...In the meantime, approaching the Acharyas, discussing our proposal and getting their approval for the proposed exercise is the next important step. Unless the Acharyas clears our proposal, we cannot move forward.
How to do that? Whether some of our members can do that at individual level?
i think you have hit crux of the situation - how and who to bell the cat.
even though the mutt affairs, is way out of my depth, my interest in this particular aspect, is more from a viewpoint of streamlining an organization.
if we were to translate this into a business entity, what we are attempting to do, i think, is to bypass the chain of command, and approach the Chairman of the Board, asking him to fire his entire senior management team. perhaps also the entire board?
i presume our role would be similar to those of shareholders (small individual ones as opposed to institutional large shareholders, who have some clout). without the benefit of a shareholder's meeting.
not sure if the above analogy is correct, but this is the closest i can think of and the thought of it is overwhelming.
i think, to influence any CEO, has to come through his peers through informal contact. a formal petition, like those done by the public to the king, would probably not treated with the seriousness it deserves.
also much homework has to be done, if an objective presentation based on facts and figures, has to be composed. this in order to prove the bona fide of any petition.
the documentation must be businesslike and professional in approach, supported not only by facts and figures, but also touch upon the intangibles like reputation and good governance.
the current management must be given fair chance to prove their ineptness and why they should be replaced.
ie the proper processes of law and governance should be observed. if possible, with a mediator or judge, and all within the framework of law, whether the legal procedure be formal or informal.
the pontiff can himself take the judicial role, or appoint a judge/team of judges.
all activities should be seen and be performed above board. the closer the approach adopts professionalism, the better its standing will be, among the public, and perhaps carry greater clout.
otherwise, it would appear that this smells of a palace coup, and along with it the righteousness of legitimacy. many a times, we feel righteous, but do not necessarily do the right thing. i think anyways.
where to begin?
i think in order to build a good business and legal case, start with some auditors and corporate lawyers. maybe some finance and management guys.
i think, a simple group of respected elders, knocking on the doors of the kanchi mutt, would may not be shooed away. they might get a polite hearing, with an 'ஆகட்டும் பார்க்கலாம்' response.
precisely something that you don't want.
above all, getting through the pujaris to the swami to request your varan itself may be would require some logistics.
after all, you don't want the pujaris present when the varan is presented to the swami

i still don't know as to whom the swami will turn to advice in this regard, if the entire pujari clan is suspect in our eyes. after all, it is these folks who have been his advisers and confidants these past years. very complex situation, i feel.
thank you.