no 45.
It is not just 45 it is the no 9 which plays an important role in all these tricks.
You just read Table 9.
Sum of the 2 digits of the table is always going to be 9, till the term 2 nd 9 appears in the table. Again you add the result twice it is going to be 9 like 9X9 = 99: 9+9 = 18 again 1+ 8 = 9 again.
Like 0 being very important in all caluclation , 9 is equally so as it is going to decide the next digit, like from units it is going to Tens and so on so forth.
This is explained in Vedic Mathematics or Abaccus what they call now. ( Anyway I didnot get an oppurtunity to read this book ). My father used to solve my Pre university papers using this method. He used to solve Analytical geometry and other topics like Caluclus using Vedic Maths.
He was literated only upto 8 th Standard and was did his Vedic studies.
Number 9 seems to be significant.I happened to go through a book"Format Numerology"
by Dr.Mahha DAN Shekar Raajah.According to his theory there are 81 different group pf persons for each number from 1 to 9 and thus all who have already born and to be born
in future could be categorised under 729 groups.His Emai Id:[email protected].
The date of Birth of each person is the criteria for grouping a person under one of these 729 groups..I met him at his office cum residence in Neela kanta Mehta Street,Near Hindi Prachar Sabha,T'Nagar.Chennai.
To get back to the magic of numbers, from the mystique of numerology, here are some simple puzzles:
Find (a) THREE single digit numbers the sum of squares of which equals the square of another single digit number.
(b) THREE single digit numbers the sum of squares of which equals the square of two other single digit numbers. (two solutions available!)
(c) FOUR single digit numbers the sum of squares of which equals the square of another single digit number.
(d) FOUR single digit numbers the sum of squares of which equals the square of three other single digit numbers as well as two other single digit numbers.
Happy puzzling!
(Caution: 0 not allowed as one of the numbers!)