post 3773 #
dear VR !
forum இல் இருக்கும் பல் பேர் கட்டிய வீட்டுக்கு பழுது சொல்பவர்களாக ,வெறும் வாயிக்கு அவில் வேண்டுபவர்களாக இருக்கும் போது குருடனை ராஜ பார்வை பார் என்பது போல நீங்களே thread ஆரம்பிதுவை என்றால் சாத்தியமா ?
i do not know about others , it is said on my own - you may include me in this list
Dear Raghy Sir,
You have a very good memory! So, according to you, 'Guest for a time' is a teasing comment! You are also a
veteran, Sir, and you should have raised your voice much earlier! I do not understand why a member who is teased
so much in a thread should not stop posting in that thread and report all the objectionable posts to the moderator?
Is it a very difficult task? Instead of doing that, more and more posts appear to get the 'like's from a friend, for whom
this member clicks 'like's! I do not see any logic in appearing in a thread, where many veterans are teasing!
Don't we know 'மதியாதார் வாசல் மிதியாதே!'
Ok, now, let me finish this with your quote:
Very very true, dear Sir!
But this is not a thread for songs and if I remember correct, you have started a thread for nice songs!
These songs should be posted there or in a fresh thread in music section! :juggle:
Regards ............![]()
எப்படிப் பெயர் வைத்தார்களோ ??? :noidea:
பெயரில் அமுதம்..... பேச்சில் விஷம்
Dear Raghy Sir,......... It is true "மதியாதார் தலை வாசல் மிதியாதே" . But Sowbagyavathy Amirtha is getting even in this thread where she was teased in the first place. This proverb doesn't apply in this situation.
I learn new definitions everyday! Today I learnt how to have a great sense of humor and be diplomatic!!I can use innuendos too if I feel like it.
....... I should add, Sowbagyavathy Amirtha has a great sense of humour. ...
......... Considering the way Sowbagyavathy Amirtha was treated, getting treated right now, she is acting very diplomatically. .......
Dear Sir, No!!Is there any adjustment problems or cease-fire violations going on in this thread? Everyone seems to be speaking in Morse Code. By any chance, am I also a part of the problem? Please give out frank yes/no answer... I do not think I can decipher another coded text.
five months...
3797 posts and
41428 views later
this thread has achieved a part of its aim. :thumb:
People have started thinking and asking questions. :clap2:
But one more task remains ahead of us.
The orientation of the thinking process
in the right direction!!! :laser:
What is the use if the thinking process splits into two;
go in opposite directions and cancels out each other???
So the future efforts must be to direct the
thought process in the right direction!!! :bowl: