C S C Manisundar
New member
Namaskaram. I would like to assit ( FOR FREE - NO CHARGES ) those who are interested in doing sandhyvandanam ( Yajur - aapasthampa sootram ONLY ) regularly. I am now in Srirangam Trichy. I can spend time over phone or through zoom meeting . I can share my views through email / whatsapp. Till the age of 50 I didn't do sandhya vandanam even once a day. I underwent so many problems, lost huge money and became restless. After I start doing thrikala sandhyavandanam all my problems ( for 16 years ) vanished miraculously. Now I am spending my life peacefully in the spiritual path. Gayathri Mantra is the mother of all vedhas and mantras. I have my own personal experience. Mother Gayathri will save those who do nithya karmas regularly from all evils. I am interest in helping those who want to do sandhya vandanam and achieve everythng in life. If anyone is interest please send your details to cscmanisundarfca@gmail.com. Lokha Samastha Sukhino bhavanthu - C.S.C.MANISUNDAR, SRIRANGAM