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Sai lives on

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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sai Inspires - July 12, 2011[/FONT]

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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Every animate being has to attain fulfillment; that is destiny. The length and difficulty of the journey are determined by the nature of the cumulative effects of many lives. In order to attain fulfillment in the spiritual field, the help of those who have mastered the path is very necessary. This guidance can be transmitted only from one heart to another when an intimate kinship is established between the seeker and the Master. Texts, commentaries and guide books only breed doubts, discords and discussions. Intellectual reasoning will only lead to cleverness and ill-advised sharpness. Experience achieved through intuition alone is valid in the realm of the spirit. For the journey from intuition to illumination, layers of egoism and its evils have to be penetrated and destroyed. A Guru will be of great help in this adventure. For, He alone who has reac hed the goal can guide the pilgrim to it. Without the Guru, the aspirant tends to wander in the wilds.[/FONT]
- Divine Discourse, July 27, 1980.
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Only God is the true Guru; He should be worshipped as mother, father, preceptor, kinsman and friend. – Baba[/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sai Inspires - July 13, 2011[/FONT]

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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Guru Poornima is dedicated for thanksgiving to the Guru; for the Moon (the presiding deity of the mind) on this day is full, clear, cool and bright! It has no blemish or dullness which diminishes its glow. The Guru too is pictured and extolled on this day as unblemished, resplendent and affectionate. He is replete with a sense of surrender to God. He is tolerant, devoted and truly peaceful. He is the living example of the virtues he desires us to develop. Infact He reveals the atma (the Spirit within) to the individuals and makes them free. Guru Poornima is dedicated to such divine Gurus. In fact, the God within is the Guru of Gurus. His grace can make the blind see, the lame walk and the dumb speak. By a mere touch, He can destroy the sins of the past and grant peace and joy. For this, faith has to strike deep roots in our minds; but again t o keep us fixed in that belief, a Guru is needed.[/FONT]
- Divine Discourse, July 27, 1980.
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If you earn the grace of the Divine, even mountains of sin can be reduced to dust. - BABA[/FONT]
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[TD]From Sai Spiritual Showers

