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My Pursuit - 2 (Redefining what I thought needs to be done)

I have put my website name as my name on my whatsapp profile. Now I am working as a home based recruiter. Maybe a lot of people who I call for placement are seeing my website..

I am talking about my website www.pvkrishnan.com because I have the link to my thread (this thread) on top of my home page on it, saying that this is my story. Maybe people who see my website click on the tamilbrahmins link to read my story and then come back to explore the site like you also try the bajji when you order tea in a new tea stall??

But thats a lot of Maybe's I think.
I wrote and sent this last week September 23rd 2024

The idea of Slow-Pedalling, Measured Growth, Sanskrit and Islam



Dear Sir,

Good morning.

How are you? I hope everything is fine with you and today has been good thus far.

I am writing in continuation to the many emails that I have sent to you. At this time, I do not know anymore which is the single point of contact to send my thoughts for Bharat and its development. Since this is the case, I am emailing you. Hmm.. who am I and are my thoughts so relevant to Bharat? There are thousands more working for our country’s development. True. I am just another average citizen hidden amongst the millions that throng the streets and gullies of Bharat. But I am also reasonably well educated, you will notice this if you read through this document fully.

From 2013-14 time frame, I have been emailing the Tamilnadu BJP email id my thoughts. At that time, I was in Singapore and therefore, my ideas revolved around the fundamentals on which singapore was built. I had emailed about how

A. 99% of Singaporeans have their own house or apartment in the government controlled HDB (Housing Development Board) and

B. how every citizen is covered by a solid health cover which meant very little outgoing from the pocket of the citizens in case of medical problems.

C. In addition to this is the enormously strong contributory CPF (Central Provident Fund) system which holds the citizens older aged years in great fiscal security.

D. Finally the automatic army enrollment after finishing school for male children. This built a great moral character and a patriotic thought process when the singaporean children were still kids.

I had noticed that these four were the building blocks of a strong and visionary country like Singapore because this makes their citizens to not need ‘Money’ per se. As all their needs for a roof above their heads, medical support and expenses as also financial freedom in their senior years are satisfied. They do not have the need for going after and saving more money. Thereby killing the need for taking bribes which in turn kills corruption in society. The army training instils patriotism and an upright character.

Now, we have in Bharat, under the aegis of Shri Modi,

A. PMAY – Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana for housing for Indian Citizens.

B. Ayushman Bharat – for medical insurance

C. Agniveer Scheme

It is interesting to note that during the Cold war years, both Russia and America guarded their scientific research and secrets with all their might. But still both Russian and American Scientists made the same or similar scientific discoveries at around the same time even though they never knew about each others research work. We only know of the english peoples names and their scientific discoveries because of the prevalence of English language in most parts of the world. This would lead us to the thought process that intelligent people think alike and proceed alike even though they are in completely separate environments and do not know each other. I take it that in a similar fashion, the nation building team of our government may or may not have had access to my thoughts and emails but have proceeded in much the same direction as my thoughts. But the end result is that our nation is benefitted.

Now I have a further thought which I submit to the better echelons of power so they might act on it at their discretion. Thus as a humble devotee silently reciting a prayer to the lord, I write this..

An urgent point to note :

This point is urgent from my perspective, I request you to please do pay attention. As noted earlier, the PMAY, Ayushman Bharat and Agniveer are really great schemes. These will benefit our people in the long run and you will see people becoming more independent of money and the urge to take bribes. But I want to most humbly point out that this will take time. It will be atleast one generation before which all the seeds we have planted today can germinate and flower as responsible citizens of tomorrow. Till that next generation comes, we still need to be in power for some time to control the weeds like Pappu who go and bad mouth Bharat in foreign countries.

Given the above, I request the Indian government and the thinking branches to consider slowing their push into international waters and international policies till the water we have poured on our plants feet reaches the roots and the roots become invigorated. We have been growing at a tremendous break-neck rate in the last 10 years and are on our way to becoming the Vishwa-guru. But we must remember that no graph keeps growing and going up all the time. There will be a correction and negative motion at some point to bring balance to the system. It is very important that we in the thinking spaces of the government realise this and plan to accommodate a correction in our growth. In this regard, I must say, I am a bit happy with us securing only 240 seats this election season. This itself is a correction to our superb growth trajectory. But let us please try and plan a correction instead of the correction and negative growth taking control of us in a rude manner. I request the government and powers-that-be in the senior echelons to consider a conscious effort to slow pedal for a bit. Concentrate a tiny little bit more on sharpening the PMAY, Agniveer and Ayushman Bharat Schemes, make sure that the schemes reach our grass-roots.

Please do not get into Gaza or Ukraine at this time. If we do this, we are entering uncharted territory before we have a strong base. Let us please grow our muscles some more. We still need to grow in the microprocessor and chip industry space, we also need to become more of an economic giant. ‘Peace’ is dictated by the man with the biggest stick. Please remember this. Give it some more time so that the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha members also speak sanskrit and talk about artha shastra. They need not become sanskrit scholars or experts on commentaries by chanakya. But the soil has to attain a certain level of moisture and wetness before we can grow on it. Similarly, please think about the idea of giving sometime for the organic manure that we have so painstakingly created and distributed to take effect.

Again, I am but a humble devotee, an average citizen putting my thoughts and my prayers before the learned people running the government.

1. Please do not enter foreign waters and negotiations at this time. Ukraine and Gaza and what-not can wait. No one came when our citizens were dying in Indo-Chinese and India-Pakistan wars. Why should we interfere in what is essentially a European and middle-east problem before concentrating on ourselves? Most importantly, we do not want to get into bed with the Americans. We dont want to become cozy with them. As can be seen as recently as this week’s Modi visit to the US for the QUAD summit in September 2024, the American Whitehouse had itself initiated a meeting with pro-Khalistan separatist leaders on the day our PM was to land in American soil. Please be wary.

2. Please concentrate on what more is needed to fertilize our own soil in a healthy manner. We already have PMAY, Agniveer and Ayushman Bharat. What more can we do for our citizens.. to strengthen them? We have the Agniveer scheme where every male citizen gets a few years at the Army after finishing high school. The current stringent rule of every school pass-out being in army for 2 years builds a strong moral character and orientation among the singaporean citizens and they cherish and fight to stand by their identity as Singaporeans even though most are chinese. They actually get angry if they are referred to as chinese and not singaporeans. Like- wise our citizens should also cherish and fight to stand by their identity as Bharathiya. What more can we do to instil this in our citizens. Shouldnt we give more time to ensure that every indian citizen – atleast 90% have their own homes under the PMAY scheme and atleast 90% are subscribed to Ayushman Bharat so more people are less inclined to take a bribe since their basic needs are satisfied. We have come to power and are going great guns with development for the past 10 years.. should we not sit down and concentrate on establishing a strong kingdom? Please think about slow pedalling and concentrating on strengthening the grass roots of our country for the upcoming five years.

