Quote:-"the sloka above is different from the sloka quoted at first.
these are salutaory verses to the main Dakshinamoorthy ashtakam. right?"
erfectly right-they are two different slokams.Being Tamil BRAHMINS we may use original Sanskrit words in Roman letters without "conventions"--They are called Dhyaana Slokams(salutary-that extra "O" is Ajakalastham-verses) for sri.Dhakshinamurthy Astakam.The definition of a Dhyaana Slokam is:-when one recites the Dhyaana Slokam closing one's eyes-the Diety should appear before the person.it is how it should be composed by a Vaakkeya Kaara.It is why our seers have given I.D.s (as we have I.Ds:Somayaji,MM etc) like "Chin" mudra (for sri.Dhakshinamurthy),Kadibhaddha Vaamam mudra(sri.Paramacharyaal has discussed in detail about this Mudra in his "Arul Vaakku")-Abhaya/Varadha Mudras(Acharya sri.SANKARA says sri.Parameswari does not need these Mudras to show her "Identity!!!!-"Twadhanya Paanibbhyam Abhaya,Varado Daivatha Ghanaha,Twam Ekaa Naivaasi Prakatitha Varaabheethya Abhinayaa ---")--so in all Dhyaana Slokams sri Dhakshinamurthy's "Chin" mudra is described,implicitely or explicitely.Sri.Parameswara,who is verily sri.Dhakshinamurthy is NOT having this Mudra. sri.Ugra Narasimha,sri.Pratyangara Devi,sri.Kaali,all have "Kecari" mudra.In medieval periods some over-ebulient "Vaamaachaaris' were cutting their sub-lingual tendons to practice Kecari mudra.
Quote:-"Tamil and Sanskrit are intensely related - we can see many words in sanskrit and tamil meant the same."
Yes Tamil and Sanskrit have many common words.But Connotations differ for many words.For instance in Tamil,the word Kevalam is used in a derogatory sense--"Kevalam, Avan Picchai Edukkiraan"-like that -in Sanskrit Kevalam means Unique-no second one,nothing except that-in that sense it is used-Bhrahmam is "Kevalam"--So it is "Kaivalyam"--Achrya sri.SANKARA says "Zaivam(Saivam) Kevala Saantham Pranamatha Govindham,Paramaanandam"--"Chin" Mudra has nothing to do with "Chinna Pinna" etc--it is a WRONG translation.
They also stressed the importance of proper education through oral transmission
Nobody says that there should be NO oral communication--"Sruthi" is by oral communication only.Many people(Somayaji ALSO) had had the the pleasant experience of listening to Maharishi sri.Ramana,sri.Paramaacharyal,sringeri Jagadgurus(both Mahaa Sannidhaanam and the present Acharyal).But the moot point is sri.Dhakshinamurthy's I.D.is "Mouna Vyaakyaanam" only, which is explicit in all dhyaana Slokams.
these are salutaory verses to the main Dakshinamoorthy ashtakam. right?"

Quote:-"Tamil and Sanskrit are intensely related - we can see many words in sanskrit and tamil meant the same."
Yes Tamil and Sanskrit have many common words.But Connotations differ for many words.For instance in Tamil,the word Kevalam is used in a derogatory sense--"Kevalam, Avan Picchai Edukkiraan"-like that -in Sanskrit Kevalam means Unique-no second one,nothing except that-in that sense it is used-Bhrahmam is "Kevalam"--So it is "Kaivalyam"--Achrya sri.SANKARA says "Zaivam(Saivam) Kevala Saantham Pranamatha Govindham,Paramaanandam"--"Chin" Mudra has nothing to do with "Chinna Pinna" etc--it is a WRONG translation.
They also stressed the importance of proper education through oral transmission
Nobody says that there should be NO oral communication--"Sruthi" is by oral communication only.Many people(Somayaji ALSO) had had the the pleasant experience of listening to Maharishi sri.Ramana,sri.Paramaacharyal,sringeri Jagadgurus(both Mahaa Sannidhaanam and the present Acharyal).But the moot point is sri.Dhakshinamurthy's I.D.is "Mouna Vyaakyaanam" only, which is explicit in all dhyaana Slokams.