@ Sow. Happyhindu - Don't shift blame of other castes on brahmins. NB uppercastes who ill-treat don't do so because brahmins told them to, they do so on their own.
Yes they did it on their own. In the hope of being promoted to a higher varna and being recognised as a higher varna by brahmanism.
A few years back, one nadar had claimed that nadars were kshatriyas and all those slum fellows used to be their subjugated servants. It is amazing to think that even in this age there are people who think their varna is based on who had subjugated whom as their adimeyis.
"NBs do not have any religious injunction to uphold untouchability and dharmashastras."
Neither do brahmins. Manu Smriti is not a religious text, not a text of philosophy. Another thing the people who fought casteism did so taking inspiration from Upanishads and texts like the BG. Secondly, irrespective of what religious injunction they have, NB uppercastes did practice casteism - thus for DMK to make this look like an exclusive brahmin thing was unfair.
"b) NBs have no moral responsibility to uphold such a crappy system today. "
Neither do brahmins have the moral responsibility for it actually. Just as NB upper castes will give justifications, the mutts also give justifications. In the documentary India Untouched I saw what justification Rajputs give for ill-treating low castes. All upper castes have ready answers, just that people go an ask the mutts. If NB upper castes didn't want to follow casteism, they wouldn't. Period. Fact is many do, on their own accord - even in violent ways. Further, by repeating this rhetoric people like yourself, the DMK ranks and Nara try to spread a guilt-psychosis among the brahmin community. Remember that the many brahmins who fought against caste ill-treatment did it taking inspiration from hindu philosophy. How is it that Nara won't call that "brahminism"?
Sorry Vivek, Brahmin Mutts and Orthodox Brahmins do propagate and uphold dharmashastras and birth-based discrimination. Infact they are the only ones who do so in an independent secular india at an institutional level.
And Manusmrithi is a religious text. You cannot claim it is not just based on your fancies.
How do you claim that those who fought against casteism took inspiration from upanishads and bhagvad gita?
The Rajputs (a section of them despite being illegitimate and/or harem descendents themselves) ill treat the dalits because they want to feel socially powerful by keeping some populations down. In the old past, the brahmins were advisors to the kings, so rajputs ill-treating dalits was expectable (see below on duties of a king in manusmrithi). But today it makes no sense to ill treat people based on caste.
"Today brahmin mutts and some brahmins are the only ones who seek to uphold a birth-based caste system from the religious POV in the name of 'dharma'. "
lol. So you are saying other upper caste NB will be ready to take dalits in their fold? You are a world apart in the real situation of what is happening. Violent forms of casteism are practiced by the "kshatriya" clans on dalits and workers. A report came just today and is in a time after DMK has successfully exiled brahmins from TN.
"The dharmashastras clearly mention that it is the responsibility of the king to uphold the varna system. So the kshatriyas were enjoined in the dharmashastras to ill treat the shudras. If a shudra aspired for anything that was not sanctioned to him by the shastras, he could be tortured. "
Nice attempt to make it again look like a puppet show run by brahmins. The dharmashastras speak on basis of a person of a job doing only what he is fit for, it doesn't speak of birth-based system at all. So the comments are more like asking a civilian to not carry a weapon, or only permit teachers to teach. Kshatriyas, as were all upper castes, at a time used their opportunity to ill-treat low castes. Them ill-treating other has nothing with what brahmins asked them to do, so don't shift blame cheaply (Nara can now tell me who is "Washing their hands off the issue").
These are a few quotes from Manusmrithi (just a small sample of quotes)
1) To show that the system was birth-based:
Manu 2.30:
...let (the father perform or) cause to be performed the Namadheya (the rite of naming the child), on the tenth or twelfth (day after birth), or on a lucky lunar day, in a lucky muhurta, under an auspicious constellation.
Manu 2.31:
Let (the first part of) a Brahmana’s name (denote something) auspicious, a Kshatriya’s be connected with power, and a Vaisya’s with wealth, but a Sudra’s (express something) contemptible.
So a baby at birth was already a shudra and had to be given a name that expressed something contemptible.
2) To show that the King was responsible for upholding the varna system:
This is from chapter 8 on the duties of the king:
Manu 8.410: (The king) should order a Vaisya to trade, to lend money, to cultivate the land, or to tend cattle, and a Sudra to serve the twice-born castes.
