Thanks very much for all the info. I am nowhere near you either in academic knowledge of astrology nor in predictive ability. As regards the latter, my revered astrologer had told me a long time ago that it might be difficult for me to gain that "god's grace" (not my words but my astrologer's words) but I have the 'buddhi' to read and understand the texts.
I accept your charge against me and apologize for the mistake, but, at the same time, I would like to humbly point out that your words
"Those who all did PhD might know that .........mere words of father,grand father,blessings of Ambal, intuition obtained out of God's special blessings etc. are all acceptable evidences in research methodologies...... i.e. they would not be accepted as primary source / secondary source to substantiate the hypothesis of the research scholar." were also equally at fault in drawing out such a response from my side. Hope this is clear, since my post ahd absolutely no "iha para sambandham" with any doctoral thesis on astrology.
My words were not with any intention to show as if I only know everything but merely to bring to your kind attention that "astounding" predictions are possible for some astrologers who have hardly any text book scholarship. If it has offended you, once again, I am deeply sorry.
My writing had nothing whatsoever to do with such a video game; all I wanted to convey was my own experience in life that as your age increases and there is not much time left, life seems to teach a lot of very valuable lessons. Again, please don't take this as another instance of "I only know all" attitude; may be it applies only to me and others are luckier!
Regarding your post #32 above, the original famous astrolger family is the "pAzhUr" paDippura or gate of the pAzhUr illam, which is situated 33 km towards the southeast of
Kochi, near
Piravom. ( To the best of my knowledge it has come down to a routine astrology consultation centre though some people still say the people there have extraordinary abilities. The pADUR panikkar is a similar sounding name somewhere near Palakkad. I have no details about this. Just for information only, Sir; not to show-off my knowledge or anything.