A few genuine doubts!
We can feel warmth /cold....can we SEE warmth /cold?
We can taste the sweetness...can we SEE the sweetness?
We can smell the fragrance of flowers...can we SEE the smell?
We can hear the sweet music...can we SEE the music?
Even things TANGIBLE to our sense organs have their own limitations.
HOW on earth and in heaven can an intangible supreme power - finer than an atom and at the same time larger than the creation be SEEN by the defective human eyes - with their limited vision???
Arjun was given Divya Drushti to allow him to see the viswaroopa of god.
So even when God WANTS to be seen, He has to give us special eyesight to enable us to do so!
When He does NOT want to be seen...how can anyone see Him???
But the wise and the humble SEE him everywhere, in everything and all the time! :hail: :hail:
They KNOW and TRUST that GOD has manifested as each and everything in the entire creation- including those who NEGATE His very existence.
It is just the same thing to HIM as the two little children
(one who is always happy and one who is always morose and cross) are to their sweet natured mother.
We can feel warmth /cold....can we SEE warmth /cold?
We can taste the sweetness...can we SEE the sweetness?
We can smell the fragrance of flowers...can we SEE the smell?
We can hear the sweet music...can we SEE the music?
Even things TANGIBLE to our sense organs have their own limitations.
HOW on earth and in heaven can an intangible supreme power - finer than an atom and at the same time larger than the creation be SEEN by the defective human eyes - with their limited vision???
Arjun was given Divya Drushti to allow him to see the viswaroopa of god.
So even when God WANTS to be seen, He has to give us special eyesight to enable us to do so!
When He does NOT want to be seen...how can anyone see Him???
But the wise and the humble SEE him everywhere, in everything and all the time! :hail: :hail:
They KNOW and TRUST that GOD has manifested as each and everything in the entire creation- including those who NEGATE His very existence.
It is just the same thing to HIM as the two little children
(one who is always happy and one who is always morose and cross) are to their sweet natured mother.