Gurupurnima is sacred for many reasons: this day, the seeker who suffers from identification with the false objective world is initiated into the reality of the `unseen motivator' within him; this day, those who have no urge to tread the spiritual path are inspired to seek the bliss which that path will confer; this day, aspirants are helped to achieve the consciousness of the One, which is known by many Names and through many Forms, in various languages and lands. With the rise of the sun, the world is bathed in light and heat. So too, with the oncoming of Gurupurnima the human heart is bathed in peace and security. Gurupurnima is not just one day in the year, marked out in the Calendar. It is all days when the Mind of Man (whose presiding Deity is the Moon) becomes full of pleasant coolness, fully illumined with the light from the Sun, (Intelligence, Discrimination).
The contemplation of death is the very foundation of Spiritual discipline. Without it, man is certain to fall into falsehood, pursuing the objects of sense pleasure, and trying to accumulate material, worldly riches. Death is no ominous calamity; it is a step into the auspicious brightness beyond. It is inescapable; it cannot be bribed away, adjourned by certificates of good conduct, or testimonials from the great. Once born, death is the inevitable end. But, it is possible to escape birth and thereby, escape death. For, birth is the consequence of karma. Do karma which breeds no consequence, no after effects which have to be lived through and you need not be born again. Engage an activity, as duty; or engage in activity, as 'offering of worship to God' then, such activity will breed no after effects.
This problem of escaping death, achieving immortality, Amritattwam, is the very core of inquiry. When Yagnavalkya proposed to go into the forest for asceticism, and divide his riches between his two wives, Maitreyi, wanted to know from him, before accepting her share, whether riches will help her to realise the Truth and get release from Death. Nachiketas asked the same boon from the God of Death. Prahlada taught the same point of view to his playmates. Buddha was prompted by the sight of a corpse to solve the mystery of Death. The true Guru is the one who makes one aware of the seriousness and urgency of this problem.
When acts are done as offering to God, one will not be elated at success or disheartened by failure, for, He prompts, He helps, He grants joy or grief as He wills, as He cares. The doer will have no attachment to the fruit of the deed; so, he will not be bound to its consequence; it will leave no trace on his personality which will shape him beyond death. But, there are people who assert that there is no God at all. Now, the very currency of the word God, is proof enough for those who can think, that there must be God. A word originates to represent an object that exists, or an idea that arises. Tree, cow, bird, forest these exist and so, those words are current. Every word indicates the existence of something. A non existent thing will not have a word to denote. It may be said that words like skyflower, harehorn, barren-mother denote non existent things; but, they are not words; they are compounds we have the sky and we have the flower. I t is the compound, the double word, the combination of sky and flower that does not exist. So too the rest.
A word expresses experience; experience is the result of craving; craving comes out of desire; desire arises as a result of the impact of nature on the senses; nature is the illusion that covers the One and displays it as the Many; illusion or Maya is God's artfulness, His Leela, `Mama Maya' ('My Maya', He says, in the Gita!). This truth is expounded by the true Guru to the disciple who is earnest and efficient. This is a gem of wisdom that has to be treasured in the heart, and carefully guarded, against the viles of the six inner thieves, lust anger greed passion pride and hate.
There are two types of jungle where the beast, man, can roam; he has to make the choice. There is the Vedic jungle, where calm and quiet prevail, where leonine majesty in the form of realised souls resides, where in the silence that filters into the heart, the mysteries of birth, death and liberation become clarified. There is the other non Vedic jungle, where wildness is rampant and each lives on the other. There you have teachers who are even more engrossed in worldly tangles and whose eye is more on your purse than your mind or heart, your fortune more than your fate.
"Gu means darkness and ru means light. Guru scatters darkness through light; he imparts wisdom which roots out ignorance. Render unto him as much homage as he deserves, but, not more. You repeat the sloka
Guru brahma gurur vishnu,
Guru devo maheswarah
Gurussaakshaath Parabrahma
Tasmai sri gurave namah
which is usually interpreted as indicating that the Guru is Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara and that he is the visible Parabrahma. But, it is capable of a nobler interpretation: Brahma is the Guru, Vishnu is the Guru, Maheswara is the Guru; really Parabrahma is the Guru. Do not seek human Gurus, however great their reputation. They are not gu (gunatheetha beyond the Gunas, they are bound by the qualities they have developed) and ru (beyond Form, they are still in need of Form, so that they may conceive of Reality). Themselves limited, how can they communicate to you the Unlimited? Pray to the God within you, the Maheswara, the Vishnu, the Brahma, or Parabrahma Principle to reveal Itself. Accept that, as the Guru and you will be illumined.
It is sheer waste of money to burden the pictures and idols in your shrines and altars with plenty of garlands and to use costly utensils and offerings in order to show off devotion. This is mere deception, and it demeans Divinity, which requires only a pure heart, for showering Grace. Do not posit distance between you and Me by these attitudes of Guru Disciple or God-Devotee. Fundamentally, I am neither Guru nor God. I am you; you are I. That is the Truth, There is no difference or distinction; that which appears so is delusion. You are waves; I am the Ocean. The Name and the Form are separate; but, the taste is the same, the Jivatma sans the Upadhi is Paramatma, Itself. If you achieve inner content, I am content; for, I am you.
When the Guru is himself struggling in the dark, how can he lead others on? When he is himself a beggar, in search of moneyed men, how can he be free and strict as a teacher? When moha predominates, moksha is a will o' the wisp. You may eat a tiny grain of sugar like an ant and be contented with the gain; but, you must grow into an elephant that will eat with relish a whole bundle of sugar cane! The Gayatri mantra is a prayer for the, progressive upsurge of intelligence so that Truth may be grasped by the seeker. Subordinate the mind to the pure Intelligence, which is but a reflection of the God within. Then, you have the Guru of Gurus, as Guide.
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sai Inspires - July 14, 2011[/FONT]

