Dear VR ji,
We were always under the impression that the Fortune Cookie is Chinese but actually its an American invention!
BTW I was thinking that may be we should have Indian Fortune Cookies and have sarcastic messages Goundamani Style inside each cookie.
Imagine Fortune Cookies that read:
Sooriyana yaarum sudamudiyadu sir. Sooriya veppam dan nammala sudum
Poda Dapa Thalaya..
'A deficient intellect attributes spirituality to a person for strange reasons. It projects a person to be spiritual just because of the position he holds, the robes he wears, the scriptural texts he had memorised or the reclusive life he leads. None of these nor other non-essentials can confer spiritual status on him.' -A. Parthasarathy, The Fall of the Human Intellect, Chapter 9
'A deficient intellect attributes spirituality to a person for strange reasons.
Golden hair +
Blue eyes +
pink lips +
apple cheeks +
dimple chin +
pearly teeth +
a beauty mole
= irresistible combination.
A real colorful personality!!! WOW!!!
If someone stops talking to someone who are so close, that means
something wrong is likely to happen.
and an over efficient intellect somehow does not subscribe to the idea of spirituality...strange isnt it?
??? You saw some american guy VR ji?