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Think or sink!

A little separation is necessary to give each person his personal space and freedom.

A little Separation need NOT mean keeping another person at one's arm's length.

It may be for giving the other person elbow room, freedom and personal space.

So always Think positive, Be positive and the world will appear green and happy.
நல்லதும், அல்லதும்

நல்லதும் அல்லதும் சேர்ந்தே உள்ளன,
நம்மை சுற்றிய பொருட்களில் எல்லாம்;

அல்லதை நீக்கி நல்லதை நாடுகின்ற,
நல்ல வழக்கம் நமக்கு மிகவும் தேவை.

சிறந்த குணங்கள் நிறைந்த பிறவியிலும்,
குறைந்த அளவிலேனும் குறைகள் இருக்கும்;

சிறந்தவற்றை மட்டும் பிரித்து ஏற்கும்,
நிறைந்த மன நிலையை பெற்றிடுவோம்!

மெல்லிய வலையால் நல்லதை விட்டு விட்டு,
சல்லடை சேர்க்கும் அல்லதை மட்டும் !

சல்லடை போலவே நாமும் மாறி, மனதில்
அல்லதை மட்டுமே சேர்த்திடல் கூடாது!

அல்லதை நீக்கிடும் பெரிய முறமோ,
நல்லதைத் தன்னிடம் தக்க வைக்கும்.

நல்லவை மனதில் தங்கிட முறம்போல
அல்லவை ஒதுக்கிட அறிந்திடுவோம்!

நீரில் கலந்த பாலைத் தன் திறனால்,
பிரித்து எடுக்கும் அன்னம் போலவே,

அல்லதை விடுத்து, நலம் பட வாழ்ந்திட,
நல்லதை எடுக்க நாம் கற்றிடுவோம்!

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.

It is sickening to read these body oriented ads all day long!

How to remove the wrinkles from the lips, under the eyes......:blabla:

How to tighten the creepy skin..... the ad itself is creepy showing the skin hanging loose with one hundred folds!

How to get fabulous flat abs....round butts...jersy-cow-boobs....remove skin tags...become 4 shades fairer

How to become like a segmented reptile with a ripped body in lesser and lesser number of days!

God gave a Body to the Soul to function through the body and not to dominate the soul!
Oops I forgot the ads related to the 'Pleasures of the Bed'.

It is the most decent manner I can refer to them.

It will be unwise to open the P.C. in the presence of children.

The ads pop up by themselves. :shocked:

When the ads are blocked, the P.C. keeps complaining that we are ad blockers!

I wish we could turn into Ads Knockers instead of Ads Blockers! :boxing:
In the stories of reincarnation proved to be true by many tests, the children who remember the past most often belong to the same family.

So the people being born in a family are their own relatives from another time/ generation/ relationship. So that explains why some people feel blessed to have got good parents and good children.

It also explains why some parents punish their children and children their parents.
Never doubt the truth behind the ancient Hindu Concept of Reincarnation.

We are NOT here just to dine/wine/womanize/plunder/ loot/ hoard/ harm and incur sins!
we are here to return to our source namely God who has made Man in his own image.

Everything must return to its source. That is what every cycle observed in Nature shows.
Man must realize God and return to Him, who is undoubtedly man's real source and origin.

இறைவன் அளித்த இச்சிறந்த உடலின்
பிறவிப்பயன் என்ன என்று அறிவீரா?
மறைகள் புகழும் இறைவன் அவனை, இப்
பிறவியிலேயே அறிந்து கொள்வதே!

கயிலாயத்துறை காஞ்சன வண்ணனை
கணப்பொழுதேனும் காணாத கண்கள்,
மயில் தோகையில் மாண்புடன் விளங்கும்
பயனில்லாத கண்களைப் போன்றவே!

திருவுடன் கூடி உலகினைக் காக்கும்
திருமால் பெருமை கேளாத செவிகள்,
கம்மல், கடுக்கன், தோடு, ஜிமிக்கி என
கல் நகையணியும் வெறும் காதுகளே!

வனமாலை அணியும் மனம் கவர் கள்வன்
புனைந்த மாலையைப் பெற்று நுகராத,
இரு துவாரம் உடைய நாசியோ, காற்றை
இழுத்து விடுகின்ற இருமான் துருத்தியே.

