and effects of Gravity and velocity!LOL
Our discussions have added spice that every one want to see a deleted stuff...So long as it was kept open there was hardly any movement...Now it has opened a vast outpouring of literary gush to see the prohibited!
Only tambrams in India are embarrassed! Recently, I got a link for photos taken during a wedding in our family circle, in the U S of A.
There is one session for the dance by the couple and there are many photos where the couple kiss each other!![]()
I have seen such scenes in Sing. Chennai beaches by love birds but not by wedded couples! :becky:
FYI, beaches are not meant ONLY for love birds, P J Sir!
Have you not seen ponies ready to carry children around and many toys being sold for kids in the beaches?
What was done in closed rooms earlier is coming to public like the West. That is all. I saw pairs of 'love birds'
doing 'silmishams' even in the zoos and the snake park! They seldom bother about who is around them!![]()
Dear Kunjuppu Sir,an overwhelming majority of the weddings here between tambrams with any other community, has a dinner dance from what i have seen. ............
When the value of true love and intimacy among lovers became a joke, pleasure game, good pass time etc..etc without any honesty & seriousness (with a mental make up to explore and enjoy before possible break ups could take place), they now have come up openly, performing and exhibiting their pleasure games in public losing their sense of Shame as well.
What is wrong with a kiss and display of affection?
This time when I went to India I was seated in the plane next to a married Indian couple in their late 40's.
They were so romantic through out the journey.
In fact he was a total gentleman..mine was the aisle seat and his wife's seat was at the window and his seat was in the middle next to mine.
He got up and exchanged seats with his wife and told her to sit next to me and he told me "it is better for 2 ladies to be seated next to each other so that you will feel more comfortable too"
The wife was holding her husbands arm through out the journey and he was lightly stroking her hair and also giving her pecks on the cheek from time to time.
It was nice watching them be so loving after many years of marriage.
I kept smiling to myself watching them.
So you see Ravi....there is nothing wrong with simple display of is not as if they were having a quickie in front of me!LOL
I thought policemen are there to extort money from couples exhibiting PDA. Of course only in India or maybe in MidEast where there is the Islamic cultural police.
The Silmishams that takes place in Beaches, parks, theaters, malls and many other public places as indicated by Smt. Raji Ram are not similar to that of the narration above. And many such silmishams are between young boys and girls who are not yet married. I was referring to such shameless activities in public places where many end up feeling irritated and disgusted. In my earlier post I have referred to the couples who are lovers, always ready to mingle and ready to break up. wait till you get a girlfriend and lets see if you are caught in some oasis by the Moral Police of the Middle East!LOL
i did some silmishams in the marina beach....even somebody complained to mom said that my son never do....becoz
of some jealous neighbor gal complained to my mom....there some other gals of tambram had jealous/curiosity of silmishams.....
our tambram gals not ready for these kind of silmishams in 70' and 80's,..but now may be
hiv vgane,In Delhi there are dedicated parks for this; also identified areas for enacting silmishams such as bushes etc away from public glare..If they get very passionate then the dupatta becomes the burqa for the couple to cover from top to bottom