Finally, Two more things which I request we concentrate on -

1. I had supported the IKS (Indian Knowledge Systems) but had also recommended the creation of a SRDO (Sanskrit Research and Development Organisation) on the lines of DRDO to employ sanskrit and vedic scholars who are currently primarily EWS Quota people and provide these people with Social status and financial security. I am not talking about so called brahmins in high positions and driving around in Hyundai cars but I am thinking about the actual EWS Quota people. Currently these people are unable to marry and produce progeny who will continue to read sanskrit. This is because no one will give their daughters in marriage to sanskrit scholars because they cannot earn their daily bread – forget feeding their children. So an attempt to give social status and financial support to this group is most important if we are going to look at saving our samskriti and look at a Hindu civilizational rennaissance. In this regard, I welcome Pawan Kalyan, the telugu politician’s, call for a central organisation for Sanatana Dharma Rakshana Board. This board could be build with pure sanskrit and vedic scholars who can take care of hindu temples from a national perspective thereby replacing the current state controlled HR&CE. They can also verify and advise the government on what are the correct sanatana dharma practices to follow and in turn enrich our samskriti and our nation. This board can have a research wing to understand more about our scriptures and the knowledge hidden in their verses. Best example for research is trying to understand how cyclones, rainfall and drought are predicted through pure mathematics using our age old panchangam instead of spending millions on acquiring, learning and using american made meteorological systems.

But there are some inherent risks to this attempt in helping what is essentially the EWS Quota people. Most EWS Quota people who read and practice vedas also vouch for the varna-asrama system which diametrically opposite to todays prevalent thought process of anyone can do anything. Thus, we are in danger of unwittingly returning to a period where certain people were not allowed into temples. This was the simple root cause of governmental control over temples which was supposed to be limited to economic and people management but which took an abhorrent shape to what it is today. Please think around this point.

The primary idea should be to give financial and social status to the EWS quota people without disturbing their practice of studying and practising the vedas. This will help our sanatana dharma to flourish in the long run but will not get you any votes in the shorter/nearer future. Somehow involving them with the sanatana rakshana board without granting them full control but have a veto power in all operations would help nourish the roots of our vedic system by giving a chance for future generations of EWS quota people study deeper about our vedic scriptures and share this with the government for the benefit of all Bharath.

2. The problem of Islam and others in Bharat - I believe that we have had it for 400 or so years now, we cannot just pull out the entire idea in a few years like pulling out a weed. Islam is in our system now, we dont want to pull out our flesh and bones in our zeal to root out separatism and terrorism. I request that all steps being currently taken in this regard be continued and should not be stopped at any cost. But do - Take a slow, measured and studied plan towards its eradication. Slowly close the tap which brings foreign radical islamists into india for preaching purposes. Then when we only have the bharathiya islamists, we should pursue an appropriate educational pursuit aimed at educating the islamic population about what is taught to their children by the Quran and Madrasas - whether they want their children to believe in it. Like Ghazwa-e-Hind, and the idea that there is only one god allah and those who do not believe are fakirs who should be killed. Gently push the middle class islamists to question their beliefs and somehow include the idea of Ghar-Wapsi in an educational setting. Maybe the educational curriculum can include a small section talking about how the invaders spread their poisonous religions and how the idea is to get back to the hindu fold by highlighting the problems with Islam as listed above. What we have with Islam and the missionaries is a case of a nice silk saree having fallen on a thorn bush. If we use brute force to get back the saree, it will only tear the saree and the loss is to us only – not the thorn bush. Please sit down and think about what is said in this point. This is multiple times more important than anything else. We have to somehow cut out foreign and radical influence on our country’s muslims and completely nullify the threat of madrasas, somehow kill the idea that madrasa is a place of education.


I wrote this yesterday and sent it today.

The story of Sri Ram and the demon Kadanbha, Employment for EWS Quota, Making Gurukuls the main mode of education while keeping IX th to XII th western curriculum to compete internationally



Dear Sir,

Good morning.

I hope your weekend went off well and you were able to spend time with your family.

I am once again emailing my thoughts in continuation to my last email – slow pedalling and measured growth. A brief mention of what was last discussed. The need for stepping away from international affairs and international peace arbitrations, Gaza, Ukraine and the cozying-up to certain nations. The importance of slow pedalling and concentrating on internal growth and growing some economic muscle. The need for sharpening our schemes of PM Awas Yojana, Ayushman Bharath and Agniveer so they reach and enable grassroot growth in our great Bharath. Average people becoming independent of need for ‘Money’ and instilling character and patriotism in them through army placements. The need for growth and supremacy in Semiconductor and Chip industry given the ubiquitous ability of americans to hack every phone and laptop we have. Finally the realisation and need for tempering our growth trajectory by realising that no graph keeps going up eternally and we have to provide for a planned regression.

In this email, I would like to illustrate a small story from our Sri Ramayana Itihasa and lead on to an idea for making Gurukuls permanent across Bharath and the employment of the EWS Quota people so they may read and practice Sanskrit, Vedas but still have a societal and financial standing thereby ensuring the survival of our vedas for the next generation.

Given the weight of what I am trying to communicate here, I pray and pay my humble obeisances to my forefathers and the almighty so that what I mean to communicate is communicated clearly and people who need to understand this also understand this clearly without any doubts.

With this thought.

Let us begin.

It is said by learned sanskrit scholars, and I quote, Sri U Ve Velukudi Krishnan from Chennai – the Itihaasas and Puraanams can be warehouses of literary wealth. The word Puraanam can be read as Pura-Api-Navam or essentially the meaning is that the texts of the old which gives new meanings as we grow older and read it again. Keeping this in mind, let us go through the story of Sri Rama vanquishing the demon Kadanbha.

Ram encounters a peculiar demon in the forest. His name is Kabandha. Kabandha stretches his two long arms and grabs Ram and his brother and then draws them close to his mouth. That is when Ram notices that the demon has no separate head; it has merged with his stomach. In other words, he sees for his stomach, he hears for his stomach, and he thinks for his stomach. His existence is all about eating. There is no other thought. No other purpose. This is a great metaphor for Capitalism – the great economic philosophies that shape our societies today.

Take a look at the ambitious billionaires of the world today. They have more wealth than anyone else in the world, but they still want more, pursuing relentless growth. In interviews they appear motivated, driven, hungry, and they glamourise their discontentment. This is because modern society sees endless ambition, like relentless growth, as a virtue, rather than a pathology.

Ambition makes sense when you do not have enough to pay your bills. But what about when you have a surplus of seventy generations? At what point does one say – I have enough. Modern society says contentment is a pathology – it is equated with complacency in business schools and business world. Everyone, poor and rich, is expected to keep running – on the treadmill, in the office, on the smartphone, accessible even on vacation, chasing the next goal, the next target, the next vision. Only the lazy rest. The rest stay productive.

This endless ambition and relentless growth is what drives our Indian citizens today. This is why everyone wants to immigrate to America and other foreign countries. This is why that 25 year old girl who should have been bouncing around ebulliently with irrepressible happiness and energy died after being over-worked at Ernest & Young this September 2024. It is said that this young lady who just joined the work force and had worked for only around 4 to 6 months was paid 28 Lakhs. Is 28 Lakhs worth this??

