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Think or sink!

A word to those who take petty things to heart and SUFFER!

Objects/ people/ places/ words / insults ALL assume importance

ONLY BECAUSE we choose to give them (undue?) importance.

Left to themselves nothing and no one is either important or

An incident I am going to relate MAY MEAN nothing to you but to me it appears to be something very important and uncanny!

My dear mother used to write Sree Raman Jayam in a note book daily
until the day writing became too difficult for her when she became 90 +

I have started writing Sree Rama jayam since Mid November 2016. At fitst I used to write on the one side papers given by my sons/ Ds.I.L
/grand children. Then I switched over to spiral bound note books.

After coming to India I started writing on the filler sheets which were
available in bundles - purchased long ago.

One fine day I decided that I will start writing in the same diary my
mother had used to write.

When I opened that la page and noticed the last date it was used, tears
welled up in my eyes! It was 25-10-2014 exactly 3 years before I decided
to write in the same book!

Children can continue the good deeds of their parents - even if it is only
as simple as writing Sree Rama nAma in the same note book used by
one of them !

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I made an interesting discovery yesterday.

Man/ Woman is born free but is in chain always.

The invisible chain binding us is the TIME FACTOR.

Break open that shackle and you will feel as free as the air!

I slept on in the morning - having switched off the alarm clock.

I set no dead line for any chore/ task/ job!

I ate when I felt hungry.

I napped when I felt tired.

Iwoke up when I felt fresh.

It was a pure luxury I have been denied both by myself and the others!

May be once in a week relaxation will generate enough energy for the

rest of the week - for burning the candle at both ends!!!!

"சும்மா இருப்பதே சுகம்!" என்று :couch2:
சொன்னவன் மிகவும் அறிவாளி! :clap2:
Dear Sis,

'Home alone' can give :peace: and happiness ONLY for a while. :couch2:

Soon you will long for a routine, which will keep you on your toes! :D

Often, I remember our uncle, who wished to keep a routine, even at his ripe age of 90+! :hail:
My dear Raji,

I am already back on my routine. :roll:

I just needed one full day to recover from the bumpy travel

in an old rickety ambassador car on Thursday for 14 hours

with 8 to 10 stops in between which means I had to get in and get out

of that car 16 to 20 times and also walk on bare feet in all the temples!!!

(When did that driver's new Indica car got replaced by this rickety vehicle???)

My feet became SthANu sthambams and my ankles were ready to burst open.

In fact when akka tapped on me legs they made the same lovely sound

as any dark green, ripe, tight, delicious, watermelon would emit ! :ear:

And each foot felt as heavy as if tied to a big brick or made of pure concrete!

I DO LOVE Order and Schedule. It is the only way to get anything done.

My motto is to " Plan out my Work and to Work out my Plan!" :thumb:

The secret why I was able to relax and recover in just one day ???

I was my own master with total freedom to eat something 'kilarified' in a hurry!

AND I just finished editing the Sree RAma sahasra nAma today :thumb:

No naps / sleep / break / waste of time today!

In other words today is my regular day - with overlapping chores as usual!
My mind is at ease since I finally cleaned and rearranged the kitchen
as well as all the shelves of two big Godrej almarahs today. :roll:
Hope to settle down in a peaceful and normal routine from Monday!
Wonder whether my lord and master has other plans for me!!!
Some People suffer willingly for no known reasons!

I know a family of super senior citizens.

Three sisters and the husband of the youngest sister.

They are all 80+ and live in an old house in the busiest place of a town.

The house is so vast and runs to several hundreds of feet both in length and

I am sure the property is worth several crores today.

But They live on... in the semi darkness of the house, taking tuition to earn

their livelihood , negotiating the umpteen steps in the house, braving the

slippery bathrooms and not to speak of the uninvited guests in the form of

many reptiles during the monsoon.

IF they decide to sell the property they can each own a flat and have a bank

balance that will help them to live in comfort even if not in ultimate luxury.

Why do they never think of that?

Why do they never even listen to that suggestion?

Al but the youngest sister are spinsters . The two sons of the youngest sister

will eventually inherit the property. One has settled down in Delhi and the

other in U.K.

I suffer to see them suffer physically and financially when they own a gold

mine in the form of the rotting, dark, smelly and unsafe house they call their

home! :doh:

There is so much of bitterness since they all HAVE to work beyond their physical capacity.

But is it not by their own choice??? Why the bitterness then???
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House is made for the man. Man is not made for the house.

It is the people living in it that make a house a home!

A Home must be a sweet home not a bitter home!!!

The positive vibrations make a house a real home.

Why we don't want to leave some houses we visit

and don't want to enter to some other houses we have to visit.

