I think I can post here as a member.
I hate my job in this august Forum.
Friends become foes in a New York minute.
Hate prevails, based on some human made ideologies.
My comments are taken out of context.
Demonizing on the basis of posts is the norm.
I think I should retire.
If only I can post here verbatim the PMs I get.
I am starting to lose faith in humanity.
Dear Sri. KRS, Greetings.
If you think your comment was taken out of context, then that means your comment was subject to interpretation. In your shoes, I would render an unconditional apology.
Cops don't have friends. If you thought you had, that was an illusion. Every member is potential to break forum rules.
'Thread filters' are great tools. Certain threads can be made such a way, they can be viewed only by adult and members only.
All ideologies are man made. They all are weak. That's why they always need someone to argue to establish them. Anybody who establishes a different ideology different to other members are hated; if the ideology happens to oppose majority ideology, then hell breaks loose. You end up in a ridiculous situation where everyone seems to be right!
I think it is high time you hired a deputy. If you want I may even nominate a suitable member for that job.
By the way, I was the one who actually turned that thread into X-rated thread. Initially it was meant as a joke; I thought why not have a X-rated thread! If you read the messages, you can figure it out.
Relax my friend. You are doing a thankless lousy job. In some threads just enjoy the show!
This is to relax you a bit.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w4MAmf7Pog
( If I was to post that same song in the X- rated thread, it would have been a different link!)
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