We really need another Lord Ram to come and conquer this demon which sees, thinks and hears with its stomach and only concentrates on consuming everything. Sri Ram ate only what was needed by him, he did not feed endlessly, relentlessly and therefore led a satisfied, happy and contented life. We have to re-teach this art of satisfied happy living to our progeny lest they become Kadanbha and go behind a 28 Lakh salary only to die young like the poor girl.

But how to do that? How do you teach a grown 20 something youth to temper his ambitions and drive to grow and achieve endlessly.

Basically we cannot do the above. Because the age of 20 we generally call as Yuva or youth period has these characteristics and they cannot be meddled with from outside. This has to be controlled by the person himself through knowledge he has gained or accumulated during his studying years as a brahmachari.

So Yes, this can be achieved through proper education to young kids. This is where our NEP plays a huge role in trying to bring in our culture into our education. But we still have too many Pappu (Rahul G) in our society who will not allow Ramayana and Mahabharatha to be taught to children in the schools like children used to be taught in Gurukuls by brahmins of yesteryears. Thus, our aim should be to bring about a fundamental change which is to make brahmins teach our children. The brahmins will then take care of introducing Ramayana, Mahabharatha and vedic scriptures to our children with or without NEP and Pappu.

We generally only see Convents and schools setup by Christian missionaries across our country. Yes, they have mushroomed everywhere and need to be rooted out. But amongst this dense undergrowth, there are also a few Hindu Educational Charity organisations like the Sankara Schools in Chennai. As far as noticeable to me, every town that has a notable hindu temple also has atleast one hindu educational charity operating in it with atleast one school under them. Let us say, we are able to somehow encourage these ‘ Hindu Charitable Schools ‘ to employ EWS Quota / Sanskrit educated / Veda padasala educated brahmins as teachers, we would have taken the first step to teaching our young progeny the values of our culture. These kids will no longer run after money but will run after dharma when they grow and eventually become Grahasthas or family men. Sanskrit / Veda padasala grads might require a short course that they will need to do before they can teach in schools. We have to look into that. That shudhras should not be excluded from education should be made clear to these Trusts and Charities

I hope the cogency or line of my thoughts is correctly communicated here. We had talked about Puraanams giving new meanings everytime we read it as we age more. Then we saw the new meaning of the demon Kadanbha and how Lord Ram vanquished him. Then we were trying to see how to bring this generational knowledge to our next progeny. And we have now come upto using Sanskrit and Veda Padasala educated EWS Quota people to teach in schools run by ‘ Hindu Charitable Trusts’ . This idea can be expanded to all schools at a later stage. If we manage to replace schools with gurukuls across bharat, the last step is redundant. But till we are able to achieve that, this step is necessary.

Now for the last step of empowering the EWS quota people and solving problem of governmental control over temples.

If we can further invigorate the ‘ Hindu Charitable Trusts ‘ like foreigners have funded and invigorated Christian Missionary Schools in the guise of minority institutions.., For Your Information, EWS Quota is also a minority, We can help our Hindu Charitable trusts to setup their own colleges within the temple towns where they operate and exist. If we are able to simultaneously sharpen our NEP to include vedic education along with university education as has been rumored, we would have achieved our goal of instilling the knowledge of the vedas into our progeny of tomorrow. Not only that, the graduates of these schools/gurukuls and colleges would be mature enough to handle the operation of their town temples without need for governmental oversight. Thus, the carefully chosen and cultivated Hindu Educational Trusts can first be encouraged to employ EWS Quota people to teach in the gurukuls and senior secondary schools after which we can possibly open colleges under the same umbrella Trusts. This will be followed by the trusts being coagulated with the temple trusts so the same people ensure the education of our children as also the protection of our culture. In Tamilnadu, Age-old Aadheenams can do this.

An essential idea to note here is that if we are somehow able to circumcise the need for schools to be for IX th or Nineth Standard and above .. uptil XII or Twelfth Standard, this will ensure that all kids will go to local gurukuls for their education till they are 14 years old. It must be noticed that this has been the traditional education system in practise in Bharat before the invaders came. The kids are given upanayanam irrespective of caste and sent to gurukuls at the age of 7 wih bright white and shiny new yagnyopaveethams. They were expected to finish gurukul in 7 to 8 years at the age of 14. Thus, they would have imbued all the knowledge that they need to know before their hormones began to flow. This means that the traditional knowledge is safe guarded. If you think deeply, you will not remember that many things from your life till you attained the age of 14 years. The memory will be in broken pieces. But from around the age of 14 or VIIth or VIIIth standard in school, we will remember everything clearly. Thus, 14 is the age from which we start to make meaning of what is around us. If all that needs to be taught is taught to the children before this critical age of 14, they will use this knowledge to make sense of their surroundings and thus our culture will live on. This is the reason veda-adhyayanam is also for 8 year period after upanayanam at the age of 7.

To close and ensure the entire idea was communicated.

1. Story of the demon Kadanbha

2. The current thinking style of our children/younger generation

3. Status of ‘Old’ Hindu educational charities in Temple Towns. These are called Aadheenams in South Tamilnadu

4. Employing EWS Quota sanskrit / veda padasala educated people

5. Empowering Hindu educational trusts / Aadheenams like Christian Missionaries were empowered by foreigners

6. Hindu Educational Trusts / Aadheenams setting up Colleges based on NEP which includes vedic education

7. Cutting school education to only start from age 14 i.e. IX th or Nineth standard uptil XII th or twelfth.

8. Creating space for local gurukuls to grow and teach our children between ages 7 and 14

9. Only from IXth standard - means only Junior Colleges will exist in Bharat, no primary or middle school.

Thus we will re-Instate Gurukuls across Bharat and retain western education to compete internationally.

If the cutting down of national requirement of schools to be between IX th (nineth standard) and XII th (Twelfth Standard) is possible, then, we do not need to teach the EWS Quota any short course so they can teach in schools. If this cutting down of school to start from Nineth standard is done in a phased manner while allowing the local eco-system to also grow their own local gurukuls by the local EWS Quota, we would have achieved the target of giving employment, social and financial standing to the EWS Quota People while also safeguarding our culture and vedic knowledge. So in Bharat of the future, official schooling should start from Higher Secondary Schools or Junior colleges and all younger kids should compulsorily attend Gurukuls for 8 years. There can be compulsory 6 months of Special/English/Hindi language classes prior to Junior College for the kids to learn requisite or additional languages as needed for their further education.

Icing on the cake – we can make sanskrit our national language in about 10 years from now. Thus, a secondary objective of making Sanskrit the national language like the Qing dynasty made Mandarin the national language in china would be much easier. Inspite of innumerable versions of chinese scripts and dialects in the kingdom of China the Qing Dynasty made it possible for Mandarin to be the language of the land in early 1900s. This will be Modi who established Sanskrit in Bharath. Once Sanskrit is the national language we would have ensured that the vedic knowledge and civilization lives on for atleast the next 2 or 3 generations. Where our Bharathiya people go after 3 generations is for them to decide.

Gurukuls and EWS Quota people should not be allowed to mix with or teach Technology. Technology is the illegitimate child of Capitalism. In a cyclical loop, it always forces us to go for the next version, the next iteration, stay updated and this causes the birth of the demon Kadanbha who sees, hears and does everything with his stomach. Go back to the start of this essay to know about why we dont want kadanbha. Therefore Technology should be kept away from Gurukuls and EWS Quota people. Please find a way to reduce the influence of Technology and thus Kadanbha on our Bharathiya population.

But yes, we need to embrace the new to move forward and therefore technology comes into the picture but do we always need the next iteration? We can have some sub-continental rule applicable to only Bharath which forces a gap (of 2 years maybe) before the next version (of Intel Processor, or Windows OS or any other Smart Phone) comes into our realm. This will ensure that Bharath always gets the most tried and tested, stable version of every Software and Hardware that comes into being. By this we will also know all the hacks and backdoors to the new technology as they have already been researched and published thereby minimising chances of technology being used to spy on us by foreign countries/agencies. Think about tempering the introduction of Technology (Hardware/Software) into India until it has been widely used across the world for atleast a year. Or atleast our DRDO should have had enough time to study the technology and certify it is safe with no spyware.

I hope what I wanted to communicate was done clearly and people who need to understand do so without issues.

Bharat Mata Ki.. Jai.

The ICICI Conundrum

Well, I am faced with this big ethical question so putting this out there. You already know about the bosch case. But I never wrote about the ICICI case that I also filed.

Basically what happened is that I took a loan with ICICI and HDFC bank in early 2019. I mid 2019, I was again on my perennial trips to Oz. During this trip though, I failed to put enough money in my ICICI bank account and when the emi date was due, the EMI lapsed. The next thing that happened is the point of contention here. ICICI bank simply emptied my bank account without contacting me or letting me know with even a reminder that my emi was due or it had lapsed.. Usually this is not a big deal.. you just top up your account and move on.. but since I am what I am and what I have experienced is not quite the middle/worker class experience, I became paranoid when I saw that my bank account was empty. For about a day or two I was super paranoid and thinking that they hacked my bank accounts and had already setup cameras in my house. Somehow I reached out to Epping hospital near where I was staying at that time. The hospital emergency did a thorough test and let me sleep a bit in the emergency section itself and then let me go. But this hooked me on the Health system here and I was visited by a mental health team a duo of caring people. Initially I was scared again that they were tracking me but later on talking to them i realised that they were social minded people who were trying to see if I was alright. Well, anyway thats another story. But then I got angry that this was due to ICICI so i just waited.

Finally a debt person contacted me on whatsapp and asked me why I had not paid my dues. I took the opportunity to ask him why they emptied my bank account. He prompty produced a printout of all my EMI payments and without remorse said that they had ''received payment from me for the last emi''... I begged to differ, I never made a payment, they took it without my permission and knowledge. I switched to email for communications so I could keep track of the conversation. This was escalated to the another person and he promptly said on email that the loan agreement said that the bank had the right to put a lien on any deposits that I had with the bank. I googled lien and it did not mean that they can take my money. Moreover, he just scanned two or three lines which used the word lien and sent that section alone to me and did not send me the loan agreement. I tried to get the loan agreement that I signed repeatedly and they would not give it.

The next thing that happened was horrendous.. Since i was asking questions, these goons sent some more goons to my house in triplicane. They talked to my uncle and my father and left. I was speechless. This was like.. I, the bank, can do what I want.. so shut up and pay. same attitude as Bosch when I initially disagreed to stay in office for more that 8.5 hours. which escalated in different directions. But thats another story.

So, the above happened and this table tennis game escalated with both me and the bank sending each other legal notices and finally this case is going to come up for hearing.

But the problem and dilemma I am faced with is because, right now I am stuck in a bit of financially strict times and I was forced to use ICICI bank credit card. Now the card is almost maxed and I am trying to make repayments. Still not overdue.. mind you.. but i am managing the payments.

So, now that I am using ICICI bank credit card.. should I continue with the case??

What to do..
ICICI Bank Case
The district consumer court in Bengaluru has delivered its judgement in my case against ICICI bank.

Attached is the judgement.

I believe it is worth noting and looking deeper at the points 38 and 42 where the judge dealth with why she chose Res Judicata and used wrong interpretation of the word 'lien' in the Indian Contracts Law.

Point 38 - For choosing Res Judicata and restricting me from applying to a higher court, the judge has reasoned that when I pre-closed my loan with ICICI Bank, I signed a document stating that Quote - "This settlement should not be brought before any courts" In my humble opinion, the words "This settlement" is open to interpretation and can be understood to mean only the settlement of the ICICI bank loan for a pre-determined amount and should not be construed as including any court action with respect to ICICI bank's methods of retrieving loan emi. Also, I paid Around 10 Lakhs in addition to the already paid EMIs which totalled around 8 Lakhs. This in total I had paid around 18.5 Lakhs as against the 20 Lakh loan.

Screenshot goodness of Poinnt 38 -


Point 42 - For negating my request to consider that ICICI Bank had withdrawn the entire balance in my account within 3 working days of my missed EMI payment, the judge had reasoned that the Bank was still compliant to the Indian Contracts Law which states that the Bank was open to issue a lien on the property or deposits of the defaulting individual. Here the keyword of 'lien' is used and the word 'take possession' is not explicitly used. The word lien means 'take control of' which alludes to the bank taking control of the financial instrument whereby the defaulting individual cannot access, sell or modify it for personal gain.

Screenshot goodness of Point 42 -


The above is of course my personal opinion.

Actual Law graduates and practitioners may comment if interested but people who post anti-indian and anti-hindu articles and do not have respect for brahmin sensitivities are not welcome on my thread.

Judgement document is attached for public perusal.


Complaint to Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
Government of India
Dated: 15/10/2024

Details of complainant

Name of Complainant
P V Krishnan

Father/Husband/Guardian Name


Contact Details
[email protected], 93810

Details of Disability
55%, Mental Illness

Details of Respondent(s)


Respondent Address

Contact Details


Assistant Professor
Of Psychiatry
Institute Of Mental
Health Kilpauk
Chennai )

61/28, Medavakkam Tank Rd,
Thiruvalluvar Nagar, A K Swamy
Nagar, Purasaiwakkam, 61/28,
Medavakkam Tank Rd, Thiruvalluvar
Nagar, A K Swamy Nagar,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu-600010

Details of Complaint

Grievance Description

I had requested a Disability Certificate for Mental Illness for my incurable Paranoid Schizophrenia which included auditory hallucinations. The Chief Medical Officers made me take a lot of psychological tests and wasted my time. Then I was issued with a temporary disability certificate indicating 55% disability instead of a permanent disability certificate. I have had paranoid schizophrenia since 2008. I have been administered electric shocks as part of treatment. I first had auditory hallucinations symptoms when I was in Singapore in 2014. I have been treated at Institute of Mental Health Singapore for 5 years between 2010 to 2015. I have also been resident in Australia working as a security guard and had a relapse in 2020 and was treated in Melbourne, Australia. Currently i am consulting Dr. Narasimhan in Chennai, Tamilnadu for getting prescriptions for my daily maintenance dosage of 100mg+50mg (1-0-1) Amisulpride. In tamilnadu there is severe prejudice against the brahmin caste by the common populace which is driven by dravidian politics of DMK. The deputy Chief minister of Tamilnadu (my state) has openly talked about eradicating sanatan dharma like dengue or malaria and is currently facing court cases across india. I believe I am a victim of caste prejudice based on me being a Hindu brahmin.

