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saMkhya as a design pattern - Part 1

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From saMkhya kArika by Isvara krishna and its tattva kaumudi by Vacaspati misra

A short summary of the design pattern

saMkhya describes the evolution of Universal matter, biological beings with 24 principles. They are

1. Trigunas of Entropy (Sattva), Change in Enthalpy/Work done (Rajas) and Negentropy (Tamas).

  1. [*=1]Prakrtiis in which entropy and negentropy balances each other, there is no change inenthalpy and hence the Universe was in equilibrium.
    [*=1]Mahat is one in whichentropy acquires preponderance, triggering the evolution.

    [*=1]AhamkAra is one inwhich Change in Enthalpy starts.

    [*=1]Instead of trigunas, the first threeprinciples can also be stated as Prakrti, Mahat, AhamkAra. Both are same

2. Five Organs of Entropy (Buddhi indriya) in Universal matter as well as biological beings

3. Five organs of Change in Enthalpy/Work (Karma Indriya) in Universal matter as well as biological beings

4. Manas or At-manas (these are 'virtual') which 'binds' these organs of entropy and change in enthalpy in Universal matter as well as biological beings.

5. Five 'measures' (tanmAtra) which differentiate Energy to create five different energy potentials. These five measures create the differentiation by giving different preponderances of entropy, change in enthalpy and negentropy in the five different energy potentials. Five tanmAtras manifest as five different cell types in biological beings, which lead to five organ systems.

6. These five energy potentials absorbed, locked and released in matter creates Five forms of matter (pancha Bhuta). Five organ systems process the five forms of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma, Bosonic matter) in biological beings.

7. Entropy, Change in Enthalpy and Negentropy acting on the pancha-bhutas and in biological beings drive all the evolution.

8. These 24 (3 gunas (entropy, change in enthalpy, negentropy), 5 entropy organs, 5 work/change in enthalpy organs, 5 measures that differentiate energy/cell types, 5 forms of matter/organ systems and 1 Manas/At-manas which is virtual and binds all of them) are the design pattern principles of saMkhya.

saMkhya as design pattern

“sankhyam prakurvate ca iva prakRtiksa pracakSate
Catur vimsati tattvani tena sAnkhyAh prakirtitah”

The above verse illustrates what is Sankhya.

That does/performs (prakurvate) and ‘on which work is being done’ (prakrti) tells/declares (pracaksate) SaMkhya, 24 principles (catur vimsati tattvani) that (tena) is the declaration of sAnkhya (sAnkhyah prakirtitah).

In essence, saMkhya, which is ‘knowing the whole’ declares that there are 24 principles around anything that does/performs and on which something is done.

The design pattern of Universe and human beings are explained by this 24 principles.

1. Universe and human beings are made of eleven indriyanis (organs), five vrttis/tanmAtras (which are five energy vortices that get differentiated due to five measures) from which arises the five bhutas (matter). These 21 (11 organs, 5 tanmAtras and 5 bhutas/matter forms) are controlled by the three gunas of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. These 24 make up the design principle of saMkhya.

2. Another way of seeing the above is, instead of the three gunas, count Prakrti, Mahat and AhamkAra. But both are same.

1. Prakrti represents the balance of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas

2. Mahat represents preponderance of Sattva

3. AhamkAra represents preponderance of Rajas​

3. All particles of Universe reside on Linga, the Energy-Momentum relationship, which is called ‘on-shell’ or real particles, in Quantum physics parlance. These ‘real’ particles follow the laws of Universe as we see it now. The real particles are called ‘nara’.

4. There are those particles which do not reside on this Linga, the Energy-Momentum relationship. They are called ‘off-the-shell’ or ‘virtual’ particles in Quantum physics parlance. Some of these virtual particles can be ‘extremely virtual’ based on how much they are off-the-shell. The virtual particles are called ‘manas’. Extremely virtual particles are called ‘At-manas’.

5. We assume that these virtual particles ‘mediate’ some of our forces and ‘bind’ the matter. The off-the-shell or virtual particles can be our ‘understanding gap’, can be a mathematical assumption. They don’t exist as they won’t follow the laws of Universe as we see it. But without them, our understanding of Universe is not complete.

