"There is a Supreme Entity as the Cause for all this universe. For us also there is the same Cause. That is what created us. We are only a finite [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]JIvAtmA[/FONT][/FONT]. But that is [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]ParamAtmA[/FONT][/FONT], the infinite Supreme. This [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]JIvAtmA [/FONT][/FONT]has to go back to join that [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]ParamAtmA[/FONT][/FONT]. Only then this [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]samsAra[/FONT][/FONT], the repetitive cycle of birth and death, the tortures to which this karma subjects us, and the unending turbulence in the mind will all end and we may reach the state of eternal happiness. It is that state which is called ‘Release’ or ‘moksha’. Once we have reached it then there is no more death and there is an eternal peace".
What would be the relationship between [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]JIvAtmA [/FONT][/FONT]and [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]ParamAtmA[/FONT][/FONT]? This is an important question raised and answered by each of the schools in its own distinct way. One school says that the [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]JIvAtmA [/FONT][/FONT]will always be distinct from the [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]ParamAtmA[/FONT][/FONT]; and in that state of moksha, the [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]JIvAtmA [/FONT][/FONT]would enjoy infinite bliss by worshipping the [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]ParamAtmA [/FONT][/FONT]with Bhakti – that is the Dvaita conclusion. Another says: Even though the [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]JIvAtmA [/FONT][/FONT]will be a separate soul doing Bhakti towards [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]ParamAtmA[/FONT][/FONT], it will have the feeling of the [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]ParamAtmA [/FONT][/FONT]immanent in it as its soul; this is Vishishtadvaita. Still another says: When the Sun rises the stars do not lose their existence; they just disappear from view, because of the luminosity of the Sun; so also in moksha, the [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]JIvAtmA[/FONT][/FONT], though it does not lose its existence, will have its own little consciousness submerged in the Absolute Consciousness of the [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]ParamAtmA [/FONT][/FONT]– this is the doctrine of Shaiva-siddhanta. There are still other schools of thought.
The school of philosophy propagated by Adi Shankara Bhagavat-pada is called Advaita. It says something totally different from all the above. It discards all that talk about the [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]JIvAtmA [/FONT][/FONT]escaping from this world, from this samsara, about the [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]JIvAtmA [/FONT][/FONT]going and joining with the [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]ParamAtmA [/FONT][/FONT]and all the consequent underlying assumptions about this world and the so-called world of moksha and the relationship between the two. There is no such thing as ‘this world’; it is only [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]mAyA[/FONT][/FONT]. Moksha is not a place or a world. When the Atma is released from the bondage of the mind, that is moksha. It may be right here and now. One can be ‘released’ even when alive, not necessarily only after death. He whom we call a [FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style][FONT=Bookman Old Style,Bookman Old Style]JnAni [/FONT][/FONT]may appear to be living in ‘this world’ but in reality he is in Moksha.