Dear Indian-ji,
My comments in maroon:
My comments in maroon:
Dear Shri Happy Hindu ji
Sinhalese do not hate "Tamil". They only hate "Hinduism". You can see the acceptance of Tamil in every level of administration in Columbu. But it is Hinduism especially the Murthy worship is what they hate to the core , while they themselves being a kind of idol worshipers with MahaVamsa belief. But the current conflict we see between Tamils and Sinhalese is nothing to do with the above. It is purely territorial dominance that is the cause. But once the conflict is resolved , Sinhalese will exhibit their true anti-indian/anti-hindu nature. It is in their ideology to hate Hindus, more specifically Brahmins.
Hmmm...cud this be a generalization? Am not sure...since the sinhalese i have come across neither hate hindusim nor brahmins nor idol worship. Could it be that the ones you have come across are the staunch buddhist kind?
Then there is this prob of india actually having 'created' or contributing to the creation of the Ltte Tigers. Sinhalese seem to have gotten over it, but there are vested interests who will keep doing the "remainding" job to keep fanning divisive flames.
And then there is this karma that what goes around comes around. Whenever a demon in unleased it always comes back to haunt oneself (eg: Rajiv Gandhi killed by LTTE).
Other classic examples: Taliban created by CIA, americans contributed to creating ISI, americans "used" Iraq to stem the growth of rouge state Iran (for having islamic conquest ambitions) and then when Iraq got too big for its boots the americans went and whacked them and now what have they on their hands.
But yes, i agree with you that the civil war there is only for territorial dominance. The ceylonese, both tamils and sinhala ones, are very capable of taking care of themselves. Perhaps the IPKF was a mistake. To a layman, it appears that its best for India not to interfere in others' matters since there are enuf headaches on indian soil to take care first.
Quite surprisingly Lankan Tamils love us. They take pride in our academic achievements and boast as the achievement of their lot. I was quite surprised. Be it Tamil Hindu or Tamil Christian , they still identify themselves as Indian Hindu only.
I agree all the way. I have not come across a tamil christian identifying oneself as a hindu, but generally i find no diff b/w a lankan christian or hindu. All Lankan Tamils are a very cultured, academic sort, fantastic conversationalists, great company (always loved their company). Its really difficult situation they are in.
One hopes that the sinhala-government never repeates its past mistakes ever again. Then again, you see that tamils and sinhala folk geting along well outside Lanka. Life is such a perplexing paradox, isn't it...