6. Of the Eleven Indriyanis one organ is ‘manas’ or ‘At-manas’. ‘Manas’ is something ‘virtual’ which does not reside on the Linga. At-manas is extremely virtual that does not reside on the Linga. Linga is Energy-Momentum relationship that all particles of Universe follow.

7. All Universal matter and biological beings are supposed to be bound by the Manas (virtual) or At-manas (extremely virtual), under whose guidance the evolution takes place. This manas or Atmanas is the first principle of saMkhya’s design pattern.

8. The next 3 principles are the tri-gunas, Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.
a. Sattva is Entropy which means more information, more dis-order and Radiation and detachment.

b. Rajas is ‘Work done’, which is change in enthalpy.

c. Tamas is ‘negentropy’, the opposite of Sattva, which means less information, more order and attachment.

d. All matter in the Universe and biological beings are subjected to this Entropy, Change in Enthalpy (work done) and negentropy.​

9. These three principles of Entropy, Change in Enthalpy/Work done and negEntropy operate on all Universal matter and biological beings and guide the evolution.

10. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas

1. Sattva has more uncertain microscopic states (laghu) and giving out/detaching (prakAsam).

2. Rajas is holding (upasthambakam) and flowing (calam).

3. Tamas reduces uncertain microscopic states (guru) and enveloping/non-radiation (varanakam). (A guru is one who reduces uncertainties and brings more order).​

11. In Universal matter evolution with At-manas

1. Sattva guna, the entropy leads to Creation (Atmada) of more and more information/disorder and radiation/giving away (prakAsam).

2. In human being evolution with manas, Sattva guna leads to more information processing which is more buddhi and more diversity due to detachment. Thus entropy leads to creation and diversity.​

12. In Universal matter evolution with At-manas,

1. Rajas, the work done or change in enthalpy manifests as potential (upasthambakam) and kinetic (calam). The ‘work done’ or change in enthalpy is stored either as potential or kinetic energy in matter.

2. In human being evolution with manas, Rajas is Karma, work done or action done. It becomes priti (excitation/kinetic) and apriti (non-excitation/potential). The priti and apriti leads to adaptability.​

13. In Universal matter evolution with At-manas,
1. Tamas, the negentropy is annihilation (visada) and non-radiation (varanakam).

2. In biological beings with manas, it is ignorance (mUDha) and attachment (pravrtti). Ignorance/mUDha is less information (less microscopic states). Pravrtti/attachment leads to less dis-order, more order and less information. Annihilation means less microscopic states.​

14. The next five principles are ‘Indriyanis’ or ‘organs’ of Entropy (the Sattva guna) or organs of the ‘Buddhi’.

15. Entropy or Information in a system is of five types.
1. Joint Entropy

2. Conditional Entropy

3. Relative Entropy

4. Mutual information.

5. A set of chain rules around these entropies specify how various information can be combined and becomes a single system of information.

6. In Universal matter evolution with At-manas or biological evolution with manas, there are five organs of entropy corresponding to the five above.​

16. The joint entropy measures adding up of uncertainty/information in systems which can be added/processed together.
1. In the Universal matter with At-manas, hadrons combine and form baryons and mesons. That’s the joint entropy.

2. In human beings with manas, sight information/video/cakSu is processed along with other information sound, touch, taste, smell etc..

3. Hadrons and Eye/sight symbolize the joint entropy.

17. The conditional entropy is a measure of how much uncertainty/information is known of one when we know the value of another . Conditional entropy is like zrotram (ear/hearing)
1. In biological beings with manas, with audio/hearing information, some amount of video, touch, smell, taste information can be inferred by the being.

2. In the Universal matter with At-manas, with information on nucleus, some amount of information on hadrons that make the nucleons, electrons that surround the nucleons can be known.

3. Nucleons and Ear symbolize the conditional entropy.​

18. The mutual information is a measure of convergence (how much information is shared) between systems.
1. Taste and Odour share mutual information. In particular, taste is enhanced and aided by odor. It shares mutual information with odor.

2. This taste is rasana in biological beings with manas.

3. In universal matter with At-manas, molecules (and their bonds that form the molecules) share mutual information with atomic bonds.

