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Think or sink!


When you meet the Mr. RIGHT;
Your eyes will glow very BRIGHT.

The world will be filled with a new LIGHT;
Creating altogether an unknown SIGHT.

Hold on to him very, very TIGHT;
Let it not become a little SLIGHT.

Lest he be drawn away by a BLIGHT;
Landing you in a very sad PLIGHT.

In Love and war wins the MIGHT;
All the more reason to hold on TIGHT.

First choice is your right to FIGHT;
Second one is flight due to FRIGHT.

A meeting with him in the TWILIGHT;
Can settle these matters even TONIGHT.

Make sure that the man’s HEIGHT,
Is right for you, as well as his WEIGHT.

He will become your royal KNIGHT;
With whom you will spend every NIGHT.

An advice to the modern girls who keep postponing marriage
due to studies, career and to escape from any commitments
I am applying this wonderful oil to treat the umpteen unsightly warts on my neck. The wart heads are shrinking and their stems are becoming softer and more elastic. Hope they will continue to shrink and fall off very soon.
Well! After all it is Hope that keeps us going on and on and on! :)
Offence is the best form of defence.
Extrapolate this and apply to the current political situation.
You will understand and solve many historical mysteries!
Things did not just happen. They were made to happen
at the right time and right place to the right (wrong?) person!
The sale goes on through out the year.

Black Friday sale and Veteran Day sale will be

followed by Christmas sale and New Year sale!

I wonder whether anybody buys goods at the original price!

During every sale we can see women and men carrying

dresses in (1/4, 1/2, 3/4 ) dozen hangers - with dresses hung on them.

The sale price may be the original price of the goods + the profit!

Yet everybody is happy since everyone (including me) believes that they got

the best bargain! The world likes happy people.


Define a market!

It is a place which the sellers and buyers meet and trade and leave

the place with a complacent smile of having the best of the bargain! :happy:
Let the life be sweet.

It has been exactly a year;
To me it isn’t yet clear!

Why the enforced placement near,
Proves to be too difficult to bear?

Uncomfortable they all appear,
As if immersed in a deep fear;

Appearing to shed a secret tear;
As if poked gently from the rear;

With the blunt edge of a spear;
To walk the plank and risk life dear!

It is either close tight one's ear,
Or change oneself to suit the gear!

Is it impossible to, love, smear
And become an object to endear?

Hear! hear! everyone present here!
Let the life be as sweet as a pear.
The above poem was written in 2013.

My better half had managed to live away from me - on official tours and postings while

in service and by choosing to live with his mother and younger brother after retirement.

The awesome threesome wanted my services but not my presence in their house!

He finally returned to live in my tiny flat after both his mother and brother had passed away. Does this explain how and why I became a thinker and a philosopher? :decision:

Solitude can make some persons feel miserable and they go mad or grow fat! :sleep:

Solitude helps some other to evolve quickly and without any other distractions!!! :laser:

B. Sentences vs Sentences!

Don’t be afraid to be alone! :fear:

It is the ONLY time God can speak with you! :ear:.....:angel:

Don’t be afraid to be alone! :nono:

It is the only time your creative energy can emerge undisturbed and

you can create/ draw/ write/ do things much better. :laser:

Solitude is not a punishment but a blessing in disguise. :decision:

The only way to beat solitude is to engage oneself usefully.

The proof...????

Many famous books have been either written or launched while their authors were in prison.

So we will see about a few famous works and their authors in this Sentences VS Sentences!

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A good son VS A good husband!

A good husband cum a good son,

Is yet in this wide world to be born!

A Good son adores only his parent,

And leaves his good wife transparent.

It is “Either you live in our style!
Or go become your mother’s tail!”

His mother takes on the upper hand;
And hands out the D.I.L. fiery bands.

The good husband on the other hand
Is full of adoration to his all-new-find!

It is an ultimatum to the old parents,
“Can stay with us as silent parents!

I owe my loyalty to this poor girl,
Who for me has sacrificed her all!”

Things will be kept in great secrecy,
Where is the need to tell the mercenary?

The D. I. L will throw words or vessels.
The choice-less-life is so full of tussles.

A Good husband and a real good son,
Are mutually exclusive in one person!

I know a person who appears very calm,
Living such a life, as the back of my palm!

If A good son is also a good husband,
He’ll be a circus ring master’s real find!

Once a loyal son, is always a loyal son!
Once a loyal husband, he is always one!
Every male plays a double role.

Plays good husband and good son alternately depending on who he is with.

They see that both mother and wife do not run into each other.

Then there is the mistress who can spice up his life when he is tired of balancing mother and wife.
Every male plays a double role.

