Where there is energy, it implies that there is matter...
Why not? There is no nothingness... 0 is just a state between two entities... and entities are but manifestations of energy... so that state of unmanifested energy could be 0...
Energy is transmitted through atoms... which comprise of electrons, protons and neutrons...
Atoms are in a stable state... whenever an electron moves from its frequency to the other there is either energy emitted or taken in...
And Atoms/Electrons... are but matter...
can u pls illustrate ur claim with an example?
so ..?
can u use ur statement to explain energy stored as wave form? are u telling wave form is matter too?
vivekam, you did not get the intent... without matter, there is no energy...
only when there is a movement of matter energy manifests...
.. energy is only transmitted thru matter never created by matter ... which came first energy/matter? can there be energy without matter ,of course yes ... but we need matter to perceive the existence of energy ...
nope.... .. first u say there is no energy without matter , see my earlier post ,
u immediately add , energy manifests only when there is movement of matter ....
so energy that does not move matter is unmaniifest? it seems unmanifest only because u set a criterion of moving matter as a sign of manifestation of energy .... not necessary .... energy is energy whether it moves matter or not ... that is why when it doesnt move matter it is called "potential" energy since it has the potential to manifest/move as " kinetic" energy ....
When we are static and there is no movement there is no apparent energy manifestation, but when we pick up an object, energy is released... in some form or the other...
Where did this energy come from? It is due to the exertion (movement) that it has manifested...
Matter always exists... and hence energy always exists (sort of corollary)... but energy is in latency when matter is static...
Energy cannot exist without matter...
Please see an earlier example ie., compressed spring... the latent energy in the spring is zero, but when it springs, the energy is released ie., manifested...
It is there in the post in which you quote... it always exists... it is not created
so u r telling me matter was never created , am i rt?
thank you ... that is exactly wht advaitam sez... there is no creation ... only transformation and hence all but the advaita brahman is illusion , hence it wuld be unwise to separate the transformations into separate entities ... only the nirguna advaita brahman remains .. all else is an illusion at a point in time and space ...