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Think it over!

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[h=1]நாரதரின் நரகம்.[/h]
நாரதர் ஒரு நாள் தன் துடுக்குத்தனத்தால்
நாராயணனையும் கோபமூட்டிவிட்டார்.

சாந்த ஸ்வரூபியான இறைவனும்,
சாந்தம் கலைந்து முனியைச் சபித்தார்,

“நரகத்தில் நீ விழுந்து புரள்வாய்”என்று!
நாரணன் வாக்குப் பொய்யாகலாகுமா?

இடியுண்ட நாகம்போல நடுங்கினாலும்,
இறைவனிடம் கேட்டார் “எது நரகம்?”

நாராயணனும், நிலத்தில் மண்மீது
சீரான வரைபடம் ஒன்றை வரைந்தார்.

பிரபஞ்சம் முழுவதும் அங்கே அழகிய
பிரசித்தி பெற்ற படமாக உருவானது.

நரகத்தைச் சுட்டிக் காட்டிய இறைவன்,
‘நரகம்’ எனப் பெயரையும் எழுதினான்.

“இதுவா நரகம்? இதுதானே நரகம்?
இப்போதே நான் அதில் புரள்கின்றேன்!”

மண்ணில் வரைந்த படத்தில் உள்ள
மண் நரகத்தில் புரண்டார் முனிவர்.

“ஏய்க்கின்றீர் நீர்! இதுவா நரகம்?
துய்க்க வேண்டும் தண்டனையை!”

“தாங்களே வரைந்தீர்கள் பிரபஞ்சத்தை!
தாங்களே நரகத்தையும் வரைந்துவிட்டு,

தாங்களே அதன் பெயரையும் எழுதினீர்!
தங்கள் வாக்குப் பொய்யாகலாகுமா ஐயனே?”

நாரணனுக்கே நகைப்பு வந்துவிட்டது.
நாரதரை தண்டிப்பதும் கூடக் கடினமே!

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.
முந்தைய பிறவியில் நாரத முனிவர்
தந்தையில்லாமல், தாய் ஒருத்தியின்,
துறவியரை அண்டிப் பிழைப்பவளின்,
வறுமையில் வாடும் மகனாக இருந்தார்.

மாரிக் காலத்தில் நான்கு மாதங்களும்
வேறிடம் செல்லார் துறவியர் எவரும்;
தாயுடன் சேர்ந்து தானும் உதவினான்
மாயையை வென்ற அம்முனிவர்களுக்கு.

அவர்கள் புசித்து எஞ்சிய உணவை
அருள்மிகு பிரசாதமாகவே உண்டும்;
அவர்கள் பேசும் மொழிகளை எல்லாம்
அமர்ந்து கேட்டும் ஞானம் பெற்றான்.

சிறுவனின் தீவிர சிரத்தையைக் கண்டு,
மறை முனிவர்களும் மனம் மிக மகிழ்ந்து
போதனை செய்தனர் இறைபக்தியையும்,
சாதனை செய்யும் சில முறைகளையும்.

பால் கறக்கச் சென்ற அன்னையை
பாம்பு ஒன்று தீண்டிக் கொல்லவே;
பாலகன் பாரினில் தனியன் ஆனான்,
கால் போன போக்கில் திரியலானான்.

ஒரு நாள் தியானம் செய்யும்போது
ஒரு திருவுருவம் மனக்கண்ணில் தோன்ற,
மீண்டும் மீண்டும் அதைத் தான் காண
வேண்டும் வேண்டும் என ஆவல் மிகுந்தது.

“பற்றை முற்றும் விடாதவர்களும், மனப்
பக்குவம் சிறிதும் அடையாதவர்களும்,
காண இயலாது என்னை அறிவாய்! நீ
காண இயலும் உன் அடுத்த பிறவியில்”

அசரீரியாக அவன் மட்டும் கேட்டான்,
அதிசயமான இனிய வார்த்தைகளை!
விசனப்பட்டான் இன்னும் எத்தனை நாள்
விரும்பாத இது போன்ற வாழ்க்கை என?

மின்னல் வெட்டியது போலச் சரிந்தது
முன்னர் பெற்ற அவனது ஸ்தூலதேகம்,
விண்ணில் பறந்தது அவன் சூக்ஷ்மதேகம்,
விஷ்ணுவின் மூச்சுடன் உள்ளே புகுந்தது.

