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What does a lord ask a devotee?

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Got this by email:

An imaginary situation, still a wonderful conversation !

A transcript I received has some useful reminders & insights !!

God : Hello. Did you call me?

Me : Called you? No.
Who is this?

God : This is GOD.
I heard your prayers.
So I thought I will chat.

Me : I do pray.
Just makes me feel good.
I am actually busy now.
I am in the midst of something.

God : What are you busy at?
Ants are busy too.

Me : Don't know, but I can't find free time.
Life has become like rush hour all the time.

God : Sure.
Activity gets you busy.
But productivity gets you results.
Activity consumes time.
Productivity frees it.

Me : I understand, but I still can't figure out.
By the way, I was not expecting YOU would call.

God : Well, I wanted to resolve your fight for time.
Give you some clarity.

Me : Tell me, why has life become complicated now ?

God : Stop analyzing life. Just lives it.
Analysis is what makes it complicated.

Me : Why are we then constantly unhappy ?

God : Your today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday.
You are worrying because you are analyzing.
Worrying has become your habit.
That's why you are not happy.

Me : But how can we not worry when there is so much uncertainty ?

God : Uncertainty is inevitable, but worrying is optional.

Me : But then, there is so much pain due to uncertainty...

God : Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.

Me : If suffering is optional, why do good people always suffer ?

God : Diamonds cannot be polished without friction.
Gold cannot be purified without fire.
Good people go through trials, but don't suffer.
With that experience their life becomes better,
not bitter.

Me : You mean to say such experience is useful ?

God : Yes.
In every term, Experience is a hard teacher.
She gives the test first and the lessons afterwards.

Me : But still, why should we go through such tests ?
Why can't we be free from problems ?

God : Problems are
P urposeful
R oadblocks
O ffering
B eneficial
L essons to
E nhance
M ental
S trength.

Inner strength comes from struggle and endurance,
not when you are free from problems.

Me : Frankly in the midst of so many problems,
we don't know where we are heading...

God : If you look outside you will not know where you are heading.
Look inside.
Looking outside, you dream.
Looking inside, you awaken.
Eyes provide sight.
Heart provides insight.

Me : Sometimes not succeeding fast seems to
hurt more than moving in the right direction.
What should I do ?

God : Success is a measure as decided by others.
Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you.
Knowing the road ahead is more satisfying
than knowing you rode ahead.
You work with the compass.
Let others work with the clock.

Me : In tough times, how do you stay motivated ?

God : Always look at how far you have come rather
than how far you have to go.
Always count your blessings,
not what you are missing.

Me : What surprises you about people ?

God : When they suffer they ask, "why me?"
When they prosper, they never ask "Why me?"
Everyone wishes to have truth on their side,
but few want to be on the side of the truth.

Me : Sometimes I ask, who am I, why am I here.
I can't get the answer.

God : Seek not to find who you are,
but to determine who you want to be.
Stop looking for a purpose as to why you are here.
Create it.
Life is not a process of discovery,
but a process of creation.

Me : How can I get the best out of life ?

God : Face your past without regret.
Handle your present with confidence.
Prepare for the future without fear.

Me : One last question.
Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.

God : There are no unanswered prayers.
At times the answer is NO.

Me : Thank you for this wonderful chat.
I am so happy to start the New Day
with a new sense of inspiration.

God : Well.
Keep the faith and drop the fear.
Don't believe your doubts and doubt your beliefs.
Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve.
Trust me.
Life is wonderful if you know how to live.

Hello ,as stated its the faith had holds your hand and takes you to long run .as VR Mam ,stated in post13,17 total surrender ,is what required .mam but as you said we have to be wiser,OMG thats the tricky point and twisty position ,head weight ,chin up peoples say its all happening ,but one day they will understand the power of almighty. yes ,as DR.Renu stated in 26 ,mantras has immense of power ,its only that when we feel, that too on bottle neck situation ,when we cant pre-anticipate . My clinic is with all highly equipped infra-structures ,were I go with my medical science ,but ,I,daily pray god before I start my daily practice,cos we deal with live human ,we take up the responsilbility ,few patients do not disclose their pre-medical history,which can be contraindicated ,for examlpe-1-the basic ORAL PROPHYLAXSIS ie scaling ,done by my ULTRA SONIC peizo unit ,person with pace makers are highly risky,even though I ask for medical history prior. 2- surgery ,we cant predict the out come ,ie time ,bleeding period ,if anxious person he may go in for faint.3. This is my own experience in my clinic ,on surgical extraction as stated for 45 minutes ,for lower wisdom tooth which is always tricky ,it just got finished in 15 minutes with sutures.4. I visit my friend clinic also once it was really a unexpected condition for my DR friend ,usually upper teeth will be extracted maxium of 5-8 mts with all procedure ,but he landed with 45minutes as it was broken into pieces .certain conditions in medical field a doctor cannot predict .finally what i tend to say is trust yourself ,trust 100% your almighty.,you can see wonders in your life.
Dr. Narayani ur right 1 of my very close frd is dentist & sometimes he tells me about his experience. His clinic is also fully equipped with latest machines .He is even having satellec RVG & using endomotor for R.C.T . He also tells me that b4 doing all difficult impactions he always pray to god.
Where were you all these days??
I almost thought you had quit for
want of well matched opponents!!!:rolleyes:

Dr. Narayani ur right 1 of my very close frd is dentist & sometimes he tells me about his experience. His clinic is also fully equipped with latest machines .He is even having satellec RVG & using endomotor for R.C.T . He also tells me that b4 doing all difficult impactions he always pray to god.
God does not ask nor have we to give him anything. "Tera tujhko arpann, kya laage mera". But we give or offer to god as he would not take it. Hence we try to distribute amongst ourselves as prasad. Thus the giving habit is developed. And that I think, is welcome.
God never asks us for anything!
What is there that HE does not have
but we have and
that we have to give HIM?
Total surrender will free man of all his unnecessary worries.
If we have something which can be offered to God,
it can only be our mischievous troublesome MIND!
That is the ONLY thing God does not possess
but we all have, one/more for each of us, for sure.
dear VR !
let us not be over enthu.when we describe HIM with our perception ,it leads to unneccessary counter question.
What is there that HE does not have is contracted by your own word
our mischievous troublesome MIND!
That is the ONLY thing God does not possess
dear VR !
let us not be over enthu.when we describe HIM with our perception ,it leads to unneccessary counter question.
What is there that HE does not have is contracted by your own word
our mischievous troublesome MIND!
That is the ONLY thing God does not possess

I am still bothered by the cosmic question as to why he gave us "mischievous and troublesome mind". He could have created a trouble-free and clean mind if He wanted, right? Pl don't tell me he did so because he wants us to think about him all the time and so he gave us all the troubles too. As some one said earlier he also says "NO' to our prayers. If "no" is a possible answer it is like your chances are 50% for a successful prayer quest. That is what I call random event (flip of a coin).

I refer to post # 51. I have no faith in God. Trust doesn't even need be considered when I don't evven have faith. But does God believe in me?


Dear Raghy,

From your posts in forum I know you have FAITH in YOURSELF.
That alone is enough for SELF =GOD.

Your question "But does God believe in me?" shows that you are still looking for an answer.
It's just that you haven't formed the questions yet.

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I am still bothered by the cosmic question as to why he gave us "mischievous and troublesome mind".

There is a Sanskrit saying that goes..

First of all it's a Monkey,Secondly it is made to drink alcohol,
then it is bitten by a scorpion and above all it's possessed by a Goblin.
So anything can happen next!!

So my dear Mahakavi..everything is our own doing.Mind at rest is as calm as a sea without waves.
As long we remain unsteady like a monkey anything can happen,
So technically God only gave us a mind but we made a monkey out of it.
Firstly,I am not reading the thread completely due to time constraints..
But my Summary goes with the following
GOD doesn't seek anything except for the real love, contant thought & sincere action to discharge everday duties.It is an unsaid statement to every human to take care of the every life in this universerve to what ever extent it is possible.Any further offerings to the lord is one's own wish to satisy ourselves & some may be part of the custom & rituals which has some significance.
I heard one guru saying recently, people don't know what to do when they visit temple..so they do all sorts of things!!..ideally temple is a public charging stations where one can get lot of + ve energies...I will start a new thread on the temple effects.Thanks.
The title of the thread kindled my brain cells and the result is…..

Nominee is the recipient of nomination
Payee is the recipient of payment
Lessee is the recipient of lease

This follows that a devotee should be the recipient of devotion.

To look at it the other way round,

One who gives donation is a donor
One who makes a payment is called payer
One who gives a lease is called a lessor

So, a person who gives devotion (to God) should be called a devoter.

What say you?:eyebrows:
The title of the thread kindled my brain cells and the result is…..

Nominee is the recipient of nomination
Payee is the recipient of payment
Lessee is the recipient of lease

This follows that a devotee should be the recipient of devotion.

To look at it the other way round,

One who gives donation is a donor
One who makes a payment is called payer
One who gives a lease is called a lessor

So, a person who gives devotion (to God) should be called a devoter.

What say you?:eyebrows:

Well, whoever said the English language is always rational?
I would also suggest one who is devoted should be called devourer, that is one who is engrossed completely on the target. An expression "devouring a book" comes to mind. A devourer in that sense is one who consumes the object of his devotion such as feasting on the target (god) with his eyes and mind. கண்ணாலும் மனத்தாலும் விழுங்குதல்

By the same logic, the recipient of devotion (god) should be called devotee if the giver of devotion (man) is called devoter---right?
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