Manu 8.413: But a Sudra, whether bought or unbought, he (the king) may compel to do servile work; for he was created by the Self-existent (Svayambhu) to be the slave of a Brahmana.
Manu 8.418: (The king) should carefully compel Vaisyas and Sudra to perform the work (prescribed) for them; for if these two (castes) swerved from their duties, they would throw this (whole) world into confusion.
3) To show that a Shudra was denied knowledge of the shastras:
Manu 4.80:
Let him not give to a Sudra advice, nor the remnants (of his meal), nor food offered to the gods; nor let him explain the sacred law (to such a man), nor impose (upon him) a penance.
Manu 4.81:
For he who explains the sacred law (to a Sudra) or dictates to him a penance, will sink together with that (man) into the hell (called) Asamvrita.
Manu 4.99:
Let him not recite (the texts) indistinctly, nor in the presence of Sudras; nor let him, if in the latter part of the night he is tired with reciting the Veda, go again to sleep.
This is a quote from Al-Beruni to show what system was followed in 1030 AD:
The Brahmins teach the Veda to the Kshatriyas. The latter learn it, but are not allowed to teach it, not even to a Brahmin. The Vaisya and Sudra are not allowed to hear it, much less to pronounce and recite it. If such a thing can be proved against one of them, the Brahmins drag him before the magistrate, and he is punished by having his tongue cut off.
- Al-Beruni's account of India in 1030 AD.
A shudra could not wear the marks of a brahmana either:
Manu 9.224: Let the king corporally punish all those (persons) who either gamble and bet or afford (an opportunity for it), likewise Sudras who assume the distinctive marks of twice-born (men).
4) To show that apart from slavery, the shudra could not have any other occupation:
Manu 8.414: A Sudra, though emancipated by his master, is not released from servitude; since that is innate in him, who can set him free from it?
Manu 8.417: A Brahmana may confidently seize the goods of (his) Sudra (slave); for, as that (slave) can have no property, his master may take his possessions.
9.248. But the king shall inflict on a base-born (Sudra), who intentionally gives pain to Brahmanas, various (kinds of) corporal punishment which cause terror.
And please note what is included in "giving pain to brahmanas":
Manu 10.129. No collection of wealth must be made by a Sudra, even though he be able (to do it); for a Sudra who has acquired wealth, gives pain to Brahmanas.
This means a shudra could not accumulate wealth and had to remain a slave. If he accumulated wealth, a brahman could seize it and/or a king could inflict punishments on him --- and this is exactly what was/is being followed by self-appointed kshatriyas. They inflict / infllicted physical violence on the dalits just to keep them socially down. The brahmin mutts and orthodox brahmins, on their part, uphold the dharmashastras from the religious pov.
And varna system was about occupations - not a basis to ill-treat people. Even areligious, secular academicians agree that it was originally not heritidary. So the varna system was similar to today's social setup, the fact that it became heriditary and was used for ill-treating people is a separate chapter. The fact Mayawati et al, use this historical thing to play corrupt political games is their fault - not of brahmins.
Sorry the varna system was heredity and formed the basis to ill-treat people. Which is why even till today low-castes are ill-treated on account of their caste.
If there was no caste system, then nobody (Mayawati, Raja, DK, BSP, etc) could have made a career out of the caste system.
In the past the upper castes did the looting, now the lower castes are looting everybody. What a shame.
"In a bid to be recognised as higher castes (esp as kshatiyas), each (low) caste sought to keep other (lower) castes down, while imitating the ways of the upper castes themselves. "
Yes, this evil tendency has got to with human nature, nothing sacredly prescribed. The original varna system used a person's temperament to assign him an occupation - this is clear from the definitions. Upanishads, BG make it completely clear.
It was sacredly prescribed to keep the shudras down as slaves.
What is the "original varna system" you speak of, that is based on temperment? When did it exist? Even a blatant womaniser like Indra was considered arya varna in the vedic period. His character did not make him a dasyu.
"a) NBs did not create these dharmashastras."
Yes, and brahmins did create the upanishads, and BG, all of them speak of enlightenment as a thing of the HUMAN spirit, not based on caste or other social divisions. Secondly, many brahmins and NBs do practice it in villages, how does the actions of NBs come to the blame of brahmins? Nara spoke of wiping hands off this issue. Who is doing that now?
The dharmashastras portrayed occupations as something that is 'divinely granted' (chapter 1 of manusmrithi). In the name of such divinity, a man was not allowed to change his occupation. If he tried, he was punished.
The root of casteism is the dharmashastras. Nowhere in history was a harijan allowed to become a ruler, a trader or a brahmin.
How do you know brahmins created the upanishads? The authors of several upanishads are unknown.
"For that matter, anyone with a broad-mind can give up caste difference. Today if a paraiyar is a rich man or a popular man, like say Ilayaraja, then a vanniyar or a brahmin craves to be associated with him. This is how hindus are functioning today. "
That is how society in general functions. What you don't see is that even the affluent "low castes" (as per community) are ill-treating people. Why then should this be squared on brahmins?
The blame should be shared by
1) Mainly brahmins for inflicting mental, emotional and social torture on dalits by upholding labor laws in the guise of a "divine" varna system; and
2) Next by self-appointed kshatriyas and vaishyas for physically ill-treating dalits.
BTW, Low castes successfully merged into the upper caste starta periodically (usually clandestinely), and especially so in colonial india (where caste claims and mergers were done rather openly). It is only a matter of awareness. Let everyone become aware that low castes managed to become high castes over time. Automatically, people will give up caste discrimination and casteism.
We see that casteism was hardly tackled, what was done is hating brahmins for a personal reason.
What is the personal reason?
"Unless a religion adapts and grows with changing times, it will only become more and more irrelevant and obsolete."
Yes, and Arya Samaj, Ramkrishna mission were all trying to establish and destroy the caste system as it is followed today because it is not the real idea at all. These people didn't find the need to become brahmin-haters, or ex-brahmins, infact they took inspiration from what brahmins wrote of way of life earlier. What DMKs movment did with brahmin-hating was merely attack brahmins, while other upper castes still practice casteism in DMK TN (not "brahminical TN" Nara)
If you have anything to say to nara sir, say it to him directly on a post addressed to him. Do not make snide and side remarks on him on posts addressed to me, sangom sir or anyone else. It is very unbecoming and indecent of you to do that.
According to the brahmanical mutts, what arya samaj did is wrong. Read this:
Can a new Brahmin Caste be Created ? from the Chapter "Grhasthasrama", in Hindu Dharma : kamakoti.org:
If arya samaj is doing a positive job in removing casteism, then why are brahmin mutts (and specifically why is the kanchi mutt), intent on discrediting their work?
"Instead of going on complaining against DK, eveyone should ask themselves -- why did they allow exploiters like DK and Mayavati to make a career for themselves out of the caste system? What was / is the necessity for brahmin mutts and some brahmins to propagate caste system of the birth-based kind? "
What makes you say brahmins propagated this birth-based system? It is what happened in society as it got rigid, in every single caste. Secondly, people like DMK and Mayawati will use anything to make a career in exploiting people. Instead of blaming them, you are out to target brahmins again.
Sorry, brahmins do need to take a major portion of the responsibility in propagating shastras and caste-system.
" Today, if they make efforts to eliminate birth-based caste differences, it can definitely make a difference to people in the rural areas. I beleive, this is what hindusim needs today."
This is exactly what Arya Samaj, and many other did. But caste has become a community identity in politics, also the previous structure of society is no more. So caste will remain a community identity. But this is not so important as the actual message in the various tales of Hinduism which you and Nara have clearly missed. Can you come up with one legend or tale that justifies ill-treating low castes or ends with a moral that says it is right to do so?
Arya samaj cannot make headway in removing caste differences as long as brahmanical mutts keep caste-discrimination alive. There are several tales on caste discrimination (from ramayana, mahabharat, puranas, etc).
The problem with you Vivek is that you make fantastic claims in an aggressive manner without reading the relevant texts. And ofcourse, the key element in your conversation skill is to go on repeating the same thing again and again.
On an other thread you claimed that the Aryavarta means fertile-land and that the boundries of aryavarta changed as per course of a river. I did not continue on that thread because anyone who has read some of the dharmashastras will know that the boundries of aryavarta were fixed, and purificatory rites were prescribed for those who crossed the boundries of aryavarta. Your claims will stand discredited to them anyways.
Those were written for a time like this, not for "brahminist lip service" as Nara said.
Again, let me know which time period was this? When did an "original varna system" exist, during which a man's profession was decided based on qualities and abilities alone (and not on the family into which he was born)?