பிரமனின் செய்த அடுத்த படைப்பினில்
பிரமனின் அற்புத மானச புத்திரனாகத்
தோன்றினார் நம் தேவமுனி நாரதர்,
மூன்று உலகமும் பக்தியுடன் சஞ்சரிக்க.

பாமரப் பணிப்பெண் ஒருவளின் மகன்
பார்புகழும் தேவமுனிவர் ஆகிவிட்டதன்
ரகசியம் எது என அறிந்திடுவோம் நாம்,
விகசித்த அவர் பக்தியினால் அன்றோ?

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.
The three posts will prove the greatness of Hanuman who was as good as - if not

better than - Narada in his divine music.

Narada is usually depicted as a joker or a comedian in many movies.

Actually his mind is very bright and brilliant.

The second post will prove it.

The third story gives hope to all humanity.

Even the lowest human being can attain the rank of the highest bhakta of God-

by his sincere bhakti and efforts.
Hundreds of people filled the street he lived in - to condole his death.

His funeral was attended by nearly one hundred people who went to the crematorium

along with his body.

Fifty people accompanied his two sons who went to collect his asthi.

Who was this well loved /well respected / popular man???:confused:

Was he a political leader? :nono:

was he the head of an institution? :nono:

Was he the owner of an industry? :nono:

He was just a retired Head master who had built rapport with everyone he came into

contact and MAINTAINED it throughout his life.

He was my father's youngest brother who passed away in Pollachi on 27th inst - after

prolonged illness.

I learned a valuable lesson from his life!

It is not who we are/ what we are/ where we are that decides our popularity

but what we do and how we live that makes us well loved and well remembered!

Strangely he parted from his wife on their 57th wedding day

after spending 56 long years with his loving and caring wife!
Madam it is a surprise that you tamed the eli. If it is peruchali it would have bitten you. Now I understand that you know the language of eli and hence you take the avatar of eli. I am waiting for your next avatar.
Madam it is a surprise that you tamed the eli. If it is peruchali it would have bitten you. Now I understand that you know the language of eli and hence you take the avatar of eli. I am waiting for your next avatar.

I have seen Perichalis in India which were bigger even than cats and cats themselves used to run away from them.

So may be my next Avatar will be a Perichali!!!LOL
Like you I also used to talk to the crows. When we walk in the terrace in the early morning the crows by their sound ask us to open the tap for water and when we do so they happily take bath and drink and enjoy. Now we kept one small tub for them to drink water.
Actually, moonjuru is the vagan fo lord ganapathi. Why can't you change from eli to moonjuru so that atleaset you can carry lord ganapathi on your back and visit India without visa.
Like you I also used to talk to the crows. When we walk in the terrace in the early morning the crows by their sound ask us to open the tap for water and when we do so they happily take bath and drink and enjoy. Now we kept one small tub for them to drink water.

In 1990 before my college hostel built a wall around the ladies hostel even cows used to walk in our hostels and they could go up even to the highest floors.

I still remember when it was my first day to go to class I opened my room door and right in front of me was a cow who just walked into my room and was looking at me.

I was so scared and was just hoping she would leave and after some 2 mins she left.

India was fun..I had a nice time studying there.
Actually, moonjuru is the vagan fo lord ganapathi. Why can't you change from eli to moonjuru so that atleaset you can carry lord ganapathi on your back and visit India without visa.

When I apply for Visa this august 2012 I will tell the Indian Embassy here that Mr S.Ramanathan of TB forum said that Moonjuru can get in without Visa!!LOL
Generally in south before entering a new house we used to let the cow in first and then we follow. Cow brings lakshmigaram and if any evil occupies the house cow will not enter the house. You have done college pravesam after cow which itself is a good omen and that also may be one of the reason for your position now.
Welcome to India and am anxiously waiting for you with lord ganapathi.
hello friend!

Hope you are BACK to normal from your BACK-related problems.:thumb:

It is now manageable. So, continuing with daily chores. Thank you for your enquiry.
With regard to electricity, I know you need more than just sympathy. But it must be heard by the power in place!:(

Regarding Mr.KRSji's position, I also get confused whether we indeed helped him.
That nice pic of mine is in my profile so my "fans" can still see it!!LOL(just kidding..cant disappoint my fan club)

Wanted to be a rat with fangs and plague for while.

