All of you outside US have such a poor opinion based on the media about the US.. you forget, here they are also people like us, no different, just the color.. all kinds of emotions good bad and ugly is in every human being, just take the good and leave the bad, to generalize is not a good thing.. I feel you have to live here for a while to appreciate the good qualities many possess.. I am not defending the politicians here or in India, but people in general everywhere are decent good people..
Now what is happened in Gauhati, can you explain that to me.. it was worse crime like the killings..
My very close family person was murdered in broad daylight in her home in Valasaravakkam, can you explain why that happened, and madras I never used to feel threatened but these days I will dread for my child to come home late even if it was round 9:30 pm.. In New York I can take the subway and feel safe because there are so many people returning from work or from other parts of the city back to their suburbs..
It is very easy to judge others, but first let us analyze what is wrong with ours.. I am lucky my children and all my friends and family children who have grown up in the US are good straightforward kids, that only shows the upbringing.. here I am including the american families too..
the media will exaggerate anything to sustain their interest.. only sensational news is sells.. so take everything with a pinch of salt.. My children are pretty much into education and that is the key for tomorrow's kids.. they have to be taught not only the regular lessons at school but also from parents right from wrong, the basics of life.. first and foremost lesson is not to hate anyone and that everyone is equal, if we don't put this into their brains at an early age, they are going to always feel divided and that is the result of many things that are happening in this world..
Unity or oneness is most important.. I am just wondering, does it take this world to come together only in the wake of a disaster or an alien attack perhaps???? I hope not..
Yeah one more thing don't expect anything from anyone, just you do your duty and just surrender to that ultimate divine positive energy, whatever god you want to name, when you truly do this, there is no difference, only love and happiness and be engulfed in that bliss..
my very best to all