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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Guru Poornima (which falls tomorrow this year) is a holy day which must be celebrated with prayer and sincere repentance that arises from love for God. This alone can cleanse the heart; not feasting or fasting, which only affect the body. The wayward mind of man is compared to the moon that oscillates between brightness and darkness. On the full moon day, the mind too has to be bright, effulgent and cool.[/FONT]
- Divine Discourse, July 24, 1964.
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]When the mind is pure, unselfish and unwavering, the Divine appears in all His purity and fullness. - BABA[/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+3]G[/FONT]uru Poornima is the day you should decide to become masters of your senses and intellect, emotions and passions, thoughts and feelings through Sadhana (spiritual discipline). Even during Dhyana (meditation), ego will disturb you. A scholar too can be polluted by ego; he delights in discussing pros and cons, and in the process raising doubts that disturb faith. Hence offer yourself completely to God seeking nothing but spiritual progress. Such dedication cannot arise out of scholarship. Therefore engage yourselves in Sadhana (spiritual practices) without delay. Cultivate virtues; be free from evil habits, thoughts, words and deeds. Treat everyone with love and grow in love. This is the way to Ananda (joy).[/SIZE][/FONT]
- Divine Discourse, July 27, 1980
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If you adhere strictly to the path of virtue and yearn ever for the Divine, you can attain God. - Baba
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[TD="width: 38%"][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] How to make sure our spiritual endeavours lead us to the ultimate goal? What are the indispensable qualities of a spiritual aspirant. Bhagawan enlightens us today. [/FONT]
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[TD="width: 30%"]
[FONT=Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Audio Special: Talking Book - My Baba and I - John Hislop. Part 14[/SIZE]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]
Click here to Listen Now
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[FONT=Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]H2H Article:
'Dare to be different'
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[TD][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In the spiritual path, there are six steps: Sama, Dama, Titiksha, Uparathi, Shraddha and Samadhana. Sama, Dama and Uparathi are the steps involving control of senses and withdrawal of the mind from the external world. Titiksha is being equanimous in gain and loss, pain and pleasure, praise and censure. Shraddha or faith is very essential in spiritual life; it is impossible to attain illumination without this virtue. Therefore whatever work you undertake, do it with diligence and faith. The sixth step Samadhana refers to contentment. He who has the least desires is the richest man in the world and the one filled with desires is the poorest. This contentment or self-satisfaction comes from selflf-confidence. Self-satisfaction ca n lead one to selff-sacrifice and finally to Self-realization.[/FONT][/FONT]
- Divine Discourse, July 7, 1985
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Fortitude endows man with self-confidence. Self-confidence generates an immense internal power. - Baba[/FONT]​
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]July 17, 2011[/SIZE][/FONT]​
[TD="width: 18%, bgcolor: #bdc4e3"][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1] Featured on Radio Sai: [/SIZE][/FONT][/TD]

[TD="width: 22%, bgcolor: #bdc4e3"]

[TD="width: 38%"] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The secret to liberation is hidden in every heart. What is it? Bhagawan explains today.[/FONT]
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[TD="width: 30%, bgcolor: #FFDDFD"]
[FONT=Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Guru Poornima 2011: "The Sacred Ceremony of the Unveiling of the Mahasamadhi"[/SIZE]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]Click here to Watch Now[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT=Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Chinna Katha: "Sincere Yearning and Sure Grace"[/SIZE]​
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[TD][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Cultivate prema (love) for the Lord. It has infinite potentiality. Even an iron chain can be broken, but not the chain of love that binds a devotee to the Lord. Remember, even the cruelest of animals can be overpowered by love! What a holy deed it would be, to direct all the floodwaters of this love to the the Lord who is the ocean of pure love rather than to worldly lakes and shoals. By doing this the Jivi (individual) will realise the purpose of life. To direct one's love to the divine name and form incessantly is true meditation. This is the highest Moksha (liberation).[/FONT]
- Dhyana Vahini, Chapter 8

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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Whenever and wherever you are in touch with God, it is the state of meditation. - BABA[/FONT]​
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[TD="width: 81%, bgcolor: #bdc4e3"][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1] 18 July, 2011 [/SIZE][/FONT][/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, bgcolor: #bdc4e3"]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Featured on Radio Sai:[/SIZE][/FONT]​

