You are given the info 6 months in advance so that you will not miss the event!
U.S.St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Preparing for dark times: Total solar eclipse arrives 6 months from today
If you haven’t already, you might want to mark your calendars for six months from today, and make a special notation for oh, say, early afternoon, depending on your location. You’re in for one of the darker, stranger experiences of your life on this planet. A total solar eclipse - the first one in the continental United States since 1979, and the first one for most of the St. Louis area since 1442 - arrives on Monday, Aug. 21. You may or may not have heard about the eclipse already - but folks at the Bloomsdale bank in Herculaneum and their City Hall have. They’re selling viewer glasses for $1. Southern Illinois University Carbondale will celebrate with a weekend of events to culminate in a public