You ignored my post:
I still want you to answer my simple question.
If you are born you are not yet blessed? That is the contention of Adi Shankara.
So your philosophy of Advaita does not support your contention in this post.
Brahman does not see territorial boundaries.
Except for the EGO of the person proclaiming one to be better than other, there is no acceptable scale.
It is totally arrogance to claim superiority over any one else. It only goes to show that the person is not evolved enough to be a jivan mukta.
Balanced mind, equal vision, indifference to pairs of opposites like pleasure and pain, censure and praise, heat and cold, success and failure-these are the marks of a Jivanmukta. Jivanmuktas are not frightened or astonished at any unusual occurrence in nature. They will never be disconcerted even should the sun grow cold, or the moon turn hot, or the fire begin to burn with its flame downwards, or the course of the river begin to rise upwards. The Jivanmukta is not perturbed under any condition. He is undistracted amidst distractions.
The difference between the unfortunate and the Jivanmukta is that the former is in a pitiable condition for he is caught up in the web of his desires while the Jivanmukta is worthy of reverence for he has become free from all desires. The unfortunate one has many ambitions to fulfil but being dependent on destiny, he is unable to attain what he wants. While a Jivanmukta has no desires, unaffected by karma, he is able to absolutely remain in his aspired blissful state of witnessing.
In Gita 2.57 Krishna says
yaḥ sarvatrānabhisnehas
tat tat prāpya śubhāśubham
nābhinandati na dveṣṭi
tasya prajñā
“We are talking about a person who maintains Sthitprajna – absolute steady state of mind – no thoughts – one-pointed. The question is how would he behave? In this Sloka they say that he is not attached to anything – total Vairagya. For him, good and evil are the same. With both, good behaviour and bad behaviour, he will not react. This is a very very important point. The moment bad comes in front of us we are protective, because we are attached to our body, our peace, our happiness, our health. So we are very protective towards our body, our self. A Sthitprajna is not even attached to his body.
If Krishna thought that India was punyabhoomi He would have said that as a precondition for attaining the state of Sthitprajna. OH of course Duryodhana too was born in India.
Everyone claims that they are proud of their country, which is good. But that is purely at the worldly level.
For a spiritual person of your stature,...................................NO