[h=1]Samsung announces Milk VR: Stream Videos in glorious 360 Degrees of Virtual Reality[/h] December 30, 2014 Kishore Ganesh Leave a comment
Virtual Reality is poised to be the next big thing. The Oculus Rift has been enjoying publicity and developer support for quite some time now, and newer versions of its Headsets are slowly tackling the problems people face with VR, one by one.
But just as with any other resolution, Virtual Reality needs content to succeed. Without content, VR is useless and doomed. A few years ago, 3D was the next big thing, and everyone was excited. But it fizzled out. Why? Lack of content.
Right now, Virtual Reality Content primarily constitutes of gaming, but Virtual Reality’s potential is underutilized in gaming. It can be used effectively for other things too, and movie-watching is one of them.
Imagine being in the place, and experiencing it through the eye of the characters. That’s what Virtual Reality offers.
Samsung is prepared to take the first step, and has announced Milk VR, a Streaming Service with Virtual Reality Videos. Think YouTube, but for Virtual Reality.
To jog your memory, Gear VR is basically an enclosure where your Smartphone (Specifically the Galaxy Note 4), plugs in and becomes its brains and screen.
Currently, Milk VR has only a handful of Videos, of which some can be streamed and others can be downloaded, but Samsung has promised that it will regularly release Videos onto the Platform, and envisions it to be the defacto resource for VR Content.
What do you think of Milk VR? Will it become the YouTube of Virtual Reality? Will it benefit Virtual Reality sales?
Samsung announces Milk VR: Stream Videos in glorious 360 Degrees of Virtual Reality | Tech Geek Forever

Virtual Reality is poised to be the next big thing. The Oculus Rift has been enjoying publicity and developer support for quite some time now, and newer versions of its Headsets are slowly tackling the problems people face with VR, one by one.
But just as with any other resolution, Virtual Reality needs content to succeed. Without content, VR is useless and doomed. A few years ago, 3D was the next big thing, and everyone was excited. But it fizzled out. Why? Lack of content.
Right now, Virtual Reality Content primarily constitutes of gaming, but Virtual Reality’s potential is underutilized in gaming. It can be used effectively for other things too, and movie-watching is one of them.
Imagine being in the place, and experiencing it through the eye of the characters. That’s what Virtual Reality offers.
Samsung is prepared to take the first step, and has announced Milk VR, a Streaming Service with Virtual Reality Videos. Think YouTube, but for Virtual Reality.
To jog your memory, Gear VR is basically an enclosure where your Smartphone (Specifically the Galaxy Note 4), plugs in and becomes its brains and screen.
Currently, Milk VR has only a handful of Videos, of which some can be streamed and others can be downloaded, but Samsung has promised that it will regularly release Videos onto the Platform, and envisions it to be the defacto resource for VR Content.
What do you think of Milk VR? Will it become the YouTube of Virtual Reality? Will it benefit Virtual Reality sales?
Samsung announces Milk VR: Stream Videos in glorious 360 Degrees of Virtual Reality | Tech Geek Forever