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Think or sink!

Yesterday my new physical therapist evaluated my physical condition to help me with the chosen exercises to increase my Stability and Mobility. Surprisingly I was able to perform some simple things which I had long-since-believed-to-be beyond my capacity.

Now I am wondering whether we are limiting our own movements
by being UNABLE to perform them really OR
by believing that we will not be able to perform them?
Mind controls the body! Right, sister?
True! Mind MUST control the body.
But this does not happen all the time.

When the mind believes that it may endanger the body by doing something,
both the mind and the body will stay away from doing it -
just to protect the body from further damage (real or imaginary).

Also people who believe in the theory of "Mind Over The Body" are few and far between!
Fire walkers are the best example for this feat! Maybe the sAdhus who can walk wearing a pair sandal made of nail or those can sleep on a bed of nails also belong to this category.

The majority of the population is controlled by the body and its needs and NOT by those of the mind!
That is why most people are happy and contented with their tasty food and comfortable bed!

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

366a. Lob auf das Gesicht ist eine totale Schande.
366b. Praise done on one's face is a total disgrace.

We must praise a person in his /her absence, in the public.
But we always praise a person on his face.

W must comment on a person to him /her in privacy.
But we always comment on him/her, behind his /her back, in the public.

Lob = Praise
auf = on
das = the
Gesicht = face
ist = is
eine = a
totale = total
Schande = disgrace.

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

367a. Sogar eine Prinzessin ist eine Frau von jemandem. Niemand steht über dem Gesetz.
367b. Even a princess is a wife of someone. No one stands above the law.

Everybody is 'a somebody' to somebody else!
Nobody is 'a nobody' to everybody else!

Sogar = Even
eine = a
Prinzessin = princess
ist = is
eine = a
Frau = wife
von = of
jemandem somebody.
Niemand = No one
steht = stands
über = over
dem = the
Gesetz = law.

The plight of a princess!

We imagine that the life of every princess was a bed of roses. But the sad truth is that it is far from it. A princess had no freedom to do what she wanted to do. She had to adhere to several severe customs, manners, etiquette.

A princess was the subject of envy, slander, gossip and was the target of the other women wishing to win the favor of the king she had married.

A princess had to get married to any good / bad / ugly / sickly king for making political alliance between their two countries or to evade the imminent wars and sieges by the enemies.

A princess was given away as a prize to the winner of any contests and sports set by the king - her father. A princess was not the mistress of her own destiny.

It is far better to be a normal girl and grow up in freedom than be a princess and live in a golden cage, under a microscope, at the mercy of the others - as long as she lives!


A proverb a day to brighten the day!

368a. Das Kalb wagt es, dorthin zu gehen, wo die Kuh Angst hat einzutreten.
368b. The calf dares to go where the cow is scared to enter.

The youngsters dare and the elders care.
Youth is fearless and the elders are wise.

footnotes :-
Das = The
Kalb = calf
wagt = dares
es = it
zu = to
gehen = go
dorthin = there
wo = where
die= the
Kuh = cow
hat = is
Angst = afraid
einzutreten = to enter

10. Royal bodyguards​

Caterpillars of the imperial blue butterflies are truly imperial!

The reason…..?

They have their own special team of escorts and bodyguards – a band of terrible black ants!

Each morning when the caterpillars leave their nests to feed on the leaves of black wattle trees, the

ants climb up the tree to join them.

The ants use their large strong jaws to drive away any predators, while the caterpillars feed.

The payment for this special duty is the permission to suck the sugary secretion from the back of the


The ants nest underground. They climb the tree every morning to do their guarding duty.

They even watch over the insects in their pupa stage – for free!

More caterpillars means more honey!

So “Why not?”


A proverb a day to brighten the day!

369a. Wenn Sie schlafen, wenn Sie säen sollten, werden Sie verhungern, wenn Sie ernten müssen.
369b. If you will sleep when you should sow, you will starve when you have to reap.

The wise people do what should be done, when it should be done, how it should be done and where it should be done. The otherwise who dance and sing like a grasshopper in the Spring, have to starve in the Winter.

