Should a '.' appear after A?A Ramaswamy mudaliar and A Lakshmanaswamy mudaliar.
A Ramaswamy mudaliar and A Lakshmanaswamy mudaliar.
Dear Renukaji,
i have found the following:
1. Turban 2. Moustache.3.Tie. 4. coat.5.Nammam in forehead.6.Shirt collar.
Dear Sarang ji,
What is this? Are we supposed to spot the differences?LOL
There you go again, making fun of some body in exalted office. LOL
Dear Renu,........ I was commenting on the photo and not the persons..they look like twins with some differences here and there..........
Dear Sarang ji,
What is this? Are we supposed to spot the differences?LOL
Dear Renu,
Being a doctor, I thought you will know at least one of these famous persons. Here is the link:
The twin stars of Arcot
I still wonder why the photo is posted in this thread!! :noidea:
You are free to use your fertile imagination and verbal skills and instant responses to learn, investigate, or abuse (as some decadent souls do) to analyse these two towering personalities. At least one has a semblance of relation with what you do.
This year is the 150th birth anniversary of the two mudaliars; both served under the british and post freedom indian governments, were quite successful and influential and achievers. Bot became vice chancellors of universities. AL is a doctor by qualification and profession, and has authored a medical book. AR took to law and politics and was a member of the upper assembly for many terms.
The juicy part is, they were born in a traditional and devout vaishnavite vellalar family. AR has 'pazh' forehead, perhaps because he joined the justice party and tripped. AL, the doctor, stuck his family traditions and namam.
abuse (as some decadent souls do)
AL, the doctor, stuck his family traditions and namam.
AR has 'pazh' forehead, perhaps because he joined the justice party and tripped
Dear Sarang ji,
I wonder where was my post bordering to being:
All I said is spot the differences but you judged one of them.
Anyhow you did point out their differences in your post too.
See what you wrote..
LOL! Now who is being abusive?Ha Ha Ha.
What was in brackets does not apply to you or meant for you; I am sorry it got into the wrong place.
'pazh neththi' is a standard term used by orthodox vaishnavites when forehead is blank! It is not an abuse. In AR's case, it is an observation and deduction, nothing more. Observation, criticism and abuse are all different.
Dear Sarang ji,
I was talking about the word TRIPPED and not pazh neththi!LOL
I heard the story in 'Bhakthi thiruvizhA' which is telecast in one of the channels. There was a group of persons, long before the..... poochandi is not heard. ....
Dear Sarang ji,
I wonder where was my post bordering to being:
All I said is spot the differences but you judged one of them.
Anyhow you did point out their differences in your post too.
See what you wrote..
LOL! Now who is being abusive?Ha Ha Ha.
Did you not hear the dog whistle, it was a code word to the jalara party to attack. I suppose we should know that I have the distint honor. That is a term of endearment. LOLinvestigate, or abuse (as some decadent souls do)
I heard the story in 'Bhakthi thiruvizhA' which is telecast in one of the channels. There was a group of persons, long before the
rule of ChEra, Chozha, PAndiyAs and were against 'Saivites' and beheaded the persons who wore the vibhuthi. They also killed
the persons who talked to persons wearing vibhuthi. Some Andis who are paupers and do not care for their lives, joined together
to agitate against that group and they smeared the holy ash all over their bodies and roamed around, not fearing about getting
beheaded! They were known as poochchu + Andis (i.e) poochAndis. People were afraid to talk to them and locked themselves
inside their houses, with the fear of getting killed. They scared the children too by saying, "PoochAdi is coming... Don't go out".
That is how the word 'PoochchAndi' was coined. I am writing the story again for the benefit of those who can not read Tamil and
because this is relevant to this topic of this thread.
Trip is not abusive. 'By accident he /she got into the medical profession'; 'He tripped and got cured of the sprain'. Such usages are normal.None of the different meanings given in a dictionary call 'trip' abusive. I think you are confusing 'fallen' with 'tripped'. I do not know what will happen when a BOLD CAPITAL TRIP happens.
LOL for everything; when will it become ROFL? laughter club is seems to be very active. Whole body gets relaxed if the latter is done.
You have to remember since he was in the Judiciary any outward strong marks of identification might give an impression of partiality so I guess he wanted to remain neutral.