கமல மலர் அமர்ந்து கருணை பொழியும்
கமலக் கண்ணியைப் பாடிப் பரவாத நாவு,
குவளை மலரிடை அமர்ந்து இரைச்சலிடும்
தவளையின் நீள் நாவுக்கு ஒப்பானதே!

எண் குணத்தானை மனத்தில் நினைத்து
எட்டு அங்கமும் நிலம்பட வணங்காத,
மண்டிய கர்வம் கொண்டவன் தலை
முண்டாசையே தாங்கும் மூளையை அல்ல!

கண் முன் அழகனாய் காட்சி அளிக்கும்
ஷண்முகன் திருவடி வணங்காத கைகள்,
இயக்கமும் இரத்தமும் இழந்து போன
குயவன் செய்த மண் கைகளை போன்றவே!

திருவருள் தேடி அவன் திருவடி நாடி
தீர்த்த யாத்திரை செல்லாத கால்கள்,
விண் முட்ட ஓங்கி வளர்ந்து நிற்கும்
மண்ணில் இருக்கும் மரத்தின் வேர்களே!

தாளாத காதலுடன் அவன் துதி கேட்டு
இளகாத நெஞ்சம் இரும்பு நெஞ்சமே!
கண்ணீர் மல்கி கனியாத மனங்கள்
மண்ணில் வாழ் விலங்குகள் மனமே!

பிறவிப்பயனை அறிந்தோம் இன்று,
பிறவிப் பயனுக்கு முயல்வோம் இன்றே!
“அரிது அரிது மானிடராய்ப் பிறத்தல்,”
அரிதிலும் அரிது விடுதலை அடைதல்!

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.

True Education.

Every new addition,
Demands our attention!

No amount of caution,
Can control every action!

No one lacks devotion!
Is it in the right direction?

We have many a strange notion;
Which are no better than fiction!

Travel all over the nation,
Get down at every station!

There is nothing like a vacation;
The only means of true education!

The old and the new.

The old monitor had to be ditched;
A new monitor had to be fetched.

It with the T.V is well matched;
It has been properly hitched.

The connections have been latched;
And the slight differences patched.

The web sites are now batched;
As Linux Katya has been hatched.

The photo of our grandkids stretched,
Fits the desktop and we feel touched.
SRGMP PMGRS PLAYED in the right hand and left hand respectively

is all the children seem to learn in one session of piano class!

Wonder how many years it will take to learn to play the popular Beethoven symphonies!!!
Whether these "Naughty Poems Long And Short" impress you or not,

they will surely make you learn a few new words - if you are so inclined. :)

Ingenuous or Ingenious?

People with a behavior imperious,
Tend to become very acrimonious!

Others would be made curious,
As to their status...previous!

Was their production copious?
Were they extremely ambitious?

Have they remained industrious?
Or have proved to be rebellious?

Though aiming to become glorious,
Are their actions in fact spurious?

Most commoners become dolorous;
And the valiant become very furious!

The right way to treat the ludicrous,
Is to laugh at it, as though hilarious!

The exterior may often look lustrous!
Hiding an interior purely notorious!

It is far better to remain pious;
And dare to be always righteous!

To be called a person ‘ingenuous’;
Is better than the label ‘ingenious’.

Have you ever noticed that when...

1. you are told NOT to do a certain thing you end up doing it more often
(A child screnarian warned to keep off the addictive screen indulges more in watching it)

2. you are told not to spill / break anything, you end up spilling/ breaking more and more things
( coloring agents like turmeric and fragile objects are not for the frail hearted and accident prone)

3. The more the warnings and the precautions.. the more is the damage done!!!
Is it the troubled subconscious mind that makes the person do exactly what is forbidden???

Children adopted from an Orphanage are easy going and non fussing but

they may not stick to their new parents as the children born out of a couple do!

I saw such an adopted 5 year old boy yesterday and

he will be soon getting a 2 year old adopted baby sister.

Men and women ( doctors) spend their fertile years in studying and specializing

that many of them are forced to adopt children - rather than try to have their own.
The 19 years cycle I seem to be caught in, is amazing to me!

We lived in the same house while we occupied the Township of the company my husband worked i . The duration was closer to 19 years than to 18 years.

After that we have lived in the same flat for 19 years exactly to the date.

Today we performed a simple pooja and did the nootana gruha pravesam in the guest house attached to my elder son' house. It has been set up in the most comfortable way- sparing neither expenses, nor expertise!