The negative vibrations can wreck a happy home into a mere house!
We feel free and happy when we escape...

even if it were only from the frying pan into the fire!

Undertake not what you can't perform.

But keep your promise at all costs.

Shallow brooks are noisy.

Deep rivers flow with majesty.

If you are in debt, somebody owns a part of you!

Honest labor bears a lovely face.:music:

So does spirituality and good music

Contempt of fame begets contempt of virtue.
LIFE seems to be one continuous chain of crisis management!

Here are some useful tips for successful crisis management.

In a crisis try these steps:

1. Use humor.

2. Take your time.

3. Don't dominate.

4. Consider the motive.

5. Be frank.

6. Be prepared,.

7. Look ahead!
Today's crisis....

The only place not cleand and rearanged was the swami almarah.

It turned out to be a Pandora's box filled with woes and roaches!

WHERE do they hide and how do they hide so very well??? :wacko:

With not a worry in the world...no rent to pay and no bread to earn

they seemed to have been breeding full time (or overtime??)

I have not seen roaches of so many sizes/ colors and ages ans stages!

Poor God's images and moorthis!

They had to put up with these nasty insects for over a year!
HE and SHE!

She did her best to make him happy.
He did his best t make her unhappy.

She worked beyond her power to make life smooth.
He worked beyond his power to make life harsh!

She never complained about her real sufferings.
He always highlighted his imaginary problems!

She placed herself in the very last place in the list of importance.
He believed that he was the center of the Universe around whom everything else revolves!

Does Nature love uniting such people...totally opposed to each other!
Is this a corollary of the law" Like poles repel and unlike poles attract???
There are invisible KNOTs (also called as Granthis) in all our joints.

If ywe don't use them, these knots become as strong as steel or diamond.

Using the joints make remain supple and in good working order.

Never fear pain.

Pain goes away when we brave it and lead a normal live.

If we Fear the pain and restrict our activities 'we lose what we don't use'

I myself find the first few steps I take very painful and taxing.

The longer I walk the easier and less painful it becomes.

The invisible knots open up with loud popping sounds one after another

like the Brahma Granthi, Vishnu Granthi and Rudra Granthi.

There after we may be able to walk on and on for a long time.

But fearing the granthis and their popping sound - if we refuse to budge

from the chair, these knots bind us like cable made of steel!
A Rama Sena (of you-know-what) has occupied the flat above mine during our long absence.

Some of the occupants were always jumping, some other trotting like horses, some others were eternally dragging the furniture day and night.

I am highly allergic to random loud noises but did not know how to contact them

Cimbing the staircase seemed to be an impossible task . There was no youngsters who can go up and convey my message.

Yester night they made such a raucous the my anger became a rage and the energy created was enough to make me climb the stairs after all.

My heart was racing-both due to my rage and the climbing up the stairs. I bet the three ladies and umpteen kids there did not expect to see anyone looking like what I was then.

They understood my plight. Not a single sound since then. I thank the Ram Sena now for being so considerate.

Oftentimes we suffer unnecessarily since we refuse to speak up.

For coming down I took the help of a lady from that house. So the truth about our plight was driven home even better, harder and deeper!
Man seeks outside what he can't find inside him.

Man seeks outside the house what he ca't find in the house.

Man seeks outside the relationship what he can't find inside it.

But a woman has more Aatma balam and can survive even when

she is ignored/ ill treated/neglected and or deserted!
Hmmmmm. Our 'spiritual' member claims to become younger and more handsome, day by day.

Renu and I are awaiting his 'Bahubali' photo for quite some time! :D


Bahu Bali will have 30+ biceps but need he have a handsome and lovely face???
புஜ பலம், நிஜ பலம்

புஜ பலம் என்றுமே நிஜ பலம் அன்று;
புத்தி பலம் தான் நிஜ பலம் என்றுமே.
நன்றாய் நமக்கு உணர்த்திடும் இதை,
தொன்று தொட்டு வரும் ஒரு நல்ல கதை.

சாபம் அடைந்த, தேவர்கள் கூட்டம்,
பாபம் நீங்கி, பலம் முன்போல் அடைய;
பாற்கடல் கடைந்து, அமுத கலசத்தை,
நோற்பது போல, பெற்றிட வேண்டும்.

“அரக்கர்கள் ஆயினும் நீர் எம் உறவினரே,
அமுதம் பெற்றிட எமக்கு உதவிட வேண்டும்!
தேனாம் அமுதை பகிர்ந்து கொள்வோம்” எனத்
தேன் போல் இனிக்க பேசினர் தேவர்கள்.

மந்தர மலையையே மா மத்தாக்கி,
வாசுகி பாம்பை பெரும் கயிறாக்கி,
முந்தித் தலைப் பக்கம் சென்று நின்றனர்,
கேசவன் மாயம் உணர்ந்த தேவர்கள்.