I will tell you a rat story.
Once in my college a big huge rat used to come to the attached bathroom every night and gnaw at the door all night long and it was impossible to sleep tru that noise.
So one night I got up and kicked the door hard and the rat got scared and ran away.

But next day it was back and that too in revenge mode cos I was sleeping and it was running all over me from head to toe non stop and I woke up screaming and pushed it off me.

I switched on the lights and the rat was staring back at me.
I got so mad with it and yelled at it and told it "I will give you some food daily and you dont gnaw the door and dont do this again to me"

You would not believe it the next day I started leaving some little food near the bathroom door and it would quietly eat and go and never bothered me again.

It seems men and rats (especially big rats, as you describe :() are the same. They are harmless and happy once they get from women what they want. They run all over(!) and rest only when their want is satisfied!:tape2:
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It seems men and rats (especially big rats, as you describe :() are the same. They are harmless and happy once they get from women what they want. They run all over(!) and rest only when their want is satisfied!:tape2:

But dont worry females too are not left behind in the rodent race.
they gnaw at the guys pockets when they guy is busy making himself happy.
so that way both male and female rats are satisfied!!LOL
Eli must be followed by Puli!

Am I correct Renu???

"pasuth thol porthiya puli" pola

"elith thol porthiya puli"!!!

Madam it is a surprise that you tamed the eli. If it is peruchali it would have bitten you. Now I understand that you know the language of eli and hence you take the avatar of eli. I am waiting for your next avatar.
The suspense continues...:confused:
regarding the
power position in T.N
and the
power position of Sri K.R.S.

It is now manageable. So, continuing with daily chores. Thank you for your enquiry.
With regard to electricity, I know you need more than just sympathy. But it must be heard by the power in place!:(

Regarding Mr.KRSji's position, I also get confused whether we indeed helped him.
Is it NOT surprising that a person who tolerates....

a home nurse is unable to put up with one's own sister??? :hand:

an ayah is unable to put up with one's own mother??? :hand:

a servant is unable to put up with one's own father or brother???:hand:

a cook mami is unable to put up with one's own mami or aunt???

What is the world coming to???:confused:
It is NOT JUST the divorce rate that has increased in recent years.

Many engagements break even before the weddings takes place!

The reason...???

The girls reveal their true nature (swaroopam and swabhavam)

during their chat with the prospective grooms :blabla:

shocking them out of their slumber (rude awakening???) :sleep:

or the boys make their real swaroopam and swabhaavam

made known to the prospective brides!!! :scared:

Should we feel happy that a wrong union was prevented OR

feel sad that these boys and girls are so rigid already that

they do not even want to try out the union??? :bolt:
The weddings in which the brides were of a tender and impressionable age

had its own advantages. :thumb:

The brides were young, open to suggestions, willing to learn and willing to please their


They had not yet formed their firm outlooks and stubborn opinions.

They learned the life style of their in-law's house and adopted to their customs and

concepts more easily. :peace:

They did not have time to fall in live with other boys and mess up their wedded lives.

They were like clean new slates which are the best to write upon! :clap2:
Lessons Jessica Cox's life teaches the entire humanity...

1. Nothing is impossible - if you determine to get it done.

2. Never look down upon any one for any reason.

3. You can still have a brilliant sunshine - smile on your face,

no matter what goes wrong with you.

4. ONE person can still make a difference in the world-

even if he/she is different from the others.

5. Never ever give up hope.

My sincere thanks to my elder sister who keeps forwarding me such

courage infusing and interesting mails.


I could not complete posting all about our dear determined lady

Miss Cox yesterday, since the power cut follows me with a vengeance

wherever I go!
A beautiful young girl - with the determination of diamond steel - has just touched

not only the sky but also the hearts of millions of people even without her hands!

(All the posts are in tact. May be you should give more time for the image to appear.)

Posts #297 to #306 show up as blank.
What is going on?
Even my Sai Lives images are not coming on even my emails images are not showing up today..some technical problem with internet I guess.
Posts #308 to #312 are also blank. Something messy at server for TBForum, because I am getting stuff from other sites.
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Nothing is impossible!!!


Dear Mrs.Visalakshi Ramani,

You have shown "Nothing is possible !!!" by posting nothing in posts from #297 to # 312.

Warm Regards,
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