solutions which modern young ladies are capable off.
Many times it is not because of special feelings for women which make employers employ ladies.
My company , a govt. one found that male instrumentation engrs have high mobility and go to gulf for big money atfer a couple of years of experience.
they solved the problem by campus recruitment from MIT chennai
all girls with sc/st tags specifically also.[double adv-reservation requirement plus no mobility]
now we have three rows of instrumentation engrs from chennai [each row of fifteen engrs]seated one behind the other.
this idea was the brainchild of a TB iyer from Chennai who headed the instrumentation dept.
TB iyers zindabad
It is not hindusthan teleprinters
If I disclose the organisation name one tamil iyer will chase me with a stick and my company will stop my medical reimbursements beside
Thanks Vgane ji For your understandingNo issues Krishji! These are sensitive matters and it is better we keep such things outside this purview!!
Coming to places, Bangalore is the heaven for the educated Tamils as it is close by TN with all Tamil choices available!
It is high time one has to admit the fact, women power.[/QUOTE
Flexing their muscles
It is basically merit, repeat merit that matters.
Number of Study Reports and Research papers have already established that hiring of women employees more, shows better result financially for the corporate firms.
Hence these Firms have started to act on that line now.
Even Fortunute 500 companies taste the fruits of employing more women staff. These companies are financially strong now and are marching with good performance.
At this stage writing about mobility, etc will not hold anywater.
It is high time one has to admit the fact, women power.
some corporate use the gender of ladies instead of intellectual capital to increase their
Many have forgotten some tapes of a publicist [woman] promoting the cause of a top corporate house in delhi and the case in supreme court of india.It is fortune 500 companies.
Only third class will have think and idea about 'some' third class
Many have forgotten some tapes of a publicist [woman] promoting the cause of a top corporate house in delhi and the case in supreme court of india.
it is not a third class corporate .
it claims to promote women in every field
Why are you not seeing the contribution of women in the Corporate world
India is a rotten country for ladies on both home and office front .specially TB ladies .
They would be better off elsewhere in the world
Many have forgotten some tapes of a publicist [woman] promoting the cause of a top corporate house in delhi and the case in supreme court of india.
it is not a third class corporate .
it claims to promote women in every field
India is a rotten country for ladies on both home and office front .specially TB ladies .
LOL! What is this?
I thought you were singing patriotic verses in a thread sometime back saying "What does the west have to offer??" and you said "West has Nothing to offer".
So if India sucks for where do you expect females to migrate?
And where will you go since your feel the West has nothing to offer?
BTW what is this race to the top you keep saying?
A job is just to generate income..and it should stop at there.
Well said Mam.