I was going through another forum and found an interesting post, which, unfortunately, no one had replied to, and I would like to know the opinion of other members within the group. (OG thread: https://www.tamilbrahmins.com/threads/reforms-in-hindu-caste-system-by-j-ajithkumar.7480/)
Post by Ms. Yamaka:
"Dear Raju & Co:
Unfortunately, India was under the occupation of invaders since 900 AD and under Colonial power for nearly 300 years... English people as our Masters did so many bad things AND some good things - one among them is writing the Indian History (mostly as non-partisan/non-biased academics) and have done fairly a good job...
Now you people are hell bent on re-writing the known history of Caste Hierarchy in India...you have a political party - the BJP - bankrolling such efforts.
Now, please write "Your History" here by touching the following milestones!
1. Who started the Hinduism as we know it today? When was it started?
2. Is there a Caste Hierarchy in India? If so, how did it get started? How is it connected to Hinduism?
3. Who were the Architects of this Pyramidal Caste Hierarchy?
4. Did Brahmins and "Kings & Warriors" (Kshatrias?) collude to plunder rest of the people in the Caste Hierarchy?
5. Did Brahmins work with the British to codify the caste system in the Indian Legal System?
I have given my answers earlier... now you articulate yours cogently (with PROOF) and spread the blame on OTHERS!
Let's see whether it makes any sense to reasonable people here!!
Good luck.
P. S. This is not to incite communal issues but just a survey of people's thoughts in 2025. I have yet to share my perspective as I do not wish to make anyone prejudiced because of my thoughts and share their views openly (regardless of what side they lean towards).
Post by Ms. Yamaka:
"Dear Raju & Co:
Unfortunately, India was under the occupation of invaders since 900 AD and under Colonial power for nearly 300 years... English people as our Masters did so many bad things AND some good things - one among them is writing the Indian History (mostly as non-partisan/non-biased academics) and have done fairly a good job...
Now you people are hell bent on re-writing the known history of Caste Hierarchy in India...you have a political party - the BJP - bankrolling such efforts.
Now, please write "Your History" here by touching the following milestones!
1. Who started the Hinduism as we know it today? When was it started?
2. Is there a Caste Hierarchy in India? If so, how did it get started? How is it connected to Hinduism?
3. Who were the Architects of this Pyramidal Caste Hierarchy?
4. Did Brahmins and "Kings & Warriors" (Kshatrias?) collude to plunder rest of the people in the Caste Hierarchy?
5. Did Brahmins work with the British to codify the caste system in the Indian Legal System?
I have given my answers earlier... now you articulate yours cogently (with PROOF) and spread the blame on OTHERS!
Let's see whether it makes any sense to reasonable people here!!
Good luck.

P. S. This is not to incite communal issues but just a survey of people's thoughts in 2025. I have yet to share my perspective as I do not wish to make anyone prejudiced because of my thoughts and share their views openly (regardless of what side they lean towards).