RR simply Great SherlockHomes,
Anyone can become a Sherlock Holmes -
if we have Dr. Watson around to help us !

RR simply Great SherlockHomes,
You beat me to my post above by a few nazhigaigal!!
Here is something to show to your little boys and girls at home and give them a thought for the day:
Thoughtfor the day
Interference pattern is so much more interesting than Harini.
OK I will watch them, post my comments and await new videos.
Is that a deal???
Apart from Harini, there was this one: titled "Stroke of insight"
duration18m 42s. See under thread bird-sabham
I don't recall you commenting on it.
Stroke of insight was a fantastic video! :ranger:
The right side of the brain helps us merge with the universal consciousness and the left side makes us merge with our individuality.
How very wonderful!!!
So the seers, sages and the REAL swamis who could lose themselves in the Universal consciousness, knew a way to get away from the left hemisphere and into the right hemisphere.
Makes a lot of sense now! :clap2:
More later! :wave:
Did the doctor get totally confused? He says the right hemisphere which said YES to God's existence is an atheist and
left hemisphere which said NO believes in God!! :dizzy:
You noticed the slip up too! Yes, யானைக்கும் அடி சறுக்கும் !!
You are right when you observe that he does not look like the ''slipping type''. But he DID say 'an atheist' clearlyI am sure he said "A theist!" and both of you heard it as "atheist". He does not look like the "slipping type"........
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran will be featured in the Adam to Zeus thread soon! :typing:
Thank you for bringing his name to my notice.ray2:
I am sure you many more persons who deserve to be featured in the A to Z thread but you do not give their names to me !out:
MY comment will follow after I watch the video.
Have you made any sankalpam to appear only once in three days???
Yes, I will be very happy to pass on the names of other eminent Indians in due course.
No, I have not made any sankalpam. It is just a conspiracy of circumstances, not unlike what you had complained earlier. I would in fact love to spend more time interacting with members like you in this forum, but I am preoccupied with too many things right now. Hopefully, I should get back in form soon.
Hopefully, you will find this info on Vilayanur Ramachandran helpful.