Dear sir,
I do not agree with your view that brahmins provide intellectual justification for perpetuation of jathis. In Tamilnadu it is the so called upper castes or caste hindus that perpetuate casteism. These people even if they convert to other religion will not cast away caste. In fact it was brahmins that provided intellectual inputs for doing away with caste in soceity. Venkat
your first and last sentences and the rest of your message do not connect.
let us consider the rest of the message: i agree with you 100%. currently, the overt practices are still by caste hindus.
i think, though the brahmins also practice it. not so blatantly as the previous generations, but the concept of caste is ingrained deep in all of us, i think.
does it do any good, if we point our fingers at others, to absolve us of any responsibility?
which is where we come to the first and last sentence of your post:
the intellectual justification: i think, whether we like it or not, brahmins are deemed to be on top of the hierarchy of caste. this is a fact.
there were certain enlightened individuals from TB community, who called for reformation. but these calls were few and far between, and has not seeped through the density of our psyche.
we only have to look at our groupings, our marriage arrangements and our sense of identity. for most folks, i think, caste identitiy comes before religion, language.
once we accept this, we can start thinking about the righteousness of some of our inactions.
i say inactions, because, due to our weakened state in the affairs of tamil nadu, TBs, i think, are not in a position to blatantly practice the old 'ஒத்திப்போ' type of segregation in the name of madi or sudhham.
i think, we started to abjure these practices, not out of any intellectual enlightenment, but more out of fear of mockery or inability to enforce it. the latter became a reality, when the other castes refused to listen to our commands.
hierarchical supremacy is only valid if the folks below are willing to acknowledge our summitary position. now that we have lost that in the mind of the other tamil tribes, we might want to ponder, whether we sit back and watch the bloodletting or take some initiative.
why? because, i think, all of us, in our own way, care about our hindu heritage, our temples, our hymns, and above all, a feeling that it is good for tamil hinduism to thrive and prosper.
i think, it is in this context, that initiatives from each and every one of us, to do our little mite, towards to destruction, of what nara rightfully says, 'cancer' in our midst.
let those who convert to other religions, continue to practise casteism. we don't care. what we should and must care, is that, within our pan hindu tamil tribes, we as TBs should advocate, practice and take the lead on a personal level to remove this odious stigma to our civilization.
maybe we are not responsible now for the bad. would it be not great to be responsible now for the good?
we cannot depend on the so called leaders of the community, religious or otherwise to give us a lead in this matter. they are all bankrupt, i think, in ideas and vision.
as normal humans, experiencing day to day experiences, i think we can justify and be proud in doing some good for our community, in the long term.
we have had examples of grass roots participation before in reforms: independence movement, anti hindi agitation, women's education, mobility in search of greener pastures and above all, an open mind
i think, the worst of the alternatives, is to sit back smug, do nothing, and blame the current caste crisis on the other upper castes, and hide the stains from our blackened past in some gloves of self delusion. by such, we are not doing ourselves, our progeny, our religion, any good. atleast i think so.
let us do the right thing.
thank you.