Wenn = If
Sie = you
schlafen = sleep
wenn = when
Sie = you
sollten = should
säen = sow,
Sie = you
werden = will
verhungern starve
wenn = when
Sie = you
müssen = have to
ernten = reap

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Ein Magnet arbeitet an einer Nadel.
Freundschaft funktioniert in Gefahr

A magnet acts on a needle.
Friendship acts in danger.

Ein = A
Magnet = magnet
arbeitet = acts / works
an = on
einer = a
Nadel = needle.
Freundschaft = Friendship
funktioniert = acts / works
in = in
Gefahr = danger.
Back to the Nature!

Sabhas and gatherings will not be there for a long long time to come. Artists are recording their music and dance for entertaining their fans and the other lovers of arts.

It is nice to see them record in natural surroundings . Picturesque spots, gardens laden with flowers, terrace gardens are usual. Singing/ playing instruments/ dancing in the waves of sea water is unusual.

I hope and pray that they do not take their Art to the next level and to those risky spots - competing with the people who have Selfie-Mania. 🙏
I guess the recording is done in a closed room and dubsmashed in natural surroundings.
For dance, they may used techniques to change the background as per their wish!
My naughty 10 year young student keeps changing his background, during Skype classes like a forest or a huge playground or a gymnasium!

A proverb a day to brighten the day!


371a. Gibt es einen Reißverschluss, um die Lippen des Klatschers zu verschließen?
371b. Is there a zip to seal the gossiper's lips?

One of the few things that work constantly is the gossiper's lip.
If only we have to zip to seal it!!!

Gibt es = Is there
einen = a
Reißverschluss = zip
um zu = to
verschließen = seal
die Lippen = the lips
des Klatschers = of the gossiper?

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

372a. Ein Apfel pro Tag hält den Doktor fern. Ein Knoblauch am Tag hält alle fern.

372b. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A garlic a day keeps everybody away.

Some relatives and friends are like the sweet an healthy apple.
They make you feel better when you associate with them.

Some others are like the Garlic - which is both beneficial and pungent.
Associating with them will leave one affected for a very long time.

Ein = An
Apfel = apple
pro Tag = a day
hält = keeps
den Doktor = the doctor
fern = away.
Ein = A
Knoblauch = garlic
am Tag = a day
hält = keeps
alle = everybody
fern = away.

N. சித்திர விசித்திரச் சொற்கள்.​

சித்திரம் ஒன்று நமக்கு வெளிப்படுத்தும்
விசித்திரமான ஆயிரம் சொற்பொருளை!

கண் முன்னே படம் பிடித்துக் காட்டும் இவை!
காமிராவின் வேலையைச் செய்யும் இவை!

இணைச் சொற்களா அன்றி அடுக்குத்தொடரா?
இரட்டைக் கிளவியா? என அறியத் தேவை இல்லை.

அற்புதமான இவற்றைப் பயன்படுத்தி நம்முடைய
கற்பனை வளத்தைக் கூட்டலாமே எழுத்துக்களில்!


A proverb a day to brighten the day!

373a. Die Weisheit einer Eidechse:
"Lieber den Schwanz verlieren als aufgefressen zu werden!

373b. A lizard's wisdom:
"Better to lose the tail than get eaten up!

Clever fishermen use a small fish to lure and catch a bigger fish.
Clever men gift something small and reap rich rewards/ awards / benefits.

Coming to think of it....the converse is also true!

We have seen tailless lizards running around as well lizard-less tails jumping around!
To escape from a big danger we can willingly accept a smaller one.

To save a family, the interest of one of its members may be compromised.
To save a village, the interest of one of its families may be compromised.

To save a country, the interest of one of its villages may be compromised.
Thus the list goes on with black sheep selecting their scapegoat!

Die = The
Weisheit = wisdom
einer Eidechse: = of a lizard
"Lieber = Better
verlieren = lose
den Schwanz = the tail
als zu = than to
werden = be
aufgefressen = eaten up

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