Gosh, NO UBI, Only Amma canteen will work for India
One of the bane of the Indian planning is that we tend to see what works abroad and try to leverage that. But in almost all cases it does not work for india.
In our villages, due to poor education and lack of secure jobs, and huge uncertainty, most of the men are addicted to beedis, cigarettes, liquor and gambling leading to the ruin of innumerable families. One of the main reason many political parties go for repeated prohibition with no success.
In this context, UBI ( Universal Basic Income) is useless as the men of the family will spend it all on such destructive habits while the kids go hungry and get into bad habits themselves repeating an endless cycle of poverty.
Here is where we have to salute Amma aka Jayalalitha who revolutionised the political thinking by spearheading freebies of cooker, TV, laptop, free or subsidised rice and finally the signature Amma canteen.
Our poor need "free" good and nutritious food so that they can get out of the endless poverty and violence. And these families cannot depend on the men in the families to provide this for them.
Hence the govt has to step in till mass education can uplift the morass of people from this mess.
Instead of spending on countless subsidies on roads, toilets and gas Ujwala etc.. and now on UBI, the centre should adopt just one scheme - the Amma canteen and its delivery mechanism and implement across the country. Free and nutritious food is the only thing the poor need, they will work out the rest themselves. For godsake don't waste time and effort on useless schemes.
This will ensure the women and kids of the poor are well fed irrespective of whether the men of the family provide for them or not. This will drastically reduce the family fights as people get fed by the Amma canteens across the country.
The sad tragedy of this country is NOT lack of money but lack of "right ideas". No point in taking wrong ideas and even if we implement them well, it is useless.

One of the bane of the Indian planning is that we tend to see what works abroad and try to leverage that. But in almost all cases it does not work for india.
In our villages, due to poor education and lack of secure jobs, and huge uncertainty, most of the men are addicted to beedis, cigarettes, liquor and gambling leading to the ruin of innumerable families. One of the main reason many political parties go for repeated prohibition with no success.
In this context, UBI ( Universal Basic Income) is useless as the men of the family will spend it all on such destructive habits while the kids go hungry and get into bad habits themselves repeating an endless cycle of poverty.
Here is where we have to salute Amma aka Jayalalitha who revolutionised the political thinking by spearheading freebies of cooker, TV, laptop, free or subsidised rice and finally the signature Amma canteen.
Our poor need "free" good and nutritious food so that they can get out of the endless poverty and violence. And these families cannot depend on the men in the families to provide this for them.
Hence the govt has to step in till mass education can uplift the morass of people from this mess.
Instead of spending on countless subsidies on roads, toilets and gas Ujwala etc.. and now on UBI, the centre should adopt just one scheme - the Amma canteen and its delivery mechanism and implement across the country. Free and nutritious food is the only thing the poor need, they will work out the rest themselves. For godsake don't waste time and effort on useless schemes.
This will ensure the women and kids of the poor are well fed irrespective of whether the men of the family provide for them or not. This will drastically reduce the family fights as people get fed by the Amma canteens across the country.
The sad tragedy of this country is NOT lack of money but lack of "right ideas". No point in taking wrong ideas and even if we implement them well, it is useless.