Plays good husband and good son alternately depending on who he is with.

They see that both mother and wife do not run into each other.

Then there is the mistress who can spice up his life when he is tired of balancing mother and wife.

Dear Mr. Krish,
I appreciate your point of view as that of a man- a husband and a son.
But most men DO NOT try to balance the two important females in their life. They take sides - leaning towards one of the two.

It is said the worst enemy of a woman is no a man but another woman. The rest of the developments you can guess and figure out! :)

I have seen that when the son respects his parents so does his wife- unless she is a real She-Devil in disguise!

Trust and confidence are essential to balance the two women. He should not believe all the tales born to him by those women and start over-reacting.

After ll he must be able to figure out how far each of those women can go!
Currency jet

With all certainty I can bet;
It is terrible to be in debt!

Worse still when unable to get;

A fresh life-giving currency jet!

The shrewd creditors will never let;

A moment of peace whenever met!

You are caught up in a sticky net!

Gone are the days you were the pet;

And had everything you love be set

As for the rich pet by its pet-vet!

Now with tears shed you become wet

There’s nothing to do but fume and fret.

What is worse than being in debt?
Having plies of invalid currency jet!

Some may burn it; some may bury it,
Some others end their own life and quit!


How very topical this post has turned out to be!!!
The last four lines were added today to this 5 years old poem!
Pandora's box


Pandora trying to close the box that she had opened out of
curiosity. At left, the evils of the world taunt her as they escape. The engraving is based on a painting by F. S. Church.

Pandora's box is an artefact in
Greek mythology, taken from the myth of Pandora's creation in Hesiod's Works and Days.

The "box" was actually a large jar given to Pandora (Πανδώρα, "
all-gifted, all-giving"),[SUP]][/SUP] which contained all the evils of the world.

Pandora opened the jar and all the evils flew out, leaving only "
Hope" inside once she had closed it again.

Today the phrase "to open Pandora's box" means to perform an action that may seem small or innocent, but that turns out to have severely detrimental and far-reaching negative consequences. The action cannot be reversed.

Curiosity kills the cat!

Curiosity of Pandora had let out all the evils in the world from box (jar) they were originally confined in!

Oh Boy!!! Am I happy that HOPE was right at the bottom of the box (jar) and could not manage to escape, before the box (jar) was again closed!

If Hope had been lost then man too would have been lost forever. It is the tint spark of HOPE that keep a man ticking, kicking and striving - hoping for the (dubious?) better days in the future.

Fikre math karna!!! :nono:
Achche Din zaroor aayengE! :thumb:

One friend- my husband's namesake and a citizen on U.S.A, always threatensrandom people that he would kick them wearing his Texas boots!

I bet he never did it even once in his life!
What make me so sure about this...???

I know that Barking dogs seldom bite! :rolleyes:
Seeing the political scene here I realized that I had wrongly classified people into two groups... the friends and the foes!
Actually there are four classification of people.

1. The friends
2. The foes.
3. The friend-like foes (pastuth thol porthiya puli?)
4. The foe-like friends (pulith thol porthiya oasy?)

Of these four, the most dangerous is the third type -
whom we trust and who do not trust us or do us good! :(

266 (a). வழவழத்த உறவைக் காட்டிலும் 6வைரம் பாய்ந்த பகை நன்று.
266 (b). The known enemy is better than the unknown friend.
The demonetisation and the exchange into new notes has caused trouble to people in all levels in different ways.

Now that we are caught up in USA and have to seek the help of the people back in India to get the demonetised money either exchanged or credited into our saving a/c we are made to see the true colour of the people we ask for help!

A new kind of revelation - though much delayed.

Those whim we ask for help run away giving many reasons.
Those who want to help put forward their helping and comforting hands.
God bless these noble persons helping at the time of need!! :amen:
021. Noah’s ark

Life in the Noah’s ark,
Couldn’t let dogs bark!

Feelings were kept under cork,

Or it would become real dark!

To the first disparity hark…!

As clear as the song of a lark.

It is the unannounced mark,
They can all part and park!

Newton's apple!

When a big red apple raw,
Falling from a tree we saw;

We put out our eager paw,
With a very wide open jaw!

And feel like a real Shaw,
While at the apple we gnaw!

We might, for it, even claw;
We may not mind its flaw!

Our brains need to thaw,
To hit on Nature’s jigsaw!

It takes a real genius to draw,
The great gravitational law!
What will a crackpot do when he hits a jackpot??? :rolleyes:

He will make up for all the lost time
by becoming a jumping jack fruit! :lock1:

When Mother Fortune favours him, :angel:
he will get nine lives just as any cat does! :bump2:
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