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[TD="width: 38%"][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Bhagawan shares with us today the ancient wisdom of how the various aspects of human life like bhakthi, jnana, yoga, etc. are interconnected. [/FONT]
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[TD="width: 30%"]
[FONT=Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Audio Special: "Service in the Name of Sai - Bihar Floods"[/SIZE]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]

Click here to Listen Now
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[FONT=Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Prasanthi Diary:
"Can We Love Him Like This?"
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The ancient rishis (sages), out of their own genuine experience, have clearly described the means to sanctify our lives. Their counsel is not based on knowledge gathered from books. According to them, in order to carry out with perfection one's karma (duty),bhakthi, jnana and yoga (devotion, wisdom and self-control) are essential. Dharma (right conduct) is the taproot of the great tree of religion; the eternal source of its strength. This tree is nourished by the waters ofbhakthi (devotion). The leaves and flowers are renunciation and other virtues, and the fruit is jnana(wisdom). If there is any interruption in these stages of growth, or deficiency in the nourishment, the fruit ofjnana will be adversely affected.[/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sadhana is essential because the effects of karma have to be removed by karma alone, as the thorn is removable only by another thorn. - Baba[/FONT]​
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[TD="width: 81%, bgcolor: #bdc4e3"][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1] 19 July, 2011 [/SIZE][/FONT][/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, bgcolor: #bdc4e3"]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Featured on Radio Sai:[/SIZE][/FONT]​

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[TD="width: 38%"][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Why should we prioritize devotion to God? Swami lucidly explains to us today. [/FONT]
[TD="width: 1%, bgcolor: #D4D6DC"] [/TD]
[TD="width: 30%"]
[FONT=Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Audio Special: "Medical Marvels
of Love - 9"
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]

Click Here to Listen Now
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[TD="width: 29%"]
[FONT=Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]H2H Article: "The Sweet Flow of Bhagavan’s Love in Bogodohovo"[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]

Click Here to Read Now
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Do not mistake this temporary abode as your eternal dwelling place. Do not lose heart at evanescent troubles and short-lived tragedies. Immerse yourselves in the effort to attain the eternal Lord. Everything in this world is subject to decay - if not today, sometime in the future. It is not right to reject the Lord, who is eternally related to you, and be misled by this world with which one is connected to for a short while! Consider the number of births you have taken, the countless mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, sons, daughters, friends and enemies you’ve had. Do they exist today? Do they remember the relationships? You are no one to them, and they are nobody to you. But you and they have the Lord in common as the unchanging relative. He is there throughout all births; He is eternal. He watches over you from one birth to another. The Lord will never give you up. What greater tragedy can there be than forgetting such a Lord? With the senses weakened, powerless and refusing to function; with the parents, wife, children, and all relations crowding on one side; while the messengers of death compelling you to pack up for the journey without delay on the other side - who knows when this call will come and how? Before that moment comes, be ready with the thought of God.[/FONT]
- Dhyana Vahini, Chapter 8: “One pointedness is essential for Meditation”.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Do all acts as an offering to God; do not classify some as ‘my work’ and some as ‘His work'. - Baba[/FONT]​
Do not mistake this temporary abode as your eternal dwelling place.
Renu, I don't usually like to interfere in delusions of people. I would like to make an exception now since you feel flipping someone else is no big deal, and what I am going to say is nowhere near as offensive as flipping.

Also, this thread is in the "General Discussions" thread, open to all to comment on.

All this stuff about temporary abode, eternal abode, etc., rings hollow when the amount of wealth horded away in private valuts. What is the purpose of all this wealth in a private vault? Is this for the benefit of temporary abode, or the permanent abode?

If you think this is harsh, Renu, as you observed elsewhere, this site has seen lot worse, what is the big deal if your holy cow is criticized?

Renu, I don't usually like to interfere in delusions of people. I would like to make an exception now since you feel flipping someone else is no big deal, and what I am going to say is nowhere near as offensive as flipping.

Also, this thread is in the "General Discussions" thread, open to all to comment on.

