South east Asia is much better for work for indiian ladiesLOL! What is this?
I thought you were singing patriotic verses in a thread sometime back saying "What does the west have to offer??" and you said "West has Nothing to offer".
So if India sucks for where do you expect females to migrate?
And where will you go since your feel the West has nothing to offer?
BTW what is this race to the top you keep saying?
A job is just to generate income..and it should stop at there.
Take singapore for example. . very nice flats with no shortages of elec. water, excellent road transport and metro very disciplined multi racial society,good law and order
familiarity with tamil language for TBs. probably more tamil friendly than delhi,good south indian food at hotels at short distances ,excellent well paying jobs in MNCs
Less discrimination as compared to many other countries and a decent work -home balance.
what more can ladies ask for.?