My father used to say very often "Every ship must reach its port."

Somehow I feel that we too have reached our port.

Now my only prayer is that May God bless all of us and May He bless the younger ones with good health, wealth, happiness and a long life span! :pray:
Thoughts, words and actions are all vibrations of different intensities.

Vibrations keep spreading in the space - practically till they get absorbed completely.

Good vibrations spread good feelings and evil vibrations fear, hatred and jealousy.

One should keep one's thought pure since they will become his words later on.

One must keep his words pure since they will become his actions later on.

Actions cause equal and opposite reaction.

Remember The World is a mirror.

It gives back to you what you give to it first.
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Wisdom vs Boredom

You may dream of your own kingdom,
Or the next best thing - a dukedom!

You may even compromise for an earldom;
But never ever fail to cherish your freedom!

Sacrifices open the doors to martyrdom;
Hard work and determination to stardom!

We must thank God for our keen wisdom;
Let us not waste it in petty things random!

Persons who seldom appreciate wisdom,
Are sure to end up in the lap of boredom!


So it is NOT just the King/ Government that we received what we deserved.

Everything in our life the good, the bad or the ugly, has been originally sought be us!

Need a proof???

Look at the new born children of any race/ region/ religion.

They all look so much alike- with big kind eyes and a button nose!

But no two look alike after they have grown up!

They choose to live differently and y so they evolve differently.

Some develop the laugh lines around the corners of their mouth

and some other the permanent scowl marks around their mouths!

The lines in our face HOW we have chosen to live... smiling or scowling! :) VS :(

Some people need to be told "I love you" every single day!

Some others need to patted on the back - though they in fact deserve a blow!
A few other need a loud clapping sound BEFORE they start any thing! :clap2:

If no one does it he/she himself will do it. :rolleyes:

It is understood that the crowd WILL not be there to clap at the end! :tsk:

well! It takes all kind of weirdos to make up the population of this diverse

world. One has to grin and bear everything generously since it is said that

"What cannot be cured ( or corrected) must be endured!"
It gives immense satisfaction to be able to set up the new living area as comfortably as possible!

It is a race with both Time and Space since the concept is to create maximum space in minimum time!

As usual when similar things are grouped together they occupy less space and are easily accessible!

Order is the First Law of Nature. Everything must be in order to be pleasing to the senses and to make life easier.
Hard Work vs Good Luck!

You may often tend to flinch,
When success is within an inch!

It is time to awaken with a pinch;
And go for the help such as a winch!

Hard work renders success a cinch;
Bringing you and success in a clinch!

If you aim high to catch a goldfinch;
You might end up with a tiny finch!

Winners and Quitters.

Lack of a person’s Capacity,
Can be made up by Publicity!

Do not simply shun Simplicity,
To your words it adds Velocity!

Reaction may be pure Felicity,
Or at times sheer Ferocity!

One needs the power of Tenacity,
To off set the others’ Audacity!

The only way to deal with Opacity,
Is the liberal use of our Ethnicity!

Life is not rid of Eccentricity,
The tool needed is Authenticity!
We all know about kids who love burgers but there also exists

a race of kids which think the boogers is yummy!

(boogers = mookkuch chaLi = aka VeliyeRum VeLlaiyan.... when we were kids!) :rolleyes:

I came to know from The chapter on The types of Hells in Devi Bhaagavatam that a husband

who forces his wife for unnatural sex or makes her drink his sperms will land in a Hell and drink

every dirty excretion we can possibly imagine :scared:

Moraji Desai made the first sample of urine collected early in the morning the famous Morarjin.

I hope and pray human do NOT eat/ drink/ taste any other EXCRETION coming out of their

body! Is it because they do not want to give for free even the waste products of their body???

Awe and the caw

What we people feel in reality,
When we listen to this absurdity;

The make-believe-stories spoken,
By our very transparent(?)politician!

No need to approach with deep Awe,
Their non-stop-nonsense of “Blah Blah”!

Wish we could tear them up with claw,
Or at least laugh them away “Ha Ha!”

Let not their words drop your firm jaw;
They’re no better than the crow’s caw!

No one should live above the law,
Nor be used as an extended paw!

Feelings churned up may be raw;
As no one the real reasons saw!

We need blame ourselves for this flaw,
For having elected these men of straw!

Written ~ 6 years ago and true to all times and countries!

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