I logged in today with a view to continue my post on krama mukthi, but was surprised to find a number of posts on usage or otherwise of the word “mooDA” by Adi Sankara in Bhaja Govindam in disparaging manner. I thought I would attend to this first, and give my views, worthless as it may be.
My opinion is that words and meanings (vAk+ artham) too evolve over a period and many of the words that have adverse connotations or stigma attached today did or might not have had that sting when such words were liberally being used. Adi Sankara did use the word “mooDA” but it might have not had the connotation of idiot or fool then, but meaning a mild word of “ignorant mind”.
The word mooDA was quite freely used by authorities other than Sankara, and I give two such examples:
(i) Vibheeshana had made a reference to Rama LakshmaNa bandhus as “mooDAs” in conversation with Ravana. Adi Kavi vAlmki obviously had no qualms about usage of the word. To circumvent tedious search, I furnish the book link of “pure gems of rAmAyaNam” which can be easily verified:
(ii) in Vishnu Sahasra nAmam BhAshyam, Sri Sankara verbatim quotes two sentences attributed to Lord Shiva in Bhavishyottara Puranam (that too twice):
//quote // Maheśvara (Śiva) says:
विष्णोरन्यं तु पश्यन्ति ये मां ब्रह्माणमेव वा ।
कुतर्कमतयो मूढाः पच्यन्ते नरकेष्वधः ॥
[Those fools who, devoid of proper thinking, consider Me and Brahmā as different from Viṣṇu will be baked in the lowly hells.]
ये च मूढा दुरात्मानो भिन्नं पश्यन्ति मां हरेः ।
ब्रह्माणं च ततस्तस्माद् ब्रह्महत्यासमं त्वघम् ॥
[Those fools, wicked ones, by seeing Me and Brahmā as different from Hari are committing the heinous sin of brahmahatyā.]
(page 57 of 504 – for easy reference)
Sringeri ShAradA Mutt is considered to be numero uno institution by traditionalists in propogating views of Adi Sankara with authenticity and with accuracy. The translation of the first slOkA of Bhaja Govindam as provided by Sringeri vidyA BhArathi Foundation can be found here:
The translation would not have found its place at the above site if it had not been vetted by the pandits and vidhwAns of Sringeri Mutt.
Better to base argument, discussion or debate on authentic sources than translations provided by amateur members of our forum or anon sources, howsoever well learned we may consider them to be.
In addition to change of meaning to words (and increase/decrease of their severity), we also should understand the
peer pressure faced or voluntarily undertaken by Hindus in defending their heritage and literature in foreign soil. The peer pressure often leads to fallacial, fanciful and on many occasions creative translations so as to toe the moral ethos and standards of Western society today by retrofitting meanings etc. of our scriptures written millennia earlier.
This is the primary reason for many nonsensical translations at numerous websites. Unfortunate though it is, some members of this forum have also fallen victim to this..