“வலிமை நிறைந்த அரக்கர் நாங்கள்,
வால்புறம் ஏன் நாம் பிடித்திட வேண்டும்?
தலைப்புறம் எமக்கு தந்திடுவீர்”, என
தொலை நோக்கில்லா அசுரர் வேண்டினர்.

கடைந்த போது துவண்ட மேனியால்,
வீசியது வாசுகி விஷ மூச்சு காற்றை.
கடைசி அரக்கன் வரை விஷ வாயுவினால்,
வீரியம் இழந்து வாடிப் போயினர் அசுரர்.

வால் பக்கம் உள்ள வானவர்கள் எல்லாம் ,
மால் அவன் கருணையால் ஒரு சிறிதும்
துயர் இன்றியும் முன்போன்றே சற்றும்
அயர்வின்றியும் கடைந்தனர் பாற்கடலை.

விரும்பியதை அளிக்கும் காமதேனுவை,
விரும்பினர் வேள்வி வளர்க்கும் முனிவர்;
வியனுலகு காணா வெண்பரி உச்சைசிரவசை,
விரும்பிப் பெற்றான் மன்னன் மகாபலி.

ஐராவதம் என்னும் வெள்ளை யானையை,
சுரர்கள் தலைவன் இந்திரன் பெற்றான்.
சிவப்பொளி வீசிய கௌஸ்துபம் என்னும்
சீரிய மணி ஸ்ரீமன் நாராயணனுக்கே.

பாரிஜாதம் என்னும் தெய்வீக மரத்தை,
கோரிப் பெற்றது தேவர்கள் கூட்டம்.
அப்சரஸ் என்னும் தெய்வ மங்கையரை,
அடைந்து மகிழ்ந்தார் வானுலகத்தோர்.

அமுதமே பெண்ணாகி வந்த திருமகள்,
ஆதி தேவன் நாராயணனை வரித்தாள்.
மதுவின் தெய்வமாய் மனத்தை மயக்கி,
மதத்தை வளர்த்தும் வாருணி அசுரர்களுக்கு!

கலசமும் கையுமாய் கடலில் இருந்து,
களையான முகத்துடன் வந்த தன்வந்த்ரியின்,
கலசத்தைப் பறித்து கலஹம் செய்தாலும்,
கடைசி வரை அமுதம் பெறவில்லை அசுரர்!

அனைத்து பொருட்களையும் தங்கள் வசமே,
அமைத்துக்கொண்டது தேவர்கள் கூட்டம்.
அமுத பகிர்விலும் மோகினியாக வந்து,
தமது வசீகரத்தால் வஞ்சித்தார் கண்ணன்.

ஆயிரம் யானைகள் பலம் இருந்தாலும்,
ஆயிரம் தோள்கள் பெற்று இருந்தாலும்,
ஆயிரம் ஆயுதங்கள் வைத்து இருந்தாலும்,
புய பலம் தோற்கும் புத்தி பலத்திடம்!

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.
They say best men are molded out of faults.
And for the most, become much more the better
For being a little bad.
am Shakespeare.

If we had no faults we should not take so much pleasure in noticing them in others. :happy:....

Duc De La Rochefoucauld.
"தாயும் தந்தையும் யாவும் நீயே!" :hail:

தனியாக இருந்த பெண்ணுக்கு பிரசவம் பார்க்கத்

தாய் வடிவு எடுத்து வந்தாராம் சிவபெருமான்.

"தாயும் ஆனவர்" என்ற நல்ல பெயர் பெற்றார்.

"தந்தையும் ஆனவர்" என்று சொல்லத் தேவை இல்லை.

தரணியில் உள்ள அனைத்து உயிர்களுக்கும்

தந்தை அவரே என்று அறிவோமே நாம்!

என்றோ நடந்த கதை அல்ல இது.

இன்றும் உலகில் இது நடக்கின்றது.

பிரசவம் பார்க்க வேண்டிய தாயே

படுத்து விட்டார் உடல் நலம் இன்றி.

மனைவிக்குப் பிரசவம் பார்த்த உத்தமன்

மனைவிக்கே ஒரு நல்ல "தாயும் ஆனான்".

முதலில் பிறந்திருந்த குழந்தைக்கு நல்ல

"தாயும் தந்தையும்" ஆக அவன் மாறினான்.

பிறந்த குழந்தைக்குத் "தந்தையும் ஆனான்"!

"தாயும் ஆன இறைவனே" அந்த நல்ல மகனுக்குத்

தாங்கும் திறனையும் அளித்திட வேண்டும்! ....:pray:....:hail:....:hail:

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