>>oh, really? I guess usa is controlled by vatican? I guess the protestant england is controlled by the pope! Again making all kinds of generalized statements without any backing.<<
President George W Bush made five trips of meeting with Pope.What do you understand from his actions!
>>your quote
christians watching the fun and staying alive while muslims & hindus kill each other) just like in middle-east wherein israel is supported blindly against palestinians ( christians watching the fun and staying alive while judaist & muslims kill each other)
my imagination! Why don't you read your own posting before commenting - yeah i forgot - you follow goondaism.<<
I should have qualified with 'minority christians' instead of writing plain christians,as there are ambiguities in my replies to lead people to get confused,i shall strive to be precise in my comments...
>>i never claimed to be a scholor. But you are spreading manure and hate. <<
Ok,i will change my writing style,if i have suggested such wrong messages of hate& manure being spread-i stand corrected.
>>again, fantastic imagination. Hindus don't worship brahma because he is the lord of creation. There is no need to worship him because by the time the world is destroyed by shiva we are all gone before the next world appears. Abraham is the anglicized root for the name of the father of semetic religions. Sarah is the same. Their hebrew names are totally different. It is just a coincidence that their anglicized names coincide with brahma and saraswathi. But to take this and spinning a whole story about these religions requires fantasy. And to apply it to today's world takes some serious seeing of 'visions'.<<
Hindus do worship Lord Brahmaa at Pushkar,India and one or two places in India.We chant Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheswaraha,Gurur Saakshaat Para-Brahma Tasmay Shri Gurave Namaha.....and what you say is incorrect.Some coincidence to have Goddess Saraswathi shortened to Sara and Lord Brahmhaa anagrammed to Abraham,ya right....there is nothing serious about my 'vision' my dear..though i have been adviced to visit the opthalomagist by my doctor..khe khe
>>i thought you are also an american citizen? As i said before, i would defend my adopted country's policy of protecting her self interest. When i became a citizen i raised my hand and took an oath to do exactly that. I also look out for the interests of my mother country and my indian brothers and sisters (hindus, muslims, christians, buddhists, jains etc. Etc.). <<
Today in my hearts of hearts,i consider myself a simple resident of Bhu-Loka,of course for legal purposes,my passport comes into play as per norms...then we concure about looking out for americans & indians,glad to have you on my camp.
>>the reason most of the western countries did not listen to india in the past was because we were aligned with ussr, while preaching non-alignment and morality to the world. A country's foreign policy should always be to protect it's interests. I do not think india's past foreign policy protected her interests. Our political leaders even today do not care about creating wealth for the masses and uplifting the poor. <<
USSR did stand by India,when USA(President Nixon=republican party) threatened to send seventh fleet to attack india on behalf of Pakistanis in 1971,but backed off,when USSR made similiar arrangement to send their naval fleet for INdia..Ya,with a population like india plus multi-religio-ethnic population,what our indian leaders have acheived is a miracle,compared to the total looting done in the last eight years here in usa,don't you think so?.
>>So, till recently with barely 4% of growth with a higher rate of population growth, it was not enough to make the country richer and therefore powerful. International policy playing arena and the friendship and alliances formed are on the basis of give and take. This is why a poor country, especially the one which preaches morality to the world is not listened to. Why india is now being listened to? It is because of her growth that will make her a counter weight against china, she is becoming a strategic country in the eyes of western powers and others.<<
...India is being listened to is becoz,islamic nuclear bomb is going to fall in usa and that fear is making people run helter skelter,like thunda kaanum thuniya kannum...
>>when india becomes wealthier, more and more nations will listen to her. Pakistanis understand this. That's the reason for attacking the financial center of mumbai recently. This is how the world works.<<
Don't you think that,First let Pakistan understand itself first.A child which kicks its mother in its womb has never prosperd in life.And Pakistan is kicking its mother=india, in its womb repeatedly with vicarious thrill & pleasure aided & abetted by whom?no rewards for guessing