All this stuff about temporary abode, eternal abode, etc., rings hollow when the amount of wealth horded away in private valuts. What is the purpose of all this wealth in a private vault? Is this for the benefit of temporary abode, or the permanent abode?

If you think this is harsh, Renu, as you observed elsewhere, this site has seen lot worse, what is the big deal if your holy cow is criticized?



You are just coming after me cos you are losing ground.Do you really think I will answer you in the God Exists Thread about me giving evidence that God exists?
I have seen the big deal you created when your HOLY COW was criticized.LOL
Dear Praveen,

Can I please request a favor from you.Could you please shift this thread to the
Philosophy and Tradition Section or Close it if its not possible to shift it.
Its my right as a member to request this from Praveen.I dont see the reason why you need to have your smiley there.
I am not running away from you.As I said before I fear nothing.
Of course it is your right. Take it away where you don't have to face any inconvenient questions, it is your right. My smiley is intended to convey the message that I understand that you have already received the message I intended :).
Of course it is your right. Take it away where you don't have to face any inconvenient questions, it is your right. My smiley is intended to convey the message that I understand that you have already received the message I intended :).

Too bad Forum doesnt come with Smileys with 3D DIGITal gestures.You would have known what I would have chosen to paste.
Too bad Forum doesnt come with Smileys with 3D DIGITal gestures.You would have known what I would have chosen to paste.

In this section, you can focus on topics of relevance implied by the name of the thread and not have to dignify with a response to some who are troubled. May the Lord help them achieve peace of mind
In this section, you can focus on topics of relevance implied by the name of the thread and not have to dignify with a response to some who are troubled. May the Lord help them achieve peace of mind

Thanks dear,


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[TD="width: 81%, bgcolor: #bdc4e3"][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1] 20 July, 2011 [/SIZE][/FONT][/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, bgcolor: #bdc4e3"]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Featured on Radio Sai:[/SIZE][/FONT]​

[TD="width: 22%, bgcolor: #bdc4e3"]

[TD="width: 38%"][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Why is it important to watch our thoughts, words and deeds carefully at all times? Swami explains to us today. [/FONT]
[TD="width: 1%, bgcolor: #D4D6DC"] [/TD]
[TD="width: 30%"]
[FONT=Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Audio Special: "Indelible Encounters with Eternal Love - Part 08"[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]

Click Here to Listen Now
[TD="width: 1%, bgcolor: #D4D6DC"] [/TD]
[TD="width: 29%"]
[FONT=Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]H2H Article: "The Significant Synthesis of Seva and Sadhana"[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]

Click Here to Read Now
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The word karma (action) is short and crisp. But the idea and ideals it conveys are of great significance to mankind. It is of two kinds: material and spiritual, that is, loukik(connected with this world) and vaidik (drawn from theVedas or scriptural injunctions). Karma that merely sustains life is material. The vaidik actions elevate the human to the Divine and are based on the scriptures.Karma is not simply physical, it is also mental and verbal; it subsumes every activity of man—worldly, scriptural and spiritual. All the three strands are truly intertwined. Worldly actions entail merit or demerit. Scripturally based actions are saturated with the experience of generations of seekers of goodness. The spiritually-focused will devote themselves to cleansing their hearts so that the indwelling God may be reflected therein.[/FONT]
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 18, “Activity and Action”

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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]Righteous action and control of the senses are essential for the cultivation of universal love and goodness. - Baba[/SIZE][/FONT]​

Have you read Prof. Venkataraman's articles in Sathya Sai website ? He was the
vice-chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai university and is a well-known physicist. If not,
please read.

Have you read Prof. Venkataraman's articles in Sathya Sai website ? He was the
vice-chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai university and is a well-known physicist. If not,
please read.

Yes I have read his works and esp the Evolution of Vedas was totally out of this world.He is really a man of substance and yet so humble.
Dear Renukaji,

Prof. has authored many books on Modern physics, easy to understand by the
non-scientists. I am sure you would have read them.

Sri Ranganathan -

I went to the website, but I read some of the articles. Are you referring to a particular book, do you have specific website as a reference as well ?

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