hi,gayathriseshadri said:hello sirs...i may not be in a position to debate with u people as ur grown up nd 'm jus budding...anywayz my opinion is that, its we people who spoil our culture..even many of my relatives nd frenz of my own community r claiming tat egg has become veg, nd r taking nv too..we don hav a strong unity amongst us nd r even becoming as minority now-a-dayz....tats y cine field nd others r abusing us...is there any other community which has been portrayed so sarcastically?? i don think so...as seetharam sir has mentioned, we r becoming spineless..tatz y they call upon as ambi, thayirsatham,etc...we d youngsters need ur guidance to overlook tis crisis...can u plz??????????
you are frank in expressing your opinion!
if you are a biology scholar you will understand that you have expressed the phenotype qualities of a subspecies which has evolved during the course of evolution!..inherited/acquired/thrust.nobody need feel shy .
the qualities are protective to the community
you can observe similar..good/bad qualities in all!...no exception.
you must appreciate that inspite of all such qualities they have come up and still holding the name! nothing to regret.