Relief Sought

Please issue a permanent disability certificate for mental illness to me and take departmental action against Dr. V. Karthikeyan for treating me in a prejudiced manner based on my hindu brahmin caste.

Office of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities(Divyangjan)
5th Floor, NISD Building, Plot No.G-2, Sector-10, Dwaraka, New Delhi-110075
Tele# 011-20892364, 20892275
E-mail: [email protected]

Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
Government of India
Dated: 15/10/2024
Last edited:
Hot Topic.. Hot Topic..

Fw: CCPD: Forwarded Letter Copy of State Commissioner​

From: Krishnan Parthasarathy <[email protected]> on Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:21:05
[email protected]
[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
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Dear Sir,

I could not find a section on the Tamilnadu medical council website which detailed how to register a complaint against a doctor or a hospital. I fear that any written complaints will face the same sorry state as the below attached complaint to the Tamilnadu State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities.

Therefore this email to maintain records in case of subsequent legal disputes after a change of government in the state of Tamilnadu.

In August 2024, I had approached the Institute of Mental health (Out-Patient) , Kilpauk , Chennai for a mental disability certificate. I wanted to get a low level job as a clerk or driver or security guard in some office in tamilnadu. I have already worked as a security guard in Australia as part of Disability Services and Employment in that country. All certificates can be produced. The doctors in the Kilpauk hospital gave me a merry-go-run-around and made me take all sorts of psychological tests. My typed medical history clearly states that I was diagnosed with Severe Paranoid Schizophrenia with auditory hallucinations and repeated admissions to psychiatric wards. I do not know what the psychological assessments were for. But on September 12th 2024 when I confronted the Chief Medical Officer at Institute of Mental Health (Out-Patient), Kilpauk Chennai. He told me and my to fathers face that "people like me should not get pension". And then he wrote in the notes that he has ordered psycho-social intervention. A copy of my diagnosis from Singapore Institute of Mental Health and Australian recognised diagnosis for Paranoid Schizophrenia with auditory hallucinations along with a record of application of EET. The chief medical officer had a copy of all this and the prescriptions from my Indian doctor who had treated me during the last relapse in June-July 2022. All prescriptions of medication were produced and officially xerox copied and included in my file. I believe the chief medical officer's reticence is symptomatic of hatred for brahmins in Tamilnadu where Dravidian politicians play the roost. My father was wearing his thenkalai iyengar tilak on his forehead during all his visits. And my whatsapp profile lists my website where I have clearly mentioned that I am a Iyengar Brahmin.

When I consulted my Indian Doctor on proper course of action, he simply asked me to inform the doctors at IMH (out patient) kilpauk that legal remedy would be sought. During the next meeting at the hospital, I merely repeated what my doctor had said and immediately a "Temporary" Disability certificate was issued with 55% disability. No further tests or certificates were sought. When I asked why the "Temporary" tag and whether Indians had found a cure for Paranoid Schizophrenia and Auditory Hallucinations. No answer.

Attached is Singapore medical report (2011-2015) and Australian doctors medical report for a relapse in 2020 April.

And below is screenshot goodness of the last noted comments on my file in IMH (Out-Patient) Kilpauk, Chennai.

If no action is taken, I will simply wait till BJP becomes a political force in tamilnadu and put a blade to the butt of every person involved in this so that they cannot sit or stand properly ever again. The first person will be the person in-charge of handling this contact@ email id who needs to maintain a record of action he has taken on receipt of this email so that the courts can release him to go free. He is a poor guy.



I request you to take frontal action to de-register all chief medical officers listed with IMH(out-Patient) Kilpauk Chennai for letting caste identity interfere with medical reasoning with immediate effect. This will ensure that it will act as a wake call for the rest of the fraternity who differentiate based on being a brahmin or not. Please ensure that it is done publicly so I will hear about it and stop further unnecessary action.

Please be aware that the medical reports mean that I am a high functioning individual with schizophrenia. In medical terms, it means I am highly educated, systematic and highly psychotic. Even after knowing this, the doctors refused me a certificate. Imagine the Dum of the doctors!! it beats Hyderabadi Dum biriyani I think.. what do you say? Therefore, the list of places I am going to complain are going to grow. With everyone tagged for negligence and susceptible to firing at the time of retirement "without pension".

Thank you for your time. You will be made aware of the next steps as they happen.

Screenshot goodness below -

Parthasarathy Venkata Krishnan. (Brahmin Thenkalai Iyengar)

From: O/o CCPD <[email protected]>
Sent: Thu, 24 Oct 2024 15:10:40
To: "krishnanvp 79" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: CCPD: Forwarded Letter Copy of State Commissioner

You are advised to pursue with the Office of the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Government of Tamil Nadu along with the supporting documents and disability certificate.

Office of CCPD

It is also informed that in case, there is any grievance related to violation or non-implementation of any section/provision of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 by any organization under Central Government, You are may file your complaint/grievance before the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities on the online grievance portal : http://ccpdcourt.gov.in

From: "krishnanvp 79" <[email protected]>
To: "O/o CCPD" <[email protected]>
Cc: "grievance ccpd" <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2024 11:39:03 AM
Subject: Re: CCPD: Forwarded Letter Copy of State Commissioner

Dear Sir,

Can you please update me on the two complaints I made to the Office of Commissioner for Disabled Persons on Oct 14th and which was forwarded to the tamilnadu state office on Oct 15th 2024?

Reference no. DNO/24/CCPD/2736
Reference no. DNO/24/CCPD/2735

From: [email protected] Sent: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 17:35:04 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: CCPD: Forwarded Letter Copy of State Commissioner
Dear P V Krishnan

Your Case has been forwarded to the State Commissioner for Person with Disabilities, Govt. of TAMIL NADU as the same is within their Jurisdiction.

Copies of relevant documents are attached for your reference.

Thanks & Regards

Office of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities(Divyangjan),

5th Floor, NISD Building, Plot No.G-2, Sector-10, Dwaraka, New Delhi-110075,

Tele# 011-20892364, 20892275,

E-mail: [email protected]


And following the mojo of my posts of the past present. (why? Only X-men movies can have such names a?)

Here is a song for the moment.