4. Molecules and taste/tongue symbolize the mutual information.​

19. The relative entropy is a measure of divergence between information of systems.
1. While taste is enhanced by Odor, Odor is not affected by taste. There is a degree of divergence there. Thats the relative entropy in biological beings with manas.

2. The bond between nucleus and electrons, the atomic bonds contribute to molecular bonds. But they are not affected by the bonds at molecular level.

3. Atoms and Odor/nose symbolize the Relative entropy.​

20. The Chain rules provide rules to combine systems of joint, conditional, relative entropies. The chain rules provide an integrated view of single system entropy from outside.
1. This is what Skin does in biological beings with manas. It chains several of the organs inside and provides an integrated view of a being.

2. In universal matter with At-manas, complex compounds that combines molecules in different ways provide the ‘skin’ of matter.

3. Skin (tvac) and Chemical compounds symbolize the chain rules of entropy.​

21. Information organs
1. The Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue are information processing organs for Sight, hearing, Odor and Taste, which evolves the overall information processing or buddhi. The skin is the organ ‘chaining’ them all and creating an outside view. It also conveys the sense of touch as information. Hence these five become information processing organs or organs of entropy.

2. The hadrons, nucleus, atoms and molecules are processing organs for binding energies, which evolves the overall entropy (information or disorder) of the Universe. Compounds chain them all and create an outside view. All these five are ‘basic’ information storage or dis-order storage systems of Universe.​

22. The next five principles are ‘indriyanis’ or organs of Work done or change in Enthalpy or organs of ‘Karma’ (Rajas guna).

23. The design principle of Karma, which is work done or change in enthalpy is based on five aspects.
1. Physical movement of a body which is change in spatial position

2. Spatial expansion of a body, which is change in Pressure * volume

3. Change in temperature of a body which is average kinetic energy

4. Change in atomic/molecular binding energies due to electric charges

5. Change in nuclear binding energy due to strong force

24. Physical Movement of a body in space, where in the whole body moves in space is a type of work done.

1. In biological beings with manas, the physical movement is facilitated by legs.

2. In universal matter with At-manas, the physical movement of matter on space happens due to spacetime warping (gravity).

3. This gravitational work is called pAda.​

25. Spatial expansion of body due to change in pressure and volume is a type of work done.
1. In biological beings with manas, this spatial expansion manifests as ‘excretion’ or ‘flow of juices’. pAyu is an excretion organ. payas is flow (of juices, sap, milk etc).

2. In universal matter with mans, the spatial expansion happens due to chemical changes causing change in pressure and volume of substance. This chemical work is called pAyu.​

26. Change in binding energy from strong force that results in formation of different atomic nucleus is a type of work done.
1. This is the ‘middle’ or ‘near-center’ part that is the trunk of all universal matter. Hence it is called upa-sthA.

2. In biological beings with manas, the abdomen region is the middle part that holds the generative and procreative functions.

3. This work done due to strong force is upasthA.​

27. Change in binding energy from charges that results in formation of different atoms and molecules is a type of work done.
1. These atomic and molecular bondings are like ‘hands’ that help to do ‘work’, as most work in the Universal matter is done through these bondings.

2. These are based on ‘Charges’ or attraction between positive electric charge and negative electric charge.

3. This Electrical/magnetic work is called pAni.

28. Change in average kinetic energy, the temperature is a type of work done. These kinetic energy changes manifest as vibrations of particles of matter.
1. In Universal matter this increasing vibrations is called ‘heat’.

2. In biological beings these vibrations manifest as ‘vac’ or ‘speech’. Speech is a form of work that is only vibrations, much like heat.

3. This thermal work is called ‘Vac’, the speech.

29. If Manas of a human being is surrounded by Organs of Buddhi (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin) and organs of Karma (hands, legs, reproduction/digestion, speech, excretion), then At-Manas of Universal matter is surrounded by organs of entropy (hadrons, nucleus, atoms, molecules, compounds) and organs of ‘work done’ (Gravitational work, Chemical work, Work due to strong force binding energy, work due to charges and thermal work).

30. Of these Karma or work done, the work done in speech (in human beings) or heat (in universal matter) manifest only as vibrations. Other work done types like Gravitation/spacetime warping, Chemical, Binding caused by strong force, Binding caused by electromagnetic force manifest on particles of matter.

Next: saMkhya as a design pattern - Part 2

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