If someone stops talking to someone who are so close, that means
something wrong is likely to happen.
Or that some none may be busy with a set of new chores!!!:roll:
If someone stops talking to someone who are so close, that means
something wrong is likely to happen.
Dear sir,
Something wrong must have already happened for them to stop talking.
BTW did anyone stop talking to you??
If one watches the entire universe, the human existence looks only for
happiness and not misery.
dear sir,
If one watches the entire universe, the human existence looks only for
happiness for one's own self and in that process causing misery for others.
If one watches the entire universe, the human existence looks only for
happiness and not misery.
WHO ME??? :nono:
A person who scores a high accomplishment in life has also to be aware
of his failures, if any, in the past.
An Once of action is worth tons of theory - Swami Sivananda
Yes! Practical knowledge is any day better than theoretical knowledge.
Well Theory is not bad and is necessary but has to be balanced with solid practical knowledge .Only then it becomes complete .Otherwise it is half baked ,dull , dry .
BTW Visalam Madam
I will be away on a trip to North India for the next 2 weeks and hence will not be able to update in this thread properly for the next 2 weeks . Will do so after my return . This is for your info .
One has to have the following virtues essentially to succeed in life viz. sincerity, unquestionable integrity,
humility, courtesy, wisdom, charity to the extent possible, etc.