This is the complaint against the Coimbatore company Caliber Interconnect that I was forced to file for the Nth time with the CPGRAMS portal..

Grievance Number MINHA/E/2025/0003971

This complaint is now with the SPL Deputy Commissioner Labour , DMS Complex, Chennai.. Lets see if he will do something. I eventually plan to pull this chain right to the doors of the supreme court and ask what punishment to be given to government servants who believe they cannot be removed from their jobs and so need not do any work.

The complaint..

My problem was very simple. I had worked with a company called Caliber Interconnect based in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu and having branches in Bangalore. This company suddenly asked me to resign. I accepted to resign but requested that I be paid in Cash in lieu of the 3 month notice period they had declared in the offer letter. I resigned on April 12th 2021. I was not paid for the month of April 2021 or the notice period of 3 months. Neither was I given an experience letter. This is straight forward is it not. Well.. the Tamilnadu State Labour Department somehow does not think so. I emailed my complaint to the Coimbatore labour commissioner and Deputy labour commissioner in 2021 itself. After no response I filed my first CPGRAMS complaint PMOPG_E_2023_023441 to which the Tamilnadu Labour department replied that there is nothing more to do. Then I filed two more CPGRAMS Complaints because no action was taken these were PMOPG_E_2023_0106671 and PMOPG_E_2024_0034592. To the last two CPGRAMS complaints, the Tamilnadu Labour department simply says that these complaints were not received by the State Labour department at all according to the attached RTI requests.

The entire state labour department of tamilnadu seems to be hell bent on protecting this Caliber Interconnects Company based out of Coimbatore. I have attached clear documentation with the earlier CPGRAMS complaints this company has not paid me my dues. How can it be that a state department can say that they never received the CPGRAMS complaints from the Prime Ministers Office?

Please take serious action on the department officials responsible for inaction on a straight forward matter for 3 years.
This recent complaint to the CPGRAMS portal is regarding the really really old like grandfather times old BOSCH problem

Grievance Status for registration number : MOLBR/E/2025/0023794

Primary Problem - I was an NRI till end of 2015. In Jan 2016, I joined Bosch Coimbatore. Right from the start they forced me to work more than 10 hours a day. I complained noting that labour laws state only 8 hours per day of work. They started illtreating me and refused me a letter which was to be used for immigration to Australia. My immigration to Australia was gravely impacted. I complained to the Development Commissioner in MEPZ as Bosch was in a SEZ in coimbatore and local state labour department will not touch them because of this. The Development commissioner did nothing. Complaint regarding this was registered as -- MOLBR/E/2024/0020649

Current Problem - I registered the same complaint with the Labour commissioner of Bangalore in 2022. Case No. DL-C2-PTN-CR-31/2022-23. It was stuck in the discussion stage with the Deputy Labour Commissioner itself for more than 9 months whereas these issues should be closed in 3 months per government rules. Now, without this case being forwarded to the Labour Court, it is being made to forcefully sit in the Labour Commissioners office for reasons unknown till date.

Kindly take administrative action against the officers who are responsible for withholding this case from proceeding to the Labour Court. And please fast track its transfer to the Labour Court. It is now 8 years since the incident happened and 4 years since my latest attempt at the labour department for justice. The earlier attempt with the development commissioner ended as illustrated by the CPGRAMS complaint above.

I cannot understand why government departments are hell bent on protecting a foreign company like BOSCH which is trampling on Indian Citizens and abusing them

This is currently with

Officer Name

Tej Bahadur (Dy. Chief Labour Commissioner)

Organisation name

Central Lbour Commissione Central

Contact Address

Office of Chief Labour Commissioner-Central, Shramev Jayate Bhawan, Dwarka Sector-10, New Delhi
I also recently found that CPGRAMS has updated their website with information on where to complain if no action is taken on a complaint registered with CPGRAMS.

It seems we have to approach DPG.gov.in

And so..
The following is the complaint to DPG.gov.in regarding ICICI and how the RBI Ombudsman did not take any action on my complaint..

Registration Number: DPG/B/2025/80307
Name of Complainant: P V Krishnan
Grievance Description: Prequel - I took a loan from ICICI bank in 2019 February. The first time I missed my EMI payment in October 2019, the bank emptied my savings bank account without informing within 3 working days. When I asked how can you empty my bank account without even informing me that the EMI was not paid, the bank send legal notice and loan handlers to my fathers house in November 2019 that too after I paid all EMI Dues in first half of November 2019 itself.

The Problem - I wrote a complaint that bank should not be able to empty an Indian Citiens bank account without telling him nor should they send legal notice or loan handlers to the citizens house after all EMI dues were paid. The RBI Ombudsman did not take any action. Did not give any resolution. Did not communicate anything to me and let the complaint disappear/drift.

Now - I complained to CPGRAMS to take action against the RBI Ombudsman. The RBI forwards this complaint to ICICI bank which promptly says the issue is sub-judice. Yes. I have filed a case against ICICI Bank. But no case is filed against RBI Ombudsman. And my complaint is against RBI Ombudsman not taking any action or sending any further communication regarding the matter to me.

Requested Action - Please take action against the RBI Ombudsman ... we are not in the 1930s when zamindaars and loan sharks could enter the household of people who took loans and take whatever they could lay their hands on when the first time they missed a payment. The RBI was setup to make sure that this does not happen and there are banking rules to be followed when an EMI is not paid. None of these rules were followed by ICICI Bank in my case and when the RBI was informed of this development, they too conveniently closed the case without taking action.

RBI Ombudsman is there to protect the Indian Citizen against Banks malpractices. Here the RBI Ombudsman themselves have colluded with the erring ICICI Bank.

Please take strict action against the RBI Ombudsman and remove the person from government job who handled my complaint and closed it without taking action.

RBI Ombudsman Complaint No. 201920002012524 is the relevant complaint which I had filed with RBI Ombudsman 4 years back,
Recieved in DPG on: 16/2/2025
Transfered To :
Dept. of Financial Services
Concerned Officer:M. Nagaraju
Officer Designation:Secretary FS
Officer Address:Jeevan Deep Building Sansad Marg New Delhi
Reason For Transfer : Transferred for appropriate action
Date of Action Taken : 18/2/2025
Action Status Details
And do you know what happened after I posted this complaint to DPG.gov.in ????

I got this email from senior management at ICICI Bank according to the email id from which this email originated.

And I was wondering why the hell are ICICI replying to a complaint against the RBI Ombudsman.. Did the ICICI pay the RBI ombudsman to keep quiet on my complaint??

And what's more.. the ICICI "Senior Management" has accepted in an open email that they deducted money from my account and forced my balance to zero.. yikes...

I am going to print a copy of this email and send it to the mInistry listed in the previous post asking why is the ICICI replying when my complaint was against the RBI Ombudsman. Lets see..
Point 38 - For choosing Res Judicata and restricting me from applying to a higher court, the judge has reasoned that when I pre-closed my loan with ICICI Bank, I signed a document stating that Quote - "This settlement should not be brought before any courts" In my humble opinion, the words "This settlement" is open to interpretation and can be understood to mean only the settlement of the ICICI bank loan for a pre-determined amount and should not be construed as including any court action with respect to ICICI bank's methods of retrieving loan emi. Also, I paid Around 10 Lakhs in addition to the already paid EMIs which totalled around 8 Lakhs. This in total I had paid around 18.5 Lakhs as against the 20 Lakh loan.
If you believe that you have a strong case and no other SC precedents are against you, then please do go ahead and approach either a revision bench first or the SC. I would visit lawyers in Chennai for this as there are a lot of really good Iyengar Brahmins who undertake commercial cases but are deeply motivated by causes like yours and may be willing to help you after you let them know of your circumstances. (I will not be naming names as I do not want to breach their privacy, nor do I wish for my identity to be exposed. A good way for you to find out about these people would be through political cases and by going to your lawyer and requesting them)

From what I can tell, any good lawyer might be able to do so if the case is truly genuine. It would be great if you could clarify the following for my own curiosity:
  1. Was the lawyer representing you a Senior Counsel or one with great rapport with the judges?
  2. Could you share the case number as well as other related details so that I may be able to go through the facts and understand the case (for my own understanding only. I am not a lawyer and cannot provide legal counsel yet)?
I am going to print a copy of this email and send it to the mInistry listed in the previous post asking why is the ICICI replying when my complaint was against the RBI Ombudsman. Lets see..
Approach the media as well if you want. Ministry may not look at this as it is a low priority, so you will have to be smart when tackling this. Media is more likely to take this as you mentioned you are a resident of Australia, and they would be able to make your story and loss of hope with India marketable. Though I must admit that this may not give you the results you seek, you will be able to get more this way.

P. S.: If you do go through the media outlet route, make sure to send the ministry the mail. Also, in your statements to the press, be sure to be hopeful and not antagonise the Govt of India. Good luck with your case!

P. P. S.: Something that may help you from a more theological side is to pray to Surya Bhagwan as well as Shani or Yama (depending on your astrological chart, go for either. If you cannot make a choice that just pray to Lord Rama for winning this legal battle, but do remember to pray to Surya regardless).
If you believe that you have a strong case and no other SC precedents are against you, then please do go ahead and approach either a revision bench first or the SC. I would visit lawyers in Chennai for this as there are a lot of really good Iyengar Brahmins who undertake commercial cases but are deeply motivated by causes like yours and may be willing to help you after you let them know of your circumstances. (I will not be naming names as I do not want to breach their privacy, nor do I wish for my identity to be exposed. A good way for you to find out about these people would be through political cases and by going to your lawyer and requesting them)

From what I can tell, any good lawyer might be able to do so if the case is truly genuine. It would be great if you could clarify the following for my own curiosity:
  1. Was the lawyer representing you a Senior Counsel or one with great rapport with the judges?
  2. Could you share the case number as well as other related details so that I may be able to go through the facts and understand the case (for my own understanding only. I am not a lawyer and cannot provide legal counsel yet)?

Approach the media as well if you want. Ministry may not look at this as it is a low priority, so you will have to be smart when tackling this. Media is more likely to take this as you mentioned you are a resident of Australia, and they would be able to make your story and loss of hope with India marketable. Though I must admit that this may not give you the results you seek, you will be able to get more this way.

P. S.: If you do go through the media outlet route, make sure to send the ministry the mail. Also, in your statements to the press, be sure to be hopeful and not antagonise the Govt of India. Good luck with your case!

P. P. S.: Something that may help you from a more theological side is to pray to Surya Bhagwan as well as Shani or Yama (depending on your astrological chart, go for either. If you cannot make a choice that just pray to Lord Rama for winning this legal battle, but do remember to pray to Surya regardless).
Thanks OKO.. Your open comments is very much appreciated.

But from past experience, the media is not really interested in small fry like me. Atleast it seems so after what happened when I forwarded the disability certificate problem to every tom, dick and harry media outlet both in tamilnadu and in the north. Not one of them did anything. Check the next post for this email to all the media known to me.

But Hey OKO.. cheers dude.. Thanks for stopping and reading in entirety. Definitely appreciate it man. It kinnd of validates my putting in the time to record and type out these things.

Dear OKO,

The following was the last attempt by myself to reach out to the media... I am not sure if emailing them is the best way to do so. But I dont know how else to get their attention. I also do not know how to call a media session and worse.. not sure if anyone will turn up even if I did set up a media session.

For now.. the email to all the media regarding caste based discrimination at the IMH (Outpatient) at Kilpauk Chennai..

Fw: Copmplaint against IMH Regarding​

From: Krishnan Parthasarathy <[email protected]> on Mon, 11 Nov 2024 14:33:57
[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
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5 attachments - Download All

Dear Sir,

How are you?

I am writing about something important. Therefore I request you to please sit down and read this.

Please sit down.

Are you sitting down?

I hope your morning was good this Monday and your week has started off well. I am an average middle to lower middle class brahmin thenkalai iyengar living in chennai. I have faced a lot of hardship because of the brahmin hatred that has been fomented by the DMK party in Tamilnadu in the name of opposition to aryans. The hatred for brahmins because of this Dravidian thought process has reached such levels that we poor brahmins are not even able to get basic certificates in government offices in tamilnadu.

This is the first time I have been able to document this with written email evidence so people can see and read about it. Otherwise they simply say we dont hate brahmins, we hate brahminism and continue their hate mongering towards brahmins. Everywhere from Cinema to Tamil TV Serials to Tamil Editorials brahmins are shown in poor light. The recent tamil movie "Amaran" which was a superhit is a bio pic of Major Mukund Varadarajan who is Brahmin Iyengar. But the movie does not show his identity, instead the hero is seen calling his father "naina" which is a crass language used by dravidian people of tamilnadu. We are severely oppressed and cannot seek redressal anywhere. Please write my story so this may come out in the open. Thanks to BJP party president Annamalai, we all now know that Udhayanidhi stalin and DMK party want to kill and wipe out Sanatana Dharma like dengue, malaria and mosquitoes. Now, I request all the editors who receive this to also highlight the plight of low income brahmins who have no source of income and who are still serving in temples for meagre salaries and are not even issued appropriate certificates in government offices. Kindly publish this. I hav gathered the required documentation which proves how they have abused me. They are doing this to every brahmin in Tamilnadu.

This following is the real state of brahmin hatred in the state of Tamilnadu.. Please read email below. Singapore IMH report and report from Tamilnadu Medical Council forwarding my complaint are attachments in this email.

The following email was sent to https://tnmedicalselection.net/Contact.aspx which is the Directorate Of Medical Education and Research in Tamilnadu in E V R Periyar Salai in chennai. This is the department that Tamilnadu Medical Council has said will have to take action against the doctors. When going to this departments website, it is all about admission to medical colleges and MBBS seats.

I am attaching all relevant documentation with this email. Kindly peruse the IMH Kilpauk document in detail to see how they have prescribed unrelated psychological tests to me for more than a month. The last page shows that they have ordered psycho-social intervention for me (I am paranoid schizophrenic with auditory hallucinations). Then when I threatened legal action on my next visit on Oct 3rd, the temporary disability certificate was issued within 20 mins. No further documentation was requested. When asked if auditory hallucinations are temporary when combined with paranoid schizophrenia. No answer. The Temporary Disability Certificate they issued is also attached.

I had applied for a UDID card on October 3rd 2024 (immediately after getting the disability certificate on Oct 2nd 2024) I am yet to get my UDID. There is no information on its processing.

Parthasarathy Venkata Krishnan (Brahmin Thenkalai Iyengar)

From: "Krishnan Parthasarathy"<[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 13:48:53
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Fw: Copmplaint against IMH Regarding

Dear Sir,

I had registered a complaint with the Tamilnadu Medical Council about the Chief Medical Officers at IMH (Outpatient), Kilpauk Chennai.

The chief medical officers at Kilpauk chennai had denied me a permanent disability certificate for mental illness even though I had provided medical certificates from Institute of mental health in Singapore and from doctors in Australia and India where I have been treated for the past 18 years for Severe Paranoid Schizophrenia with Auditory hallucinations. Pointing at the thilak on my fathers forehead he had commented that people like me should not get pension. I have decided to go after him. Kindly dont stand in my way.

The following is the email I had sent to the Tamilnadu Medical Council. Attachments of IMH Singapore and Australia Doctors are attached. Scrolling below you will see the Tamilnadu Medical Councils email to me indicating that they have forwarded my complaint to your esteemed offices. I would like to hear from you that the chief medical officers at IMH )outpatient) Kilpauk have been removed from government service. My advance thanks for the same. Kindly note that I am severely psychotic and am keeping track of the people to whom I have complained in this regard. I believe your website lists the names and phone numbers of all the directors of your department who will eventually decide on my complaint.

Following Darwins evolution theory, I am the next iteration of brahmins who have evolved from the Dravidian rule. I am probably the first but I will not be the last.

I retain the right to produce this email as legal evidence in any court of law in the case that some important people have been found to be grievously injured or missing. I hope the handler of this email account takes action and also keeps evidence of taking action on this email in the unfortunate case that he is produced in court.

I hope you enjoy your day and the upcoming week.

Email to Tamilnadu Medical Council..

Dear Sir,

I could not find a section on the Tamilnadu medical council website which detailed how to register a complaint against a doctor or a hospital. I fear that any written complaints will face the same sorry state as the below attached complaint to the Tamilnadu State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities.

Therefore this email to maintain records in case of subsequent legal disputes after a change of government in the state of Tamilnadu.

In August 2024, I had approached the Institute of Mental health (Out-Patient) , Kilpauk , Chennai for a mental disability certificate. I wanted to get a low level job as a clerk or driver or security guard in some office in tamilnadu. I have already worked as a security guard in Australia as part of Disability Services and Employment in that country. All certificates can be produced. The doctors in the Kilpauk hospital gave me a merry-go-run-around and made me take all sorts of psychological tests. My typed medical history clearly states that I was diagnosed with Severe Paranoid Schizophrenia with auditory hallucinations and repeated admissions to psychiatric wards. I do not know what the psychological assessments were for. But on September 12th 2024 when I confronted the Chief Medical Officer at Institute of Mental Health (Out-Patient), Kilpauk Chennai. He told me and my to fathers face that "people like me should not get pension". And then he wrote in the notes that he has ordered psycho-social intervention. A copy of my diagnosis from Singapore Institute of Mental Health and Australian recognised diagnosis for Paranoid Schizophrenia with auditory hallucinations along with a record of application of EET. The chief medical officer had a copy of all this and the prescriptions from my Indian doctor who had treated me during the last relapse in June-July 2022. All prescriptions of medication were produced and officially xerox copied and included in my file. I believe the chief medical officer's reticence is symptomatic of hatred for brahmins in Tamilnadu where Dravidian politicians play the roost. My father was wearing his thenkalai iyengar tilak on his forehead during all his visits. And my whatsapp profile lists my website where I have clearly mentioned that I am a Iyengar Brahmin.

When I consulted my Indian Doctor on proper course of action, he simply asked me to inform the doctors at IMH (out patient) kilpauk that legal remedy would be sought. During the next meeting at the hospital, I merely repeated what my doctor had said and immediately a "Temporary" Disability certificate was issued with 55% disability. No further tests or certificates were sought. When I asked why the "Temporary" tag and whether Indians had found a cure for Paranoid Schizophrenia and Auditory Hallucinations. No answer.

Attached is Singapore medical report (2011-2015) and Australian doctors medical report for a relapse in 2020 April.

And below is screenshot goodness of the last noted comments on my file in IMH (Out-Patient) Kilpauk, Chennai.

If no action is taken, I will simply wait till BJP becomes a political force in tamilnadu and put a blade to the butt of every person involved in this so that they cannot sit or stand properly ever again. The first person will be the person in-charge of handling this contact@ email id who needs to maintain a record of action he has taken on receipt of this email so that the courts can release him to go free. He is a poor guy.



I request you to take frontal action to de-register all chief medical officers listed with IMH(out-Patient) Kilpauk Chennai for letting caste identity interfere with medical reasoning with immediate effect. This will ensure that it will act as a wake call for the rest of the fraternity who differentiate based on being a brahmin or not. Please ensure that it is done publicly so I will hear about it and stop further unnecessary action.

Please be aware that the medical reports mean that I am a high functioning individual with schizophrenia. In medical terms, it means I am highly educated, systematic and highly psychotic. Even after knowing this, the doctors refused me a certificate. Imagine the Dum of the doctors!! it beats Hyderabadi Dum biriyani I think.. what do you say? Therefore, the list of places I am going to complain are going to grow. With everyone tagged for negligence and susceptible to firing at the time of retirement "without pension".

Thank you for your time. You will be made aware of the next steps as they happen.

Screenshot goodness below -

Parthasarathy Venkata Krishnan. (Brahmin Thenkalai Iyengar)
Dear All,

If anyone does know how to call a media session to share information to the media... Please let me know here by typing it out below.

I would love to have a tete-a-tete with media persons regarding Bosch, ICICI, Coimbatore Labour commissioner, Disability certificate not being given... etc..

Lots of love.
Dear Admin,

Please note below..

failure notice​

From: bounce <[email protected]> on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 14:47:47 Add to address bookTo: You | See Details

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at rediffmail.com.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

<[email protected]>: [email protected] MailBox not found
Remote host said: 550 "the mail server detected your message as spam and has prevented delivery."

--- Enclosed is a copy of the message.
Dear Admin,

Without thinking i made a mistake and posted post number #243 in my thread - My pursuits 2 - Redefining what I thought...

The link to the post is below.


There are atleast 3 points at which my email [email protected] is listed in this post. Kindly remove all and also others if there